PotChimp's Side Projects

White S1 (top right of pic), GDP S1 seedling (middle left of pic), and Free Tibet clone (bottom right of pic):


Can't see them, but two 818 Headband x GDP seedlings (foreground; blurred), clone from original GDP I S1'ed (alive but weak; back left), and clone from Pre '98 (very weak; back right):


Free Tibet in flower (in the new tent):


Pre '98 (need to chop this one):


, and a soon-to-be BID memorial grow (2 GDP S1s; only one is in this pic, 2 Purple Marocs, 2 Purple #1s, and 1 Blue Dream):


Ahh, WTF my 5 Sensi Star seedlings too :)


Post more pics soon.
Ima choppin' the Pre '98 tomorrow :)
I rearranged all the plants too. One 400 watt HPS unit has the 4 Chem breeding project mother plants in it, a 600 watt HPS unit has the Free Tibet and Chem project SCROG in it, a 250 watt MH/HPS unit has all 14 seedlings in it, and a 200 watt blue spectrum CFL unit has the White S1, my Chemdawg D BX 3 clone, my other two clones, and another Free Tibet clone in it. I shut down my 125 watt full spectrum CFL Superlocker for now; I'm trying to figure out when I can start the next bunch :)
Notes: Since I've heard that straight Happy Frog soil mix burns young roots, I decided to transplant the Free Tibet clone into a 1/2 Roots Organics - 1/2 Happy Frog mixture (to a 2 gallon pot). I watered it in with RO water and CaMg+. That thing's growing fast.

I'm going to give the Pre '98 another day in the dark before I chop it. I read somewhere a while ago that it's supposed to help increase the terpines. It doesn't have much smell to it.

I'll probably be starting a second Pre '98 Bubba Kush S1 seed today for my S2 project. That open unit is driving me nuts..... ;)
Well I didn't start the Pre '98 seed yet, chop the other Pre '98, or do my cannabinoid fingerprint test; way too busy. I did manage to strain another tincture, which was weak. That's testimony to my extraction skills anyway; I soak ground pot from kief tumbles instead of tumbling it a second time. I dumped a whole film cannister of kief into it and put it back in the freezer, though. That'll put a little hair on its a$$..... :)
Ima have to do a smoke test on these. Fingerprint test, from left to right - Charlotte's Web, Charlotte's Web, Chemdawg D BX 3, 818 Headband x Grand Daddy Purple:



There are 2 lighter orange (?) dots on the right side at the top beneath the larger purple colored dots for both those strains. I'm figuring that they must be the THC because if not then all these will get you as high as each other and the only 2 strains that don't have CBD are the CWs and that would suck. I'll smoke a big doob of the CW tomorrow and a big doob of the other CW the next day when I first wake up and I'm not high yet to see. If they both get me high I'll be too high to figure out WTF and that would suck too but I know I gotta get better at doing this test I already know a few things I have to do different. Post more pics soon.
There are 2 lighter orange (?) dots on the right side at the top beneath the larger purple colored dots for both those strains. I'm figuring that they must be the THC because if not then all these will get you as high as each other and the only 2 strains that don't have CBD are the CWs and that would suck. I'll smoke a big doob of the CW tomorrow and a big doob of the other CW the next day when I first wake up and I'm not high yet to see. If they both get me high I'll be too high to figure out WTF and that would suck too but I know I gotta get better at doing this test I already know a few things I have to do different. Post more pics soon.

That is way cool... if you want to get high don't you want to go for high THC? PC if you want to get high, grow out the Thai stick seeds OMG! are those from ACE?... I mean DANG! Their description of that strain is dead on to what I experienced first hand... do it.
I'm gonna start that 3 plant Thai Stick grow around April so I can flower it out in the Summer; I think tropical Sativas will be able to withstand the heat and mold conditions better. I'm hoping this kit will help me determine CBDs, seeing as how you don't get a high from them and can't tell that way. One of the other things I want to do is grow and maybe breed out a high CBD strain so I'll need a way of knowing which parent I should use. The buzz strains I can tell how good they are by burnin' a fatty :)
Oops I forgot to answer yeah those are from Ace Seeds :) Here's the Pre '98 I chopped today (pics of before first):


I got two plates like this; the second one was a little bigger:


It's frosty :yummy:


There's two small clusters on the bottom of this that might save me from having to use another seed. I'll try to reveg it for my S2 project.
Oops I forgot to answer yeah those are from Ace Seeds :)

I am sure you will need a plant to clone... put in a bean!!! :cheesygrinsmiley: Your images are beautiful as is that interesting plant!
There's a website with a good pic of that Thai Stick strain just looking at it gives me the OTH heebie jeebies :)

I actually grew in a tiny closet the seed from the Thai stick I had. It went all the way on one 4' florescent fixture with grow bulbs. Tiny buds but just awesome. It did not freak out like the old timers haze and tt #1 it was more like my haze plant, sparse, dense, power packed nuggets of goodness. My god man you are killing me! :cheesygrinsmiley:

edit -- it was incredibly aromatic in growth if odor is an issue...
The issues I'm trying to tweek my units and plan my grows around mostly are heat and mold in the Summer. I think thinner leaf Sativas like Thai Stick will do better then. And since Winter provides me with cooler temps and more of a closed door environment, I want to plan for doing odorous strains and Indicas then. For example, I want to plan Skunk #1 for flowering in the cold months so that one will have to be next. Anybody that smells that one's gonna know it's weed..... :straightface:

It'll be soon don't worry I'll plant 'em :)
Both 818 x GDP seedlings:


The low yielding high nutrient eating White S1, of which said strain the Chimp should have researched more before he decided to plant it so that at a time of little dope there would be more..... :straightface:


I'll put this Free Tibet clone into flower to finish off the species; it's changed from overcloning too much:


Post more pics soon.
We can't exist without a purpose. A reason. Everything we do isn't just to survive until we mate. Having a heart and soul keeps life from being that easy. When we win we celebrate with our loved ones; when we lose we look to them for consolation. Everything we do and strive forward to achieve in life is for our loved ones. For their safety, well being; for everything. They are our reason to exist. Every achievement every laugh the joy of every newborn baby is empty and hollow without them. If you ever take one thing I have to take say seriously let it be this. Don't ever close your heart off to the world and the people around you. There are no words for the Hell on Earth you wake up and go to sleep to every day. I feel like I'm watching myself disappear. :(
We can't exist without a purpose. A reason. Everything we do isn't just to survive until we mate. Having a heart and soul keeps life from being that easy. When we win we celebrate with our loved ones; when we lose we look to them for consolation. Everything we do and strive forward to achieve in life is for our loved ones. For their safety, well being; for everything. They are our reason to exist. Every achievement every laugh the joy of every newborn baby is empty and hollow without them. If you ever take one thing I have to take say seriously let it be this. Don't ever close your heart off to the world and the people around you. There are no words for the Hell on Earth you wake up and go to sleep to every day. I feel like I'm watching myself disappear. :(

Not gonna happen. It is not just for them, you count too. Don't give up on yourself, just focus on the way you want it to be, put the idea out there and wait until the world catches up. I hope the grind of another day is not too much, if it is I hope you seek help. I can't have my favorite simian disappearing!!! Damn it.
I lost a big part of my life last night Buckshot. I'm down to 121 lbs. and dropping, my joints are in pain from sleeping on a wooden floor so I could be by his side, and my chest hurts so bad it scares me. If it's only for the sake of the few loved ones I have left, I have to keep going. If it weren't for them (even though I will regret saying this tomorrow), I wish the terrible way I felt right now meant that I was going from this world too. I'll be okay, just not any time soon. Some things happen that change you forever and this is one of them. Thanks, Buckshot.
I am so sorry PC...there are no words so I won't type them.

typed this with tears streaming down my face

I read this a couple more times and cried some more too... then I realized there are two more that also know they have lost a mate. You have to cook them a chicken (I started crying again) cause they feel it too. He will be there with you when you do it.

He was everything to me my heart is broken. I know they miss him too but I'm just no good right now. I don't like this different life and I don't want this new day this emptiness isn't going to go away for a long time if it does at all. I know I'm not the only one that woke up the next day and hated (not in a suicidal way) that life went on. It just doesn't seem right. What do you do? Just keep going? It doesn't feel right. But I have to.
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