PotChimp's Side Projects

I just got done burnin' a jay of CDDBX3 and I just started burnin' a Pre '98 jay here's the pics before jarring it up. I managed 1.4 oz. off of it, but as you can see, the manicure wasn't tight:


It wound up getting a bit of color to it too, but the trim has more purps:


I'll put down my thoughts on the taste and buzz tomorrow; I can't tell right now 'cause I'm already high and plan to be so through the course of the day. :straightface:
My lazy a$$ finally dug the aerocloner out (got the idea from this website) and took some clones. Top cutting - apical meristem of that White S1 from OG Raskal I'm growing (second pic). Bottom 5 cuttings - Chemdawg D BX 3 clones:


It has a small pond fogger inside that's running constant (I've run it for 15 minutes an hour before and the roots still grow). I used Clonex on all the clones, even though it's killed everything I've used it on before. I can reclone these from the plants I got them from if it does the same here.

The only living piece of the GDP I S1'ed:


Update - Topped White S1:


Top of White S1 being cloned, top middle:


Both of the 818 Headband x GDP seedlings are in this Sensi Star grow (middle row, left and right plants). The Pre '98 clones and reveg are in there and doing poorly (pot on left - reveg; pot in bottom row middle a- almost dead clone), but the GDP clone is doing okay (top middle):


Trying to keep myself busy during an extremely hard time in my life..... :straightface:
Trying to keep myself busy during an extremely hard time in my life..... :straightface:

You are doing a great job of that! Your rooms look awesome

:roorrip::geek: ah, so were is that Thai stick seed? :rofl:
Man you gotta take the upper intake manifold off a newer car to change the rear spark plugs these days that sucked :( The Free Tibet is piling on buds that don't suck :) I really miss my dog that sucks :( But I got enough dope for now that don't suck :) I bought me a 32 dollar bottle of wine my girlfriend plowed it down like bowling pins I didn't even get to sniff the cork that sucks :( But I broke up some of the tops from my breeding project I cut and dried and the seeds look ready so I can get that going that don't suck :) And to top the day off I forgot to buy a rope slim gym at the filling station to tie into a horsie like the alcoholic clown at a kid's birthday party does that sucks :( Thinking about getting two of them and trying to make smaller horsies to look like a carousel with the rotating microwave plate and how it would sound when they all blew up doesn't suck at all, though :) No, it doesn't..... :thumb:
Man you gotta take the upper intake manifold off a newer car to change the rear spark plugs these days that sucked :( The Free Tibet is piling on buds that don't suck :) I really miss my dog that sucks :( But I got enough dope for now that don't suck :) I bought me a 32 dollar bottle of wine my girlfriend plowed it down like bowling pins I didn't even get to sniff the cork that sucks :( But I broke up some of the tops from my breeding project I cut and dried and the seeds look ready so I can get that going that don't suck :) And to top the day off I forgot to buy a rope slim gym at the filling station to tie into a horsie like the alcoholic clown at a kid's birthday party does that sucks :( Thinking about getting two of them and trying to make smaller horsies to look like a carousel with the rotating microwave plate and how it would sound when they all blew up doesn't suck at all, though :) No, it doesn't..... :thumb:

I realized my limitations a long time ago, one of them is anything automotive, f I barely keep gas in the thing :cheesygrinsmiley:

32 bucks holy shit did the bottle have lips? If you are into a bottle now and then check out a NY wine "Love my Goat" cheap too :cheesygrinsmiley:

I was thinking of Bubba today as I looked at OMM's off topic thread. There are some incredible images but one... well...

Alright .... F YEAH put that GD seed in the ground before I freaking explode!!!


I was outright cracking up at your slim jim fest!!!!!!!!!1 Baaa HAAA HAAA a full carousel OMG I am gonna bust a vein :cheesygrinsmiley:
I'll look for that wine at the wine shop I go to. If it's a sweet one my girlfriend will like it.
I should become a winemaker and name my best stuff "Love My Floor" then put a picture of me on the bottle passed out face down in the kitchen with a wine bottle laying next to me spilled all over :tokin:
I've gotten away with paying $16 a bottle before, but on average anything with a decent vintage runs $25 and up. Beer's even worse; a case of Expedition Stout will set you back more than $100.
I just called over my grandson and read him the slim gym part... PC he was f'ing cracking up!!! no shit
Look at the price of a bottle of Opus 1, get sticker shock, then go home and pop open a jar of "Love My Ganja" is what I usually do. :straightface:

Try to get a bottle of Habu Sake :cheesygrinsmiley:
Wow I looked it up that's weird as Hell. The ad says that it pairs well with..... (wait for it, wait for it)

Chilled Monkey Brains!

AHHHH!!!!! :yikes:

and a side of microwaved slim gyms :)

:hmmmm: and some fava beans. :cheesygrinsmiley:
Update: I'm doing some rearranging :) Since a mother plant and clones don't need a ton of light, I decided to put my Superlocker to work with those (125 watt blue spectrum CFL at 18/6). There's the top from the White S1 in there too:


That White S1 is looking like something I should plant in the hedgerow..... :straightface:


But on a brighter note, these 818 x GDP plants are taking off :yummy:


I'll get pics up of the stuff under the 600 watt HPS tonight; that White S1 may be going in there soon. If it's not a good yielder under best conditions, a mediocre grower like me isn't going to do any better with it by giving it more veg time..... :(
Free Tibet:


It keeps tempting me to keep it :) Now it's starting to get that look it had when I first got it and the smell is coming back. I wonder if I didn't accidentally use the water I've been using for that SCROG, which has a product called Sweet Citrus in it and that's why it smelled like lemon. Here's another pic of it:


The smaller one:


I've been using FF on these; I fed last night. Post more pics soon.....
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