PotChimp's Side Projects

I LST'ed this GDP clone after I took 4 cuttings from it:


Now I've got 4 cuttings in soil and 4 in water. If one takes (which I'm certain it will), cool and if they all take I'll do a whole grow of it now that mold season is coming to an end.
SLH x Blueberry (non-purple pheno):


SLH x Blueberry (purple pheno):


GDP (more temp dependent on the purps than I thought previously?):


I'll start RO watering it early to nute starve it towards the end that should help bring the color out. :thumb:
Maybe use some molasses in the last watering too..... :yummy:
beautiful in here... I wish mold season was over :straightface:
The Grand Daddy may not be purple but it is beautifully frosty. Looks delish, Chimp!

It's starting to purp up more now I got me a clone of that better looking Ak47 going now too! :)

beautiful in here... I wish mold season was over :straightface:

Thanks man good to hear from you. I've got a lot more control over it indoors, though.
Notes: I got some strain called Hippie Killer (Love Potion 1.1 x Brazilian Indica) I'm going to do the next time I have an opening to start a new grow. It should be within a month, but I have a bunch of clones going on. If they're too big, I'm going to start them first (GDP clones).
Wow we got a puppy a few weeks ago she was laying on the carpet rolling around on her back and the ring from her collar tag caught one of the loops in the carpet (I think the type of carpet is called berber or something like that) she panicked when she couldn't get up and when she jumped up the loop of yarn from the carpet was still caught it unravelled she took off running out the back door I couldn't even get a "Huh?" out by the time it all happened that strand of carpet yarn must have gone twenty-five feet long before it broke there's a big gap in the carpet I was laughing my a$$ off at my girlfriend too she should have known better I'm down in the basement for a while again though laughed too long I guess. Or too hard..... :straightface:
I'll post a pic of the pup as soon as she chews up the contents of one of my grow tents so that way the pic will be subject related :)
Wow we got a puppy a few weeks ago she was laying on the carpet rolling around on her back and the ring from her collar tag caught one of the loops in the carpet (I think the type of carpet is called berber or something like that) she panicked when she couldn't get up and when she jumped up the loop of yarn from the carpet was still caught it unravelled she took off running out the back door I couldn't even get a "Huh?" out by the time it all happened that strand of carpet yarn must have gone twenty-five feet long before it broke there's a big gap in the carpet I was laughing my a$$ off at my girlfriend too she should have known better I'm down in the basement for a while again though laughed too long I guess. Or too hard..... :straightface:
I'll post a pic of the pup as soon as she chews up the contents of one of my grow tents so that way the pic will be subject related :)

I use to install carpet for a living, as soon as you said it snagged and it was berber, I knew what the rest was! Oh man, that's funny but sorry! I use to pull on those strings on purpose to mark my cut lines. That Hippie Killer sounds pretty cool! :)
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