PotChimp's Side Projects

Once more on these :)



Blue Dream:

Thanks Mono I've got more going on as far as side projects they're just too small or the cuttings aren't going yet. I may lose my Purple Maroc reveg and my dumb a$$ decided to kill the Raspberry Cough reveg 'cause I had another seed the weed is just a hair better than most of what I have stashed away I probably won't get that again from the other seed.
You guys were right getting better bird food attracts more of the colorful birds :)
I got my first greckle the other day, though :(
I did get a woodpecker here too (I bought him/her a suet cake when I saw) :)
But there's still $hitbirds coming around :(
They all took off fast yesterday and you were right Buckshot a hawk buzzed the yard after a dove but it missed :)
Squirrels and chipmunks are everywhere :(
but it sounds nice at night with the songbirds :)
until the one that decided it would be a good idea to build a nest right next to where I relax at night goes, GAKK!!!!!-AKK-AKK-AKK!!!!!-(dialed the fax number by mistake)-(dialed the fax number by mistake)-ptoo, ptoo..... :(
Chipmunks are easy - squirrels are a serious match for human ingenuity. :straightface: They do this for a living, after all.

You gotta get one of those large upside-down dish things that mount on the pole - that'll stop the squirrels and it's great amusement watching them until they finally try another way. :cheesygrinsmiley: Chipmunks give up immediately and settle for vacuuming up everything on the ground and hauling it away. :laughtwo: Squirrels never give up. They'll jump from the trees, a roof, anything to get to that sunflower seed. We were on the edge of a bluff with the feeder mounted at the edge, so if you jumped from the roof and missed the feeder it was a long ski-jump sorta ride down the bluff. We had a squirrel that could land that jump every time, his back feet turning to hook the edge like a jet landing on a carrier. Bam! That entire feeder and pole would would sway from the impact. We'd look up and there he'd be, munching away as the feeder slowly stopped swaying. We eventually just left him in peace - the little rodent deserved it. :bravo:
Cool! plants are looking great, more birds and you got a hawk... cool!

GDP looks dense and tasty. I only got one of three GDP seeds to come up, same as last time. I hope it is not a male this time too
I got a bunch of birds trying to attack the woodpecker every time it tries to get into its hole too..... :(
goo-gull "woodpecker predators" I guess.

I did that and checked "images" .... the green snake shot is awesome. That totally sucks for woody.

I am looking at that seedling and trying to mentally influence it to become a girl :cheesygrinsmiley: ... I justify to it that it is OK to be a girl cause all these others can be a male :cheesygrinsmiley:... I gave it the best spot...

you know it is going to be a total male :straightface:
I saw something cool as Hell on Graytail's thread, Buckshot. To shorten the info, magnify and look at the end of the seed that attaches to the plant. If it has a crater (an "innie"' so to speak) it's a female, and if it doesn't it's either a male or a hermie.
If you see a stoned chimp throwing a dog toy at birds bothering a woodpecker online when you look that up again, don't be surprised if he pulls a weed and hits himself in the 'nads with it too! :(

I wonder if an overzealous center in the game of football ever did that to himself. Hut one, hut two..... OOF!!!!! :tokin:
I saw something cool as Hell on Graytail's thread, Buckshot. To shorten the info, magnify and look at the end of the seed that attaches to the plant. If it has a crater (an "innie"' so to speak) it's a female, and if it doesn't it's either a male or a hermie.
If you see a stoned chimp throwing a dog toy at birds bothering a woodpecker online when you look that up again, don't be surprised if he pulls a weed and hits himself in the 'nads with it too! :(

I wonder if an overzealous center in the game of football ever did that to himself. Hut one, hut two..... OOF!!!!! :tokin:

I have seen that before... I will have to test that theory.

Football players are prepared to take a swift shot to the nuts as they are wearing protective gear to minimize the impact. :cheesygrinsmiley:

We used to get an awful lot of birds visit us, granted we live very remote. Strange thing was when we allowed our hens to go free range, the wild bird numbers slowly declined. And the cats spent more time inside...

That blue dream is a stunner :)

Why do you suppose that is Mono? ...
I don't know about chickens it's probably because they eat everything even pebbles maybe the other birds know that the area's slim pickin's for food. :)
They told me at a butchering class I took if you have buzzards killing your young livestock kill one of them and hang it from a tree the rest'll split..... :straightface:
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