PotChimp's Side Projects

Notes for myself: When I'm done converting units they'll be running as follows -

Unit 1 (Superlocker; 125 watt full spectrum CFL set at 24/0 or 125 watt red spectrum CFL set at 12/12)
Unit 2 (cellar converted to a 2' x 3' closet hidden behind a wall; 200 watt blue spectrum CFL set at 18/6 or 300 watt red spectrum CFL set at 12/12)
Unit 3 (approx. 2' x 3' grow tent; 250 watt MH/HPS set at 18/6 or 400 watt HPS set at 12/12)
Unit 4 ( 2' x 3' closet; 250 watt MH/HPS set at 18/6 or 400 watt HPS set at 12/12)
Unit 5 (3' x 3' grow tent; 600 watt HPS set at 12/12 and ran at 60%, 75%, and 100% power)

It will be within a few days, after I reroute some cords.

The White S1 is now under the 600 watt HPS at 12/12 and started into bloom. Post pics soon.
I can cool two air cooled reflectors with one 8" inline fan now that I have this new arrangement. I'll plug the fan and both lights into the same timer. I have to get an 8" to 6" reducer, though. That takes one 4" inline fan off of the power bill. I'm giving serious thought to using a small 4-bulb T5 setup I have to start a 6th 2' x 3' x 2' seedling starter unit now that I cut the power bill down. I'd have to switch unit 1 to 18/6, but WTF? Well worth it, I say. Look out world Chimp's gonna go ape$hit! :)
Notes: I transplanted the 2 818 Headband x GDP plants today into 3 gallon smart pots. Both are under a 250 watt MH/HPS bulb running at 18/6. One is in this pic (in with my Sensi Star grow on the bottom right):


, and one is in this pic (in with my BID tribute grow on the bottom row second from the left):


I trimmed up my last surviving GDP clone to veg out some more; I'll get a pic up of it soon. I need to stake that Free Tibet I think that's gonna be the most dope I ever got off one plant :) The other clone is staring to show hairs, the White S1 is the same (too early into 12/12), and the White S1 clone doesn't have roots yet, just a swollen area where the cut was. It seems to be doing decent. Post more pics soon.
Note: My 6th grow unit is up :) 4 interchangeable T5 2' bulbs (three are full spectrum and I think one is red) 24 watts each for a total of 96 watts in a 2' x 3' x 2' closet. I'll put my aerocloner in it and start it up as soon as my CDDBX3-5 seeds are germed. I'm going to try to aim most of what I have growing now at a pre-:xmas: chop time.
Unit 1 - 125 watt CFL (blue), 120 mm CPU fan and oh-durr sokk - 4 clones.
Unit 2 - (4) 24 watt T5 (blue), no fan - empty.
Unit 3 - 200 watt CFL (blue), 6" hardware duct fan - 12 CDDBX3-5 seedlings.
Unit 4 - 250 watt MH/HPS, no fan (air cooled reflector; 8" inline fan) - 5 Sensi Star plants.
Unit 5 - 250 watt MH/HPS, (air cooled reflector; same 8" inline fan) 120 mm CPU fan and oh-durr sokk - My BID tribute grow :)
Unit 6 - 600 watt HPS (air cooled reflector; 6" inline fan) 120 mm CPU fan and oh-durr sokk - assorted plants in flower.

Unit 1 will be emptied when I need to isolate the mother from unit 3. This means at this point Units 1 and 3 will be tied up for the holiday season, finishing out after them. Units 4 and 5 will be done a few weeks before :xmas: and up to it. Unit 6 will have plants going into it as plants are coming out of it for this whole holiday season too. Planned out, I can't start any new grows of anything sizeable in the open unit because there's no where to put them when they hit a decent height. I'm thinking this:

Lowryder #1 - Aptly named for its low profile (both literally and figuratively), Lowryder was developed for extreme rapid growth (life cycle is 8 weeks from seed to bud), uniquely short height, and amazingly versatile.

I'll put ten reg seeds in tomorrow.
Sorry PC

I have been busy and life has gone out of control. Trying to get back
Nothing to apologize for Buckshot. I'm trying to run a hundred miles an hour to keep my mind off of things myself. The threads have been quiet lately it seems. I hope everyone's okay. :Namaste:

Have you read "The Dark Tower" "The Gunslinger" by Stephen King? Not like most of the rest of his "crap"

I feel like I am in the book
Nothing to apologize for Buckshot. I'm trying to run a hundred miles an hour to keep my mind off of things myself. The threads have been quiet lately it seems. I hope everyone's okay. :Namaste:

Heheh, I worked 330 hours in the last 30 days ... :yikes::cough:

I managed to keep up with a handful of journals, but no time for much posting. It's easing up now - another three weeks to go - hope to post an update on my journal today or tomorrow. :cheesygrinsmiley: Whew!

Have you read "The Dark Tower" "The Gunslinger" by Stephen King? Not like most of the rest of his "crap"

I feel like I am in the book

No, I haven't. I tried to read a wikkipeedeeyuh article that summarized it in a condensed version just now, only to realize the story is much too deep; much too complex to do so. Like understanding Rael in "The Lamb Lies Down on Broadway".
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