PotChimp's Side Projects

LOL, this was on my FB feed today!


Okay down to 2 plants in the unit and also down to a 400 watt HPS. The temps are much better and with taking the hermied Chem SCROG plant out I have good room :) This should get this unit in line. Here's a pic of them before I trimmed up the Free Tibet clone on the left:


The Free Tibet clone:


A few nug shots of the taco'ed from heat stress Pre '98:


And a 1 week and 5 day old OG Raskal White S1 seedling:


I fed both the Pre '98 and the FT some AN Iguana Bloom + all AN organic supplements. I left the SensiZym, Voodoo Juice, and Nirvana out of 1/2 of the formula for the Pre '98, because it's close to chop and that's the last feeding for it. Post more pics soon :)
looking good PotChimp

Thanks man I tried some soil amendment mix with my Charlotte's Web grow and it fried them though :( I can still get clones from 2 or 3 of the plants, so I might be okay. I've got some more seeds for CW (if the testing I run doesn't show a high CBD low THC panel for one of the plants I get a clone from). I really need to do my Rafael reg (6 seeds) and ACDC reg (6 seeds) grow; I think I'll get a higher CBD strain from one of those. And maybe a nice Mom and Dad ;)
Since I can't seem to make up my mind, but need to use what I've learned, my next grow will be a few things. 2 of the fem Hippie Killer seeds I was going to do a grouping of, and 3 reg Thai Stick seeds. I ordered 2 fem Purple #1 and 2 fem Purple Maroc seeds if the grow everybody was talking about to honor BID takes place soon. That CBD grow next. And I'll be closing out the year with a fem Sensi Star grow (maybe a reg Skunk #1 grow too, if I get it in on time). I may be able to squeeze my Pre '98 S1 project and the last breeding round of my Chem project in before the year's over, too.

Reworked units:
1 - Superlocker, 200 watt red spectrum CFL, Odorsok air filter w/120 mm CPU fan (12/12).
2 - 2' x 3' x 5' tent, 200 watt blue spectrum CFL, 6" inline fan output (24/0).
3 - 2' x 3' x 5' closet, 400 watt HPS w/ air-cooled reflector and 8" inline fan, Odorsok air filter w/120 mm CPU fan (12/12).
4 - 2' x 3' x 4' closet, 400 watt HPS w/ air-cooled reflector and 4" inline fan (12/12).
5 - 3' x 4' x 5' closet, 600 watt HPS w/ air-cooled reflector and 6" inline fan, Odorsok air filter w/120 mm CPU fan (11/13).
Needed to get that into perspective for myself :)
Good kief tumble last night :)


I made a thick hash puck plus had some left to add to the kief cannister. I took the pot out of the tumbler and started a tincture instead of doing a second tumble. I'll do another soak with the tincture to strengthen it or maybe even two soaks (two extra soaks made my other jar of tincture stronger). Most of this was from bud chopped at least a week and probably closer to 2 weeks early, so I don't expect major potency. But I'm building me a stash anyway :tokin:
I love your kief tumbler, Chimp!

I gotta get serious about the trim in my freezer, heheh - must be 20+ plants worth in there. Last fall I did some dry ice bubble bag, and I liked it - easy, tidy, effective - but the frost got to be an issue real fast. I'm thinking the ideal time to do dry ice is in the middle of the winter when there's no humidity outside. I can take it all out to the garage and sift forever without getting frost. :cheesygrinsmiley: Of course, that's 5 months away ...

So the tumbler makes a lot of sense.
S'ok, I remember reading it when you built it last year. :cheesygrinsmiley:

It's just two round pieces of wood, four threaded bars and a rotissorie motor or sumpin, right? Silkscreen wrapped around it and stapled, etc? I did wonder about stuff getting stuck around the wood ends, but bah, I have a certified crap ton of trichs onhand doing absolutely nuthin'. Who cares ...

Easy peasy. :cheesygrinsmiley:
:cheesygrinsmiley: looks nice
OG Raskal - White S1:


Both the Free Tibet and the Pre '98 Bubba Kush S1:


The Free Tibet is hitting flower:


But I found out today that my breeding project dusted the Pre '98 S1 (might not be able to see the seed forming in this pic):


It's stll pretty as Hell, though:


And thinking about it, what I'm doing here must have started in my hands at f3, since it was a triple backcross. I've bred it out 4 times now and it might already be stable. If not it's close, and I think that if this Bubba is S1'ed the guy did it to a stable plant. It looks like it anyway, from the similarity of the plants. I think I might have luck popping one of the beans; I'll keep them :) Post more pics soon.
Lucky there was no hermi! and you have some new hybrids :cheesygrinsmiley:
I'd love to get a pheno with the lower leaf frost from the Pre '98 and the upper leaf and calyx frost of that mess I'm breeding out. One I'd probably make a mother plant :)

Notes: The Pre '98 has about 10-12 days left, so I'm only going to give it RO water at this point and a little molasses at the end. My clone of it is not growing at all, and I might need to reveg this plant if I can.

The Free Tibet is in full bloom but a bit light green; I'll feed it again next time. The clone of it is looking rough, but even though this strain gave a good effort the last time I'm still not sure I'm going to keep it. It has changed from overcloning and the smell and look are completely different now. If it gets me less high, it's done with.

The White S1 is going along great it's 2 weeks and 2 days from germination today. I'm thinking organic, but I might go with FF. Yep, I might just say eff it Ima FF it :)

I think I kept the SCROG from getting pollinated further by putting it in the locker and the top buds may not get too seeded, but I still have 2-3 weeks left on it so I might not be that lucky.

My Charlotte's Web clones aren't going to take it looks like, but I still want to run the cannabinoid fingerprint test on them to see if they live up to the ad (13% CBD and up). I may order them again if these numbers back up the claim. I have four different plants I can test once they're dry, but the only thing I have left that may live is a tiny piece hanging on a reveg.

Speaking of revegetita..... reveteg..... retev, bdee, bdee, bdee, that's all folks :) hee hee I can't say that $hit :tokin:
Speaking of reveg, I have a few buds on my Chemdawg D BX 3 plant that are putting out small curly leaves I may have saved it! I'll feed it once the soil dries enough. I think 24/0 makes a difference when you try to get these here plants to do that there live over again thing bdee, bdee ;)

Post more pics soon.
Wish the ounce-on-a-stick reveg would have lived :)
Man what a crappy day I was looking in the dryer for my other sock I put my head in the dryer barrel to see if it was laying in the front it wasn't so I burped the word "YEP!!!!!" as hard as I could that round steel barrel bounced the sound back so loud it hurt my ears I hit the back of my head trying to get it out of the dryer fast too. :(
I was gonna put a Slimm Gym in the microwave later to see what it would do but I thought about the dryer incident and said, "no....."
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