PotChimp's Side Projects

Here's another GDP coming up :) No purple yet:


SLH x Blueberry (non-purple pheno):

Nice Brotha Pc co2 oil been around for awhile its a more expensive machine and almost like a closed circuit bho system buyt has to hold more pressure
im on the fence about greenhouse seeds
I grew more than a couple of their strains and
the plant looks nice and all but it never seems to be as advertised
I got great looking plant just was never the best smoke
theres other companies that make seeds that are as good as
the little notes on it
You must have got a good pheno I think I got the same one both times. What's the technical name for the thing you buy to make rosin? And the thing you were talking about that uses CO2?

this is the buck x bid bd x gdp seems like a good phenol
to make rosin you need a heat press some people use t-shirt press or a flat iron like a hair straightener
get one with actual temp readings
and the Co2 oil is an extraction process like bho but unlike bho the equipment to process it is very expesive
and it uses Co2 to extract as opposed to butane
flat iron uses heat to extract so the 2 cleanest processes of extraction would be Co2 or heat pressing
Co2 unfortunately strips certain terpenes so it all taste the same
Heat pressing does not do that and you do not lose the taste
Barneys... Their pineapple chunk was a real let down.

See now I ran a Pineapple Chunk for over a year that was pretty nice! I had a LSD that was a dud and ran two Liberty Haze's, one of which was pretty decent. Never ran anything from GHS but it's funny because I was just looking through what I have to figure out what I want next. :) Might ask your opinion if ya don't mind Pot Chimp, I think I have it narrowed down to like 20 or so but, GHS and BF show up in the list... :laughtwo:
Great looking plants my friend:circle-of-love:

Thanks man and welcome :)

See now I ran a Pineapple Chunk for over a year that was pretty nice! I had a LSD that was a dud and ran two Liberty Haze's, one of which was pretty decent. Never ran anything from GHS but it's funny because I was just looking through what I have to figure out what I want next. :) Might ask your opinion if ya don't mind Pot Chimp, I think I have it narrowed down to like 20 or so but, GHS and BF show up in the list... :laughtwo:

I've been curious about AMS and The Church from GHS. I like Medical Seeds too (everything I've done of theirs is good and grows well, and I want to do Jack La Mota again). After 2 of BF's Ellis D's, doing TD twice and not liking the second run, and AG not living up to the old legend strain stories I'm hesitant to do them again (I've got LH and PC too as well as a few others).
Richard Richardson posted a link for the people who was locked out something about expired email
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