PotChimp's Side Projects

I'm curious about this re-veg. Do you just leave a bud or two and put it under 18/6 schedule? Doesn't she get rootbound quickly due to growing new roots on top of the already existing or when plant re-veges it recycles old roots to grow new growth? hope you understand my question.
I'm curious about this re-veg. Do you just leave a bud or two and put it under 18/6 schedule? Doesn't she get rootbound quickly due to growing new roots on top of the already existing or when plant re-veges it recycles old roots to grow new growth? hope you understand my question.

I've never really read up much on what happens when you do this to a plant budstep, but what I do is try to leave a few small branches on the bottom of the plant and don't trim them of the bud material when I put them back under 18/6. I've read that better results happen when you put a reveg straight under 24/0. But I take the stems I'm going to harvest off the plant, leave enough small branches and leaves, and just water under 18/6 until I see the first curly reveg leaves then I feed (I probably should give them a 1/2 dose of grow nutes right when I start reveg; I'm just worried that they go dormant between the time they notice the change in time and the time they start growing again, which can be a long time). I've left these plants in the same pot, grew them out until they were 14" tall, and flowered them all the way to the end before without any rootbound. I think the plant just reuses the same root system and doesn't grow another one. It may add on roots during the veg period (this is probably also the main reason I've never gotten rootbound conditions doing this; too short of veg periods so not enough new growth), so if you do it and try to get another full sized plant I'd repot if I were you. I think the last two weeks the plants go without watering and the fact that I use organic nutes most of the time means that I don't get salt buildup in the "hand-me-down" soil with my revegs too.
Notes: Both the GDP reveg and the GDP x GDP reveg look like they're going to take. One of the GDP clones I took is starting to make a comeback too. I have the S1'ed GDP doing well, so I don't have to worry about keeping a clone alive. The Free Tibet clone I took is looking bad, but the reveg is doing good so I can take another tomorrow if it looks worse. Both the Pre '98 and the 818GDP clones look like they're going to do okay, though. Looking at the 818GDP I'm not sure if I'm gonna keep it. Sometimes when breeding, the right traits wind up in the wrong plants and this one is a perfect example if you ask me.
If I do keep the 818GDP, I'll put in in a bigger pot than the one I have going now. That one is just over 5 weeks into flower so I know that it has at least 3-1/2 to 4 weeks (I think 4-5 weeks). The Pre '98 looks good except the top, which ran into my famous light bleach/heat stress zone and is starting the leaf taco thing. I'll pic the fan assembly I put in the unit to help with the heat problem later; I just finished putting it together and installing it.
Post pics soon, :peace:
This Free Tibet reveg is doing great, but I need to get it flowering in a few weeks:


Now on the other hand, this is what you don't want in a cross (818 Headband x Grand Daddy Purple; the plant in the lower right first pic is a Pre '98 Bubba Kush):


Damned if it isn't the best smelling pot plant I've ever grown, though. Just like candy.

Here's another pic of the Pre '98, tacoing at the top leaves (from hitting the light bleach/heat stress zone in my unit):


It's going to get a defol like a lot of these.

Chimpstash pics! (insert long gone headbang smiley here) Here's my hash pucks I was gonna take a pic of but didn't and finally did only one's not a puck anymore I burnt it up some :drool:


I've got enough kief to make another one but I think I'll just keep it in the film cannister for spicing up doobs:


I'm working out of another pie-wrecks dish right now (same size as the one on the left in the pic), but here's the next two dishes I extracted. The open one and the one I'm working out of now are from a Pre '98 Lashkar Afghan Indica x Deep Chunk grow and the covered one is GDP:


I've got enough of the GDP buds left over to do either another kief tumble, hash oil extraction, or if the tincture on the right (in this next pic; it still has to be in the freezer for 4 more days) doesn't come out as dark as the left and middle one, a third soaking for it. It's soaking for the second time now:


I don't have much weed so maybe this stash will tide me over until a chop and dry :straightface:

Wow it looks great in here... looks like the coaster is on the way up :cheesygrinsmiley:
Yeah :) Three colas cut off the next CDDBX3 clone due to my life long buddies bud rot and grey mold, two clones tossed that didn't take, 3 reveg plants tossed that didn't take, almost outta weed, problems with my pay, haven't gotten my pricey seed order yet; it just keeps getting better and better..... :straightface:
If this roller coaster is on the way up do me a favor and let everybody know the upper atmosphere consists of 63% bad luck, 10% people suck, and 17% poop. Thanks.
Oh here's a Free Tibet clone soon to suffer the hand of doom courtesy of the chimp:


Damn Chimp... time for a turn around. it sure looked good!
I think it's gonna be a while on that, Buckshot>>>>>

Notes: Grey mold on 6 of the 818GDP colas, including the top cola; had to cut them off. I don't like the hybrid anyway; too many bad traits from both parents. The smell is about the only good trait (besides looking easy to manicure). I've already took 3 off of the Chemdawg D BX 3 clone in the unit. The Pre '98 Bubba Kush plant and the Chem project clone seem okay (for now). I had a list of what I was going to grow over the next few times, but I think I'm going to adjust it. For example, I think the next one was either Skunk #1 or Sensi Star. Skunk #1 will be a better grow for the Winter because my house doors are closed more and smell doesn't tend to be as bad when heat isn't bad. I'll look at pics of Sensi Star, but if it has even slightly hard or otherwise dense nugs I'm going to wait until the mold season is over. So I may do that Hippie Killer grow I was gonna do; we'll see. I want to do a 3 plant grow with 2 of these GDP seeds I just S1'ed and a fem OG Raskal - The White seed, so I just don't know. Maybe when the planets align for me I'll be able to make a choice :)
I should do a thread on my magic ten thousand dollar box of $hit I can't grow weed with just for a laugh. Oh well it's good to have around just in case. You just never know when a doctor is going to come running down the street yelling, "This is an emergency! Does anyone have a sulfer burner?", or if you're stuck in an elevator with MacGyver and he says "A refractometer would sure come in handy at a time like this! Why, if I had just that and a pH soil tester I'd have us out of here in no time!" :(
A few pics:


That 818GDP (behind a Pre '98 Bubba Kush):


A few close-ups of the Pre '98 (love how the leaves wrinkle; gonna S1 a seed or clone from this, too):


Rough looking GDP clone:


Rougher looking GDP x GDP reveg:


Some plants just don't reveg or clone very well. More pics soon.....
Damn those plants look beautiful!!!! And if a plant can be revegged you are the chimp!!!

PS MacGyver would pull a sulfer burner out of his ass, just happen to have a PH tester and make a refractometer out of both of them to save the world :cheesygrinsmiley:
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