PotChimp's Side Projects

When I came to tell the story I was put off by your post but when I picked up my grandson from school, he told me he told the story to his class. The story is about a slim jim and cheese pack thet went to school and got all "hot" and was not eaten. This morning when I was cleaning out the backpack I found it. I said to D, hey you wanna cook this? His eyes lit up :cheesygrinsmiley: he told me right away it was not going to scare him. We pulled out the sausage looking slim jim, the ends were closed unlike the regular ones... that must have led to the explosion. In my infinite wisdom I decided to cover the thing with a paper plate... after only 20 seconds the thing screamed quick and blew off the paper plate! :cheesygrinsmiley: We were most impressed. He went to school and admitted that the story he told was a morph of yours and ours, cause yours was so funny!

I thought you needed to hear that

He was everything to me my heart is broken. I know they miss him too but I'm just no good right now. I don't like this different life and I don't want this new day this emptiness isn't going to go away for a long time if it does at all. I know I'm not the only one that woke up the next day and hated (not in a suicidal way) that life went on. It just doesn't seem right. What do you do? Just keep going? It doesn't feel right. But I have to.

God my chest hurts so bad it feels like all my ribs are broken when I breath..... :(

And yes, you just keep going. Been there dude. Recently. Or maybe still, I can't tell anymore. My one and only, my mate, the other half of me, has progressive dementia and doesn't understand much of what I have to share anymore. I can leave or stay - how can I not stay? I have no other life, and I want no other life.

So yes, we simply abide.
It's gonna be a while before I can laugh again, but thanks, Buckshot.

I know, that is why I was gonna save it. I told it for a different reason... you have affected not only myself but really everyone who has the pleasure to read your threads... even my 10 year old grandson recognized your comedic genius... and stole it :yikes:

And Bubba, he wants to go to Heaven
Leave PotChimp far behind
Take a balloon and go sailing
while PotChimp, PotChimp slowly dies.....


The happy part is he gets to go sailing on a balloon... and you gotta LIVE before you die! fuck it I am going to buy a whole fist full of slim jims and show my grandson how to LIVE :cheesygrinsmiley: I know you are not able to smile yet but I want you to dwell on a FIST FULL of slim jims screaming away

And yes, you just keep going. Been there dude. Recently. Or maybe still, I can't tell anymore. My one and only, my mate, the other half of me, has progressive dementia and doesn't understand much of what I have to share anymore. I can leave or stay - how can I not stay? I have no other life, and I want no other life.

So yes, we simply abide.

That is my mom and was my grandmother... I know it well and I know it is hard. I am sorry for you
Oh! ... :cheesygrinsmiley:

And I forgot to mention that my 12 yr old dog died this spring of a prolonged bowel disease ... that was just swell.

;) :blunt:

I've spent the last several months raising a puppy ... *sigh* ... gawd, I hate puppies ... but he's finally getting not-stupid.


[Edit] I hope you'll forgive me, Chimp, for dumping on your thread, but I just got home from working a 16 hour day on two jobs, and I gotta tell you, I'm in freakyland. Seriously. I'm out in the workplace picking up some quick bucks and wow, my coworkers are a truly unfortunate bunch. Almost everyone is in some kind of jam right now. It's a strange environment to be in. These are quick temp jobs, so it's not terribly surprising, but it startles me. So many hard luck stories. The hired manager is an alcoholic gambler, the driver got randomed at his job of 16 years and lost it, the new woman was drunk and hit a tree at 44 mph without insurance and got tossed out of her apartment while she was in the hospital, the kid is a little nerdy 22 yr old with frantic manic hormones and no good chances, half out of his mind. His "Ex" runs the night shift and dumps her responsibilities on him while she meets the manager for drinks and gambling. Me, I'm jus' watchin' and collectin' a check. :cheesygrinsmiley: :slide:

Life. Whatcha gonna do. Normal is boring, anyway, isn't it? I got my fill of normal early on. I prefer sumpin with a little more punch to it. :laughtwo:
Nothing to forgive, Graytail. I've worked a few of those jobs before. Hated them. It sure doesn't do a person's spirit any good to be a part of it, either. I've had too much turmoil in my life and it seems I long for peace, but I think you're right. As soon as life goes to normal I panic because I don't have to do things as fast as the star of a Karate movie (seriously, even though the moves aren't as fancy I have to go pretty fast here at times to get what I have to do done in a day). I'll get to that glass of lemonade on the porch and the white picket fence soon enough, I guess. As bad as my shoulders hurt right now it might not be too far off. But after a whole lifetime of being in hospitals waiting for the surgeon to come out with that look on his face and tell you one of your family is gone, I sure could use the rest. :)
I needed to step way and get my thoughts together for a minute. Twelve years is a long time and that must have been really hard. I don't know about you, but I've never had kids. People are nurturing by nature, and emotionally I tend to put my pets in the children category (I think I would have anyway). I work out of my home, so every single thing I do is tied to the memories of him. He used to bark whenever he wanted something :) so I wake up every half hour because I think I hear him, then cry when I'm awake all the way and realize why I didn't. Those kind of things don't go away soon.
I need to get on my thing here because my chest really starts hurting when I think about it. Well I'm old now so my chest is supposed to hurt. :)
I checked the Pre '98 I chopped this morning. I'll take pics of a few buds before I put it in the jar, but I'm burning one right now and it won't stay lit so I won't be jarring it today.
I'll be putting the smaller Free Tibet clone in flower later (last time for this pheno). It seems like a different plant it changed so much from overcloning as I've mentioned before.
I want to let the White S1 veg for now because of the article I read on how low the yield is. Cool article, though. It came from a strain called Triangle from FL.
The Pre '98 reveg I'm doing isn't dead yet so it may have a chance.
I'll try to get a few pics up today but after seeing the nug of the month contenders the chimp is gonna go hide somewhere and apply some row-gain to his behind I'm gonna need a little hair on my a$$ to go up against those folks that scared me more than seven screaming slim gyms :whoa:
Good Morning, afternoon now... you don't need no stinkin row-gain! Your nugs will do just fine!!
This Free Tibet looks like it'll yield well, but it lost the hair on its a$$ big time as far as potency. Now it yellows and drops leaves during flowering like a Sativa and looks like one too:


That little one in front is a clone of it and the last one I'm doing. Here's a pic of it:


Post more pics soon.
My nugs shrunk up and my nanner went limp when I saw some of the frost on those buds. Think I'll stay tied to the porch..... ;)

cut it out

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