PotChimp's Side Projects

No, I haven't. I tried to read a wikkipeedeeyuh article that summarized it in a condensed version just now, only to realize the story is much too deep; much too complex to do so. Like understanding Rael in "The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway".

Not everyone can get into it. Given your taste in music I am guessing you might... then the rest of the books. Somewhere I have a sealed first edition of one of them :cheesygrinsmiley:
If I had to compare my present state of affairs to a character in one of the great novels, I'd say I'm Linus from the Peanuts leaning on the brick wall of life getting philosophical.

Sydney or the Bush, Charlie Brown! ;)

If you need me, I'll be outside waiting for the Great Pumpkin.....
He's gotta be somewhere in here.....


This Free Tibet says in the ad that it's a 9 week strain, which would give it two weeks yet. The hairs don't ever seem to get brown enough until 10 or 11 weeks, though:


It's blurry, but here's the other Free Tibet clone starting out good and healthy:


I'm afraid the nodes on this 818 Headband x GDP are looking male :(


I can't see the sex on the other one yet, but the striped main stem is looking familiar :yummy:


And the pattern on the leaves of this overwatered OG Raskal White S1 is too cool! :)


It's starting to show hairs, too. I can't wait to see what it flowers out to look like.
that second shot is awesome... :cheesygrinsmiley: tasty too
Man the kids around this neighborhood need to develop some bad habits ;) I got candy cigarettes, bubble gum gigarettes, bubble gum cigars, and wax mustaches to give out for Halloween I couldn't find those temporary tattoos I used to lick and put on my arm when I was a kid or I would have got them too..... :straightface:
Notes to the Chimp: Tumble some more kief tomorrow use the mother rejects in the breeding project.
I'll take a pic tomorrow, but the first 818 Headband x GDP is a male. I hate to say it, but the second one looks male too. :( I think I'm going to use the soil in the first one's grow bag to transplant my White S1 plant into. The 2 gallon pot it's in now is just a bit too small.
Both Free Tibet clones are looking good; I should get me a clone off one of them. I may have to tie branches to bamboo stakes on the plant closest to chop.
I need to get my last GDP clone into flower soon; I should try to take another clone off it too :)
Oh, and the White S1 clone I took by using the top is taking off but it'll be a few weeks before it's big enough to put under 12/12. Maybe I'll top it again and get me another clone :)
Man that looks tasty... Thanks for the words.
Top of the White S1:


The GDP clone I'm not sure what to do with yet. I should clone the whole thing and off it :straightface:


Can't believe how long it took for this to happen but hey, at least I can feed it now and get these shoots going (Pre '98 Bubba Kush S1 clone):


The Free Tibet clone closest to chop is getting a clubheaded look to the colas like my first plant of it did; I'll try to get pics tonight. The second clone of it is the best looking plant I've done in a year, but it's the first time since then I've gone by the book; just SSM#4 and FF.
I transplanted the White S1 plant into a 3 gallon smart pot last night (rootbound). It's starting to show hairs all over; hope the transplant doesn't screw up flowering.
I'm still waiting to see what sex the other 818GDP cross is (should name that $hit "Bandaddy") and hoping for the best. Post more pics soon.....
If those are your pic ogglin' glasses, you put 'em on just in time :)

Free Tibet (if it chopped at the breeder's flowering time of 9 weeks, it'd have 8 days left):


I'm going to take a few lower branches off of this other Free Tibet clone to get the colas fat:


C'mon Pat (remember from SNL back in the 90's?) :) This is the 818 Headband x GDP I'm not sure of yet:


This one will be recovering from the rootbound and transplant for a short time (White S1):


I'm gonna finish smoking this doob and go check my other grows before I start the day have a good one folks :tokin:
Note to weed gods - Seriously?!?


The first Free Tibet plant I did from seed grew in an overcrowded +95 degree F unit, tops bleached from being too close to the light and a total stress environment. Every clone of it afterwards has been grown short of optimal conditions. And I don't recall it ever throwing a nanner. Now that I have the conditions better than they've been for any part of this plant I've ever grown out, it does. :(

Well, it's in the dark today and it's gonna get chopped tomorrow. I'll flower out the other clone but won't keep a cutting.
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