PotChimp's Side Projects

My wine and girlfriend will both drift off with the other half of the Earth and my heart will be broken because I will forever have to part ways with my beloved wine..... :(

Sung to the tune of "Vera" by Pink Floyd - Vino, vino, what has become of you?

Here's my Blue Dream plant:


A GDP plant too:


Third time I used the roots on that reveg, but haven't changed or added dirt once; I'm ending it this time, poor thing! :)
Notes: I've got so much going on I need to put it all in one place for now :)

1) My smallest wattage unit has revegs and two clones that are close to ready for flowering (2 weeks?). I don't need to rotate anything there, but I'll be adding a reveg and taking one or two out also.

2) I've got two plants that I'll be taking out of a 400 watt flowering unit within a week, and all 4 plants in my Thai Stick grow will be going in that unit then.

3) The Thai Stick unit is going to be empty after that so I'll be putting my ten C4DD seedlings in it.

4) My C4DD unit will be empty then, so I'll start my SLH x DJ Short's Blueberry (10) plant (and possible breeding project) grow then. Later if I decide to breed this, I'll keep the parents in here, cull the males, and flower out the remaining females.

5) As soon as the last plant in my crosses grow is out and a few clones too (maybe 3 more weeks) I'll put the Thai Stick grow under the 600 watt HPS.

6) Within 3-4 weeks both of my 400 watt HPS units should be cleared of all but a few clones,and at that point I'll decide if I need to start more plants (which I most likely will being the pothead that I am). ;)

7) I haven't emptied the water in my bong for months now I went to smoke some hash with it today and realized I created a new strain of sea monkeys! :thumb:
Got me another skin on pork belly this week and it's in the 'fridge salt curing now :) Half's gonna be pancetta and half's gonna be a fat bacon slab, 'cause I don't know if you ever heard this or not but us PotChimp's love bacon!
I've got that White S1 clone that's been in the dark for close to a week and it smells skunky, so it helped that one a lot. I put that Blue Dream in the dark the other night, and the Purple Maroc will be going in the dark in a few days. I think I'll just let fate decide on the White S1; I'll put it in to reveg and if it takes I'll keep it. If the pot's not good this second time I've grown it I'll just toss the reveg. Post more pics soon.
I chopped my White S1 clone today :) It smells good after all this time in the dark, but I didn't get much:


I got about that much trim, too. Too many lower branches left on the plant, and the nugs didn't get big because there were too many because of it. It's looking like the Blue Dream clone is next on the chopping block come Monday! :)
Every time I want to put the boot to this Blue Dream's a$$ 'cause of the good-but-not-great buzz it tosses a yield at me! :straightface:


There's got to be over 2 oz. including the trim and lower buds, and it was mostly put to the side in order for me to decide whether to keep it or not. I hope the buzz is better now that I grew it better if not I'll have to decide:


Man, you got harvests comin' outta yer ass, doncha!

(Well, not literally we hope ...)

Spectacular Blue Dream! :thumb:
Thanks Graytail the one that looks like it's flipping me off is getting the chop tomorrow :tokin: I was gonna put the Purple Maroc in the dark but it's putting out more hairs I'll be putting a GDP clone in soon too. Less than a week and it's 2 LA Confidentials, a Pineapple Express, a Raspberry Cough! Oops forgot about the Tora Bora, Ultimate, and 1024!

They're goin' into my lungs a lot quicker than they're comin' outta my a$$ though; sorry 'bout the gross visual..... :straightface:
Thanks Graytail. I took two clones from a clone of that GDP this morning, just before I put the donor mother into flower. That's three clones I have in two stages of flowering now, so in the event (likely, I'm sorry to say) that all my Thai Stick plants are male, I'll have something to shake the pollen over before I collect the rest of it to use on my Chem D project. Dang..... :straightface:
Nice day to fill a jar :tokin:
If I get time today, I'll post pics and weights. I did weigh the Blue Dream, and got 1-1/4 oz.; I'm guessing the White S1 I jarred up was between 1/4 and 1/2 oz. The second SLH x Blueberry looks to be about 1 oz., I just put probably 1-1/4 to 1-1/2 oz. of Raspberry Cough on the drying rack, and that tall SLH x Blueberry I grew is about 1-2 days away from dry (estimated 1 oz.). Got a Veneno 2 days from jar (1/2 oz.).

Chop, dry, jar up, chop, dry, jar up, toke, smoke, choke, toke, smoke, choke; $hit's hard on a chimp..... :straightface:

Oh, gonna put that GDP in the dark for chop tomorrow night too, and probably the Purple Maroc with it. Post pics soon.
WTF with the yields? :hmmmm:

These were smaller than I thought, eh? :straightface:
WTF with the yields? :hmmmm:

These were smaller than I thought, eh? :straightface:

Too small! :straightface: But then again, I've got two gallon freezer bags half packed with trim and lower buds; I don't even weigh that stuff.
Remember that GDP reveg I almost lost but a small piece of it came back? Here it is after I took the clones from it, grew it out some, and flowered it again :)


Here it is after I chopped it:


It's GDP :thumb: so I trimmed up every nug, even the tiny ones. Because of doing that, I think I'm gonna get close to an oz. from it. I got three more GDPs coming up right now (back left side is a Blue Dream):



Blue Dream:


One GDP's going in with a Thai Stick male (hopefully a Thai Stick female will be too). Post more pics soon.
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