PotChimp's Side Projects

Those GDP buds are dry enough to jar up now, I'll trim them up and take a few pics before I do. Man, things move along. I guess I better sit here and get a perspective on things; it's gonna get pretty busy again soon :)
My Pre '98 Lashkar Afghani x Deep Chunk buds on the stem are dry enough to do a hash oil extraction, so I'll get to that in a day or two. I'll be filling the 60 gram tube a few times on that run :)
I'm going to try to soak some more trim and bottom buds in a tincture I have in the freezer. This will be the 3rd soak for this jar. It looks pretty dark now, but I want to get it stronger.
My GDP S1 is opening the male flowers on me; it won't be 2 months before I'm done there.
My clones are going slow except one that need to be repotted and started into flower in a few weeks, so there's no fear of them taking up too much room any time soon.
My revegs aren't even going strong yet, so that's not immediate.
I'll be doing a 3 hour sulfer burn in my unit that the 3 GDP plants are in; that grouping of plants has about 2 months to go too.
That same sulfer burner will be going into my next unit for a 3 hour burn (a 3 hour burn? a 3 hour burn! The weather started getting rough, the tiny ship was tossed, if not for the courage of the beerless crew the Minnow would be lost, the Minnow would be lost)..... Sorry got carried away :) Those 6 Charlotte's Web plants have even longer than 8 weeks; probably more like 10.
And my last unit is going to be losing a Chemdawg D BX 3 clone in about a week. I'll move the GDP clone from the aforementioned unit into this one, which will give me room to move the clone I need to repot in there. With the Chemdawg D BX 3 clone gone, the rest of that last unit has around 6-9 weeks (depending on the plant).
So around 8 weeks from now I'll have some openings. Lots of them :) My Chem breeding project is under way, and will take up one of the units (the one to open up the soonest).
Zamal Reunion (Seeds of Africa) is my next grow. I think I'll start it somewhere between 2-4 weeks from now. I may just start the next run of seeds in the same unit I finish them in, and just switch bulbs from a 250 MH/HPS to a 400 HPS (I'll look at my list to see which strain I chose; I think it was Hippie Killer). My S1'ed GDP seeds need to be tested, so that's a soon to be grow. I know I listed Skunk #1, but I need to go back a few pages here and look again.
I'll get them all together when I'm done and post extract pics too.

Pre '98 Bubba Kush S1:


These leaves are popping up all over the plant:



Here's that 818 Headband x GDP plant:


This thing is stretching like crazy. You can see it in this pic (it's the plant on the left):


Post more pics soon, :peace:
Note: I am going to install an oh-durr-sock in the unit these pics were taken from (it's a 120 mm CPU fan hooked to a footlong 4" fabric tube that removes odors). I'm not worried about odors, though. This wet season has gone into the Summer where I'm at, and I don't want any more mold problems. If I put it at the top of the unit it should solve my heat stress problems from slightly high temps (notice the turned up edges on some of my leaf margins and the tacoing?), keep humidity down, and move air so there's no stagnation. With these sulfer burns I'm doing I should have the problem under control. More rain this week man I haven't had to water anything outside once yet..... :straightface:
Here's a few GDP pics. My clone:


The GDP x GDP I did with the first seeds I bought and bred when they came out (I got the first run of seeds from the company too):


This plant is in bad shape (overwatered and N toxic?). I've left it alone for a while, but it hasn't changed. I'll just let it dry up, even though it doesn't seem to be doing it. This one and a Charlotte's Web plant I'm doing may be my first official female culls if they don't straighten up and fly straight:


Well I didn't get much 'cause I used mostly trim, but I got a good feel for the tube I bought I like it:


I think I'll feel confident extracting all the Pre '98 Lashkar buds with it, maybe tomorrow. I got me some kief from the rest of the trim, too:


And I put that triple soaked tincture into the other two tinctures I had to top the jars off (that $hit puts me right to sleep so I wait until night to drink it):


I'll get to the bud pics tomorrow, :peace:
That's what I use it for mostly is trim, budstep. I was tossing trim away after harvests and noticed a few frosty leaves one time. After some research then trying the bubble bags, I bought one. I use it for trim, lower buds that don't develop as well as top buds (I purposely leave the lower buds to keep the top ones from getting mold and to have something to practice extractions with until I get good at it), and prematurely chopped plants. I used to run trim through the process twice but now I use the second run in tinctures.
This Free Tibet reveg is starting to take:


These backup clones aren't doing so well, though. They'll probably live, but they look rough:


Here's the whole unit that some of my odds and ends plants are in:


Man that 818 Headband x Grand Daddy Purple is a tall one :( I got a feeling you're right that's gonna be a nice plant, Buckshot. Should've topped it, though:


This Pre '98 Bubba Kush S1 isn't showing much yet, but keeping it and these other plants down further from the light is making a difference in the yellowing of leaves:


I may have time to finally get some bud pics up later, :peace:
Cool had the time :) I keep forgetting after smoking large amounts of said product to post photographs of it in a finished form.

I let this GDP dry up too much at the end before chop, and I think that's why it dried so brown (the pics are worse than real life; there's some green in them by eye):


Mr. Nice:


Super Silver Haze:


And a few Free Tibet nugs:


I'll post a few pics of my 1-1/2 hash pucks later if I get a chance, :peace:
You're welcome I gotta finish the grass then take a shower there's PM on my cherry tree leaves and I was face first up in it I have weed plant tending later and don't want to spread it I've had it up to here :thumb: with the mold problems this totally wet Spring and so far Summer too :(
I think I remember reading a while back that Purple Urkel is a finicky plant to grow, and between that and the smaller buds I think the last pic may be a Purple Urkel dominant phenotype of this GDP x GDP cross. Obviously the other plant (middle pic) would be Big Bud dominant or 1/2 and 1/2 like I'm hoping for. We'll see real soon. :)

Oh by the way I'm doing a 6 hour sulfer burn in that unit now in hopes of preventing bud rot and grey mold.

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