PotChimp's Side Projects

I have seen that before... I will have to test that theory.

Football players are prepared to take a swift shot to the nuts as they are wearing protective gear to minimize the impact. :cheesygrinsmiley:

My first test of that theory - posted 4-23-15 on my Chemdawg D BX 3 journal (concerning the start of my C4DD grow):

By a cool tip I read on Graytail's thread, I looked at the seeds before I put them in the wet paper towel to see the ends. If that tip's correct, then there will be an even amount of male and female plants (5 and 5, with two of the females being iffy). I should get at least 3 females to work with. Post pics when they pop the soil!

Those plants (after 6 weeks veg from seed and only 6 days of 11.5/12.5) are showing sex as of today, and there are 6 females and 4 males confirmed. The next reg grow I do is going to be another SLH x DJ Short's Blueberry grow (10 seeds) and since I have enough seeds to do it, I'm going to pick five of each look, mark the predictions, and tag the pots to see if it is accurate again. :thumb:

I looked it up and the reason that particular type of protective gear was invented is because the first center in football had really long arms he hiked the ball right into the quarterback's nads hut one, hut two, OOF!!!!! :tokin:
My first test of that theory - posted 4-23-15 on my Chemdawg D BX 3 journal (concerning the start of my C4DD grow):

By a cool tip I read on Graytail's thread, I looked at the seeds before I put them in the wet paper towel to see the ends. If that tip's correct, then there will be an even amount of male and female plants (5 and 5, with two of the females being iffy). I should get at least 3 females to work with. Post pics when they pop the soil!

Those plants (after 6 weeks veg from seed and only 6 days of 11.5/12.5) are showing sex as of today, and there are 6 females and 4 males confirmed. The next reg grow I do is going to be another SLH x DJ Short's Blueberry grow (10 seeds) and since I have enough seeds to do it, I'm going to pick five of each look, mark the predictions, and tag the pots to see if it is accurate again. :thumb:

I looked it up and the reason that particular type of protective gear was invented is because the first center in football had really long arms he hiked the ball right into the quarterback's nads hut one, hut two, OOF!!!!! :tokin:

Interesting... next time I will try.

What, was it a chimp center? :cheesygrinsmiley:
He was a Gibbon :tokin:



Another GDP:


Blue Dream:


Damn Chimp, you are dialed in and have really awesome images to go with.
Thanks everybody yeah I've been cloning that GDP from a previous clone for a while now probably about 2 years. I've got two small cuttings of it just starting to take, one clone in flower getting pollinated by a Thai Stick male, and these two in flower. I also S1'ed it last year, but the seeds have about a 50% germ rate due to early harvest (grey mold). I'm gonna S2 it this year too; that should lock it in to my collection! :)
Can't get enough of this GDP even purps up when it's warm :)


Here's the other one:


Blue Dream:


Note: My toilet seat broke today my hat doesn't even really have a function but they made it stronger than that toilet seat I sit on my a$$ a lot more than I use my head these days too so I wish they would have thought that out more I saw a toilet today that squirts water you can turn around and get you a drink but I didn't try it with my luck I'd get hit right in the lips with a deuce..... :straightface:
Note: My toilet seat broke today my hat doesn't even really have a function but they made it stronger than that toilet seat I sit on my a$$ a lot more than I use my head these days too so I wish they would have thought that out more I saw a toilet today that squirts water you can turn around and get you a drink but I didn't try it with my luck I'd get hit right in the lips with a deuce..... :straightface:

totally cracking up :rofl:

... I have a pair of falcons hunting in unison in the yard, it is intense
That'd be cool the hawk hasn't been here around in a few days but the squirrels are having a convention. All those seeds and the birds are still eating all my cherries the chipmunks chow down every strawberry that turns red so giving them food to keep them away from your food doesn't work it just attracts more of them. :straightface:
Here's the latest addition to my odds and ends I'm not sure but I think I'll flower it like it is (after tying all 4 branches down to LST it). This is a reveg of that SLH x DJ Short's Blueberry cross f1 seed I grew that took forever to finish and looked like a hand flipping me off at the top :)


I'll try to get some clone pics up soon.
This is a reveg of that SLH x DJ Short's Blueberry cross f1 seed I grew that took forever to finish and looked like a hand flipping me off at the top :)


She is flipping you off cause you ignored the "do not resuscitate" card hung around her neck! :cheesygrinsmiley:
I wonder how squirrels can eat so much... it is amazing
I'll get a pic of this in a better light before I chop it, but once again I'm at that point where I decide if I want to reveg the Blue Dream. I've got a few more seeds of it, so it's probably going to go; I like the nugs, the yield, and the frostiness, but it ain't got enough hair on its a$$..... :straightface:


While we're on the subject of a$$es I got me a new toilet seat the other day :thumb:
I wanted to wait until payday but one too many flying Wallennduh one cheek balancing acts on that broken toilet seat left me laying sideways with my face pressed against the wall the wipe part of my routine went off without a hitch but when I did the extended lean to drop the teepee the other plastic nut gave and down I went :( they had one with a lighted seat but they don't make the fuzzy ones anymore I got one that somebody from that show what's it called America's fattest loser or something like that well they could sit on this thing and it wouldn't even break it's a good'n :) here's those two GDPs:

Front lower left - a GDP x GDP cross I did myself and grew from a seed then revegged the plant; front lower right - a GDP clone I'm growing in a pot of FF Happy Frog that a White S1 plant was previously grown in (the rest of the plants in this pic are from my my Zamal Reunion and Maui Waui grows):

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