PotChimp's Side Projects

You too!
GDP again (I'm gonna take it out and put it under a cool white fluorescent light for pics the next time I can't even tell exactly how purple it is under the HPS):


It's still poppin' white hairs, so it's got a week or so.
Yeah right a week or so..... :straightface:
After getting this GDP out in the light, I realize that there's only a few small spots on the plant that are putting out hairs still; the rest of the plant is 100% brown hairs:


It's RO water from here on out for it. I fed with 1 Tbsp. molasses/gallon the last 2 times too! :yummy:
cool Brotha maui wowie lol
funny I never tried it if I did I never knew what it was
I did come across some Alaskan bud in the early 90's
guy said strain was from Hawaii I believed him because I tasted that taste before
but this one was just better
first joint I ever smoked where the resin didn't overcome the taste of the weed till the end of the joint
Ima off the last two Maui Wauis tomorrow :) yeah it is funny.
I finally put the 4" carbon filter setup in my 3' x 3' 600 watt HPS grow tent. I put a 6" flex duct out of the bottom of that tent and going into the top of my 2' x 3' 400 watt HPS grow closet. Then I put another 6" flex duct going out of the bottom of that 2' x 3' grow closet and ran it to my 400 watt 2-1/2' x 2-1/2' grow tent. And finally I ran a 4" flex duct out of the bottom of the 2-1/2' x 2-1/2' grow tent for a passive intake, putting all 3 grow units in line with the same carbon filter and giving them all airflow. I'm going to run two other 4" flex ducts, one from the top of the 2' x 3' grow closet to the top of the 2-1/2' x 2-1/2' grow tent (to increase air pull to the farthest tent), and one to another 200 watt CFL 2' x 3' grow closet, filtering and giving airflow to that grow unit also. I'll get pics up tomorrow after I chop my other two Maui Wauis. :tokin:
Success! :tokin: Heat in both tents 81.5 degrees F and humidity 45% and 41%. You can see in the first pic from left to right how the heat progressively hurt the plants (the greenest one just got put in, the one in the middle has been in a while, and the one on the left has been in almost the whole bloom time) left - Exodus Cheese, middle - GDP x Thai Stick, right - 1024:


Same progression here. left side back - Chemdawg D BX3, right side back - GDP, front left - Pineapple Express (just got put in):


I put an Exodus Cheese in there today too..... :lot-o-toke:
Well the first post I read got me smiling and subsequent posts made me drool!! Dang! I gotta go see some Wowie from Maui :cheesygrinsmiley: ... it is funny CHH never tried it! Glad to see everything is doing great, no, f'ing awesome!
Holding the same temps and rH here's a pic from the 400 watt closet:


Medical Seeds - 1024:


I'll get a pic up of the one I'm looking forward to the most here soon (it's the GDP x Thai Stick in the middle). I've seen the 1024 and Exodus Cheese bloomed out before. Here's a pic from the 400 watt tent:


G13 Labs - Pineapple Express:

Thanks good to hear from you hope you're feeling better but don't let CHH fool you he's holdin' Oahu Yahoo seeds and won't let us have any! ;)


ok on another note plants are looking good
I'm sure well be seeing some very frosty looking buds soon :thumb:
That Chemdawg D BX3 clone is the last thing I'll be chopping for a few weeks yet. My Zamal Reunion plant is coming down after that, but even after a bad grow it's still mostly white hairs at 11 weeks and 2 days of bloom cycle. Here's a few of the plants that are coming up. I pollinated one of my Grand Daddy Purple clones with Thai Stick pollen and here's one of the f1 offspring:


Needs feeding I know. It's still wet from the transplant (the next one is too), but I'll feed as soon as I can. Here's a Medical Seeds 1024 in bloom:


This is the last of the plants that got the excessive heat in this closet (Greenhouse Seed Co. Exodus Cheese):


I think it will pull out nicely.
I need to adjust that air filtration system I put in because I'm using the 3' x 3' tent as a plenum, and it's pulling the sides in hard. I'll make a plenum out of an old kitchen cabinet I have and cut 4 separate holes in the side for individual runs to each unit. Later I can put adjustment dampers on each air input to control airflow to each unit, thereby being able to assist in controlling temps separately.
I just smoked a blunt of Mekong High and it didn't make me Kong or make me high either so I rolled me another blunt of the first Zamal Reunion plant I chopped (hermie) and after smoking about a third of it I'm happy to report that I am starting to feel the effects of a good marijuana buzz. Back to you, Jay! :xmas:
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