PotChimp's Side Projects

Cool. I got my tube the other day it's a 30 -60 gram one. You pack it with bud or trim? I ain't got a lot of grass right now (3 quart jars and a nice GDP nug) and won't until I chop something (my next GDP and Chemdawg in a few weeks) so I might have to use trim. What I wanted to do was add the rest of my kief to the tube along with the trim to make it worth doing.
I'll get my posting up to date soon too, Buckshot and don't feel bad about following along I keep busy as Hell these days myself. I'm doing the lawn, trees, flower beds, potted outside plants, and garden all organic using aerated compost tea (doing 16 gallons a day of it) to get used to making it. Processed chicken manure, compost, and molasses is all I'm using (to keep it cheap), but it seems to do the job :) Lot of work, though.....
Let me see, my Pre '98 Lashkar Afghani x Deep Chunk grow has about 2-3 weeks left. It's fug dup like my GSC grow from overbreeding so I probably won't get two ounces off the whole grow. Maybe I'll hash oil it all. I'll be adding a Pre '98 Bubba Kush plus 2 GDP x GDPs (I bred those 2 myself) to this thread too. I decided to close the thread I had them in because of too many males in the grow. I've got another GDP clone started in flower also. And one more GDP about 1/4 of the way through selfing. My Charlotte's Web grow should be showing signs of sex pretty soon. And I'm started on round 4 of my Chemdawg breeding project; the paper towel germinated seeds went in the soil yesterday. I'll post pics of my clones and revegs too.

LOL! :laughtwo: I grew up with one.

Reminds me of the year I lived 1000 feet from a RR crossing - CLANG, CLANG, CLANG (crossing arms and lights) HONNNNNNNKKKKKKK (2 seconds according to RR rules)HONNNNNNNKKKKKKK (yup, 2 more seconds according to RR rules)HONNNNNNNKKKKKKK (uh huh, 2 more seconds according to RR rules), RUMMMMMMMMMMMMBBBLE (2 minutes or so), SCREEEEEEEEEEEECCHHHHHHHHH (Bad wheel - always one or two on a hundred car train), followed by blessed silence for at least 10 minutes.

Here's the Free Tibet I'm probably going to reveg (depends on how good the pots smokes; I've got it almost dry enough to test now):


It looks like Don King I don't think it likes my girlfriend's grandfather clock either. Here's a pic of the newest in my odds and ends journal, a Pre '98 Bubba Kush S1 fem:


I'll veg it a bit longer. Man I keep that one on the dry side it don't like water too much :straightface:

Post more pics soon I'm chopping the GDP 'cause it has about a week, but it hasn't done a thing in over a week. And I'll be adding a 818 Headband x GDP to this grow (not enough female plants came out of that reg grow to keep a journal going, so I abandoned it). I kept a last hope on this one and sure enough, it turned out female :)

GDP plants (the clone of the original is on the right in this full pic; the other 2 are the GDP x GDP cross that I did):


It's a clone, but still the original looks different from the offspring. Here it is:


And the 2 GDP x GDP plants (the second one with a broken root, overwatered, or both):


The Indica took over in the offspring :(
That headband hybrid looks incredible!
Hey what's up :) It is a pretty interesting plant. I just wish the Indica in all these GDP crosses would back down some. They all look like a Kush plant.

been like a one armed paper hanger, sorry I have not been in more. I just had my bee suit on pollinating all the girls with GDP :cheesygrinsmiley:
I failed on my first try at selfing I am gonna try again... and still have killed every single reveg
I guess I meant the crosses, the one that leaned indica, although I probably thought it was a clone, so now that I'm more up to speeed, it isn't all that startling for a cross.


(insert Emily Littela imitation here)
Pre '98 Bubba Kush S1 (about halfway down the pic on the right side, look closely at the large shade leaf. See the overlapping blades? There's one on the other side too):


Free Tibet, just starting to reveg:


I'm starting to like this unstable 818 Headband x Grand Daddy Purple cross myself, Buckshot. I've had a few hermies from the mother's breeder so I'm watching that thing for nanners on a daily basis so don't get too attached to it because if I see even one, it's Pow! To the moon, Alice!!!!! :)

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