PotChimp's Side Projects

Meh..... :straightface:


Here it is just before it got chopped down:

Busy Summer Buckshot :) The chimpmobile's down and I'm buried in yardwork. But I'm building me up a decent stash!

Cool... and not so cool. The vehicle being down blows. Yard work is very satisfying, when you are done :cheesygrinsmiley: and a nice stash, priceless!!
You should try a few pics of it in a sunbeam, or outside - might bring out more of the color. I've always gotten my best lighting from natural sunlight. It makes nice shadows for one thing, and then you can fool around with flash for front fill and trich lighting, etc.
This main cola on my Super Lemon Haze x DJ Short's Blueberry did the same thing (I took a pic of both sides of it):


As soon as it dried, the purple it had browned up but it's mostly in the leaves. I noticed that with these GDP chops; the trim is purple when it's dry but the buds are brownish.
My purple Panama shows brownish, too - same thing with that magenta Destroyer. And I do a hot/cold wash so I should fix color that way. Dunno ...


But seriously, you have a couple strong NOTM contenders if you can get better pics! :thumb:
:hmmmm: let me look at that a little closer. When I say that to the grandkids they hide their candy cause they know if it actually does get closer I am going to nab it.

You have seen a picture of the most potent weed I have ever smoked... brown as brown can be and blew my head off

I agree with graytail. I shoot natural light, combo of natural and flash and flash with 0 natural and pick the best. I know you don't like my editing but I think a little would go a long way
Thanks man I'm putting another GDP clone and a Critical Jack plant in the dark tonight, and chopping them in a day or two. I'll have a few more pics then. My clones are taking, and after I get them repotted I'm gonna get some pics of them. I'll make a list of whatever miscellaneous plants I have going on, then get pics of them all up.
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