PotChimp's Side Projects

After some research I realized a few things about oil extractions. Most screens sold for this are 100-160 micron (I saw a few that were 50 micron). And there is not one person who has one good thing to say about the poly-whatever-ylene tube I made it with, even though it's safe for drinking water. So I'm going to get a glass one next time I got some dough; I'm a little broke now from the sulfer burner, but I have a 40 gram tube I'm eyeballing. I really like oil a lot but I need to get some practice handling it. If I see a fungus gnat escape my yellow sticky cardboard trap I'll try to get some tips from him ;)
After some research I realized a few things about oil extractions. Most screens sold for this are 100-160 micron (I saw a few that were 50 micron). And there is not one person who has one good thing to say about the poly-whatever-ylene tube I made it with, even though it's safe for drinking water. So I'm going to get a glass one next time I got some dough; I'm a little broke now from the sulfer burner, but I have a 40 gram tube I'm eyeballing. I really like oil a lot but I need to get some practice handling it. If I see a fungus gnat escape my yellow sticky cardboard trap I'll try to get some tips from him ;)

I use coffee filters, 3, I have only had 1 blowout
Well I come around the corner to check on my hash oil and there I see a housefly stumbling around the edge of the pyrecks bowl I threw a pen at his a$$ and we about threw down but there's a few pieces of I don't know what it is I gotta pick out of the oil with a needle now from the commotion I think it's probably his crap from when he saw the pen flying at him little bastard I barely got any to begin with and he's trying to nab off with some. Well thanks to my handy dandy fly swatter he's officially a stain now :thumb:

The funniest thing I've read all day. Thank you Mr. PotChimp sir you are hilarious. And your buds look fricken amazing.
I use coffee filters, 3, I have only had 1 blowout

I saw that online too I'll go to them after I use up the ones that come with the tube. If the tube explodes while I'm standing there and I get covered with weed and hash oil, guess who I'll be going out as next Halloween? Yep, Oscar the Garbage Can Grouch :)
But if my colloidal silver generator explodes and I get electroplated I'll have to go as the Silver Surfer instead..... :straightface:
Lesson understood I'm going with the square dish from now on for extracting oil, Buckshot. I thought it wouldn't be bad to try to get the last of it out with a rounded edge knife blade, but I'm getting bad flashbacks from that time I was a laboratory test monkey they put me in a round room and told me to $hit in the corner man I must have worn three pair of shoes out..... :(
Odds and ends pics. Another GDP:


A Free Tibet clone I have to do a bud washing on (crystals of sulfer fell off the burner when I took it out of the grow unit and landed on this plant):


And the whole unit these are in:


Hi PotChimp, this thread of yours is brilliant. Kept me entertained for a few days slowly reading through. Very interesting projects, what's the deal with that tincure? how does it work? all I got from it was- kief, trim and knife :scratchinghead:
Hi PotChimp, this thread of yours is brilliant. Kept me entertained for a few days slowly reading through. Very interesting projects, what's the deal with that tincure? how does it work? all I got from it was- kief, trim and knife :scratchinghead:

A tincture is just THC suspended in an alcohol solution. To do it right, you would normally decarboxylate the pot (heat it in an oven to convert all the cannibinoids to THC; I read one article that said 1/2 to 1 hour at 240 degrees F, but look up more info than I did if you plan to do it). I don't do this, though; I just let it dry naturally and jar or bag it until it's all the way dry, opening a few times if the weed needs it. Then I grind the pot and fill a quart mason jar halfway with the ground weed (it absorbs moisture so only fill it halfway). I use a 50% ABV cheap vodka to fill the jar to just about an inch from the top. Then I put it in the freezer for 5 days, shaking it hard 2-3 times a day and putting it back in. Because it's 50% alcohol, it doesn't freeze. I strain it through a cheesecloth set inside of a strainer into another quart jar when it's done (in the 5 days). What this does is break down the resin glands so the THC goes into solution with the vodka. The first 2 times I got a greenish brown unclear solution (some plant material dissolved into it from the weed I used being too dry). And I used trim, so it wasn't very strong. I'm taking all the weed I use after hash oil extractions and kief tumbles and using it for this. It's not too strong because a lot of the glands have been removed from the plant material from the oil process and the kief tumbling, but I do this "soaking" multiple times to increase the potency (I have a tincture in the freezer I just strained into a second jar of dried weed to make it stronger this morning, and I'm going to try straining it into a third jar of trim in 5 more days). About 1/4" of the ones I have now in a Scotch glass and I get a good buzz not from the vodka either :)
I just realized what you were saying about micron size... that applies to ice water extraction and has no bearing when the trichomes are being dissolved in a solvent.
I just assumed that being a finer mesh screen that the last bit of oil going through clogged the openings in the screen easier. It takes a long time for the fluid to come through the screen after I start the process. I blew through the tube and it didn't have any pressure resistance so micron size probably isn't a factor. I think I use too little solvent (one can) and put too much pot in the tube.
A tincture is just THC suspended in an alcohol solution. To do it right, you would normally decarboxylate the pot (heat it in an oven to convert all the cannibinoids to THC; I read one article that said 1/2 to 1 hour at 240 degrees F, but look up more info than I did if you plan to do it). I don't do this, though; I just let it dry naturally and jar or bag it until it's all the way dry, opening a few times if the weed needs it. Then I grind the pot and fill a quart mason jar halfway with the ground weed (it absorbs moisture so only fill it halfway). I use a 50% ABV cheap vodka to fill the jar to just about an inch from the top. Then I put it in the freezer for 5 days, shaking it hard 2-3 times a day and putting it back in. Because it's 50% alcohol, it doesn't freeze. I strain it through a cheesecloth set inside of a strainer into another quart jar when it's done (in the 5 days). What this does is break down the resin glands so the THC goes into solution with the vodka. The first 2 times I got a greenish brown unclear solution (some plant material dissolved into it from the weed I used being too dry). And I used trim, so it wasn't very strong. I'm taking all the weed I use after hash oil extractions and kief tumbles and using it for this. It's not too strong because a lot of the glands have been removed from the plant material from the oil process and the kief tumbling, but I do this "soaking" multiple times to increase the potency (I have a tincture in the freezer I just strained into a second jar of dried weed to make it stronger this morning, and I'm going to try straining it into a third jar of trim in 5 more days). About 1/4" of the ones I have now in a Scotch glass and I get a good buzz not from the vodka either :)

Thanks for taking your time and explaining Chimp :thumb:

Every time I read kief tumbler I automatically think of Batman smoking in his Batmobile :tokin:
Hee hee :)

I decided to put this Free Tibet clone into a dark period for a few days prior to chop:


I decided to go ahead and reveg it also; a reg seed grow I just did popped almost all males, so I have the room and I don't really think this clone looks too bad. The last 2 clones I had of this didn't turn out so well.
I'm curious about the extended dark period before harvest. I've read about this before and think there is truth to this madness.

Do you think the extended dark period had any effect on trichome production?

It looks like your leaves are tacoing. Why do you think that is? I know you must be flushing so it probably isn't nutrient overdose as some may suggest. Maybe it is just stress related somehow due to the darkness?
I'm curious about the extended dark period before harvest. I've read about this before and think there is truth to this madness.

Do you think the extended dark period had any effect on trichome production?

It looks like your leaves are tacoing. Why do you think that is? I know you must be flushing so it probably isn't nutrient overdose as some may suggest. Maybe it is just stress related somehow due to the darkness?

I can't call this science but they seem a bit more sparkly when I put them in the dark for a few days, so I do it. The problem is, I've never taken 2 clones of the same thing and did a side-by-side test, chopping one right from the grow room and giving the other a dark period.

I tend to misjudge the time a plant quits needing anything at the end of it's life. Because I use organic nutes, I don't flush. I usually go 10-14 days with just RO waterings at the end, but I watered this plant too much towards the last week. I should have let it dry. It could be overfeeding too.
I just assumed that being a finer mesh screen that the last bit of oil going through clogged the openings in the screen easier. It takes a long time for the fluid to come through the screen after I start the process. I blew through the tube and it didn't have any pressure resistance so micron size probably isn't a factor. I think I use too little solvent (one can) and put too much pot in the tube.


I am sorry I do not follow along well. I was just offered what I think you got by my glass shop guy, these sheets that came by micron size. I called bullshit and he got all sheepish. I have about a 2 zip tube. I use 2-2.5 10.5 oz cans per run and I pack it!! I have done many runs through coffee filters (I use three now) and have had only one blowout. To increase pressure and keep the solvent on longer put the bottom right against the bottom of the collection pan, careful though that is how I caused a blowout
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