PotChimp's Side Projects

Phukkadukk and sell the eggs I tried to twist that damn porcelain heating element bowl out of my sulfer burner to get the sulfer cake out and broke it. Friggin' bulb socket held the metal part tight when I turned, and the thing fractured :(
I found a place that sells the replacement part and ordered another one. I wish I would have looked around more and got one with a metal sulfer prill bowl to avoid that problem. It should get here just in time to do the 3rd week burn on the rest of the units.
My next GDP clone flowering out is looking decent, as well as one of the GDP x GDP plants. That Pre '98 looks good, but isn't showing hairs yet (at least that I can see). The small GDP clone is looking weak still but it looks like it will survive. I'll reveg this next GDP clone I chop if it doesn't take (and maybe even if it does). I'm going to do some oil tomorrow, and I'll pic the results, :peace:
818 Headband x Grand Daddy Purple:


Hope it fills out; I've been feeding it a lot:


Here it is in with a few more plants:


This Pre '98 Bubba is showing hairs now:


I can't wait until it starts to smell :)

A remarkable difference in the two plants. I like the first one better, yeah. :laughtwo: But seriously, wow, that's a winner, the kind a guy would like to be able to repeat.
Did me a little more hash oil this morning with some of the Pre '98 Lashkar Afghan Indica x Deep Chunk grow I chopped early. I've gone through the bag that I have the 3 chopped plants in twice so far, and gotten a small amount of hash oil twice plus added some of it I ground up to a bunch of trim I tumbled to get kief. I still have enough for another tumble and extraction. I take the weed from the extractions and add it to my compost bin, then take the weed from tumbling (you can do it twice but I don't) and make tinctures. I'm stocking up while I have the chance :)
Well, I had to buy stuff and build me a fan assembly for my oh-durr sokk. I thought the fan came with it, but it didn't and most 4" inline fans at the hardware don't push enough cfm. I bought 6" inline fans (250 cfm) and taped 6" to 4" reducers on them to fit. I'll pic the one that I'm putting in this unit after I get it installed. That unit has been running 85+ degrees F; the air circulation should get the temps down along with the humidity.
I got a good deal on my broken sulfer evaporator heating element; they sent me a whole new unit. If I can get another heating element somewhere else, I'll have me a whole spare burner setup :) I'm going to set up to do a burn in the same unit I'm putting the odor fan in tomorrow.
You can call me tweeky ;) I'm tweekin' every unit I got.

God phukkin damn it grey mold again sulfer burner gets put up with the rest of the waste of money products. The only plant that didn't have it in my 3 plant GDP grow was the one that was curled up. I pulled the whole grow after I punched both of the pots the phuktup ones were in. I'll clean the whole unit then put my Chem breeding project in tomorrow. More early crap to practice extractions with that sucks I'm so mad right now.
Sorry to hear that, sounds like you have long and painful history with mold. What could bethe cause for that mold to return all the time? Is it the environment?
Well that was a roller coaster read...

And right at the end we are screaming downwards with a barrel roll... damn

Sorry to hear that, sounds like you have long and painful history with mold. What could bethe cause for that mold to return all the time? Is it the environment?

A behind a wall unit in an enclosed area that stays somewhat damp regardless of what I do, a long and still wet Spring/Summer season, and a strain that's been a mold magnet to me in the past are the major problems.
This thread is a good place to put things into perspective for me. I can kind of sum up everything I have going on here. Well, as I said, I culled the entire unit of 3 GDP plants. I have them set aside for now and I'll cut them down later. I'm going to take the frosty GDP x GDP and reveg it after spraying it with SNS-244, as well as the GDP clone I keep going. In case my GDP S1 project gets worse (I have a small amount of rot due to bud clustering and it is going to turn into grey mold soon) and I don't get seeds, I'll have a backup plant to keep the genetics alive. I'm spraying it with SNS-244 also until I get the sulfer burner in there. Yeah, Ima keep using it :( I have it in my 600 watt unit now set to go off tonight; I'll put it in the GDP S1 unit tomorrow.
So my 400 watt unit is now open. I'm going in this afternoon to clean it with bleach water before I put my Chemdawg breeding project in there to start 12/12. They're small (2 are seedling size), but I'm doing this for the seeds not the pot.
All of the Charlotte's Web plants in my other unit are one grouping that all chop at the same time, so there's no confusion there. That's the next unit that gets a preventative sulfer burn. It chops in about 6-7 weeks.
It looks like I will be starting my Zamal Reunion grow. I'll do 5 seeds and cull the males. As soon as I get the Chemdawg plants into the next unit, I'll have the room to start them.
My reveg plants are looking weak, but they are showing signs of growth. The ounce-on-a-stick plant is starting the funny leaves, the other Chemdawg plant from my last breeding grow is looking like it's going to start, and the Free Tibet has 3 good branches on it; I'm just waiting for them to get longer so I can clone one or two.
In the future I need to consider the strains I grow at certain times of the year. Mold resistant strains from March to July might keep me safe from the problems I'm having. Stocking up on GDP in the cold months when the purple comes out better and the mold isn't thriving would be a smarter way to grow for me. Growing the heat resistant strains during the hotter months would be a good idea too.
I'm worried Ima run outta weed from the GDP cull; I have a few Chemdawg D BX 3 things going on (a plant I'll be jarring up today or tomorrow it might be 1 to 1-1/2 oz., and another one that will chop in about 4 weeks), and a few more chops afterwards. the 818 GDP cross looks like a good yielder but it looks like a 10-11 weeker, too :straightface: My Pre '98 will chop sooner (if the dense wet phukker doesn't get bud rot too) but it don't yield worth a rat's a$$. The Chemdawg project plant I'm tossing a round SCROG on just started under 12/12; it looked like OG Kush a bit so I decided to reveg the clone. Maybe I'll have enough, we'll see.
What a sucky day. Bah.


Sure would be nice to grow in a clean, filtered, climate controlled environment. I have dreams of a double garage, started from scratch, all clean and white and sealed, with perfect humidity and temps, three individual 8x12 units in bloom down one side ...

What a sucky day. Bah.


Sure would be nice to grow in a clean, filtered, climate controlled environment. I have dreams of a double garage, started from scratch, all clean and white and sealed, with perfect humidity and temps, three individual 8x12 units in bloom down one side ...


I'm giving serious thought to making a small room that incorporates air flow into the design like most people that have been at this a while do, Graytail. This problem is almost 100% due to what you just mentioned and I'm tired of having to deal with it over and over.
Okay I've got the sulfer burner going in the unit that the 818 x GDP, Chemdawg D BX 3 clone, Pre '98 Bubba Kush S1, and other Chem project clone are in. I set it for 6 hours. There isn't a single sign of any problems in the unit as far as mold goes, but the Bubba's growth is clustered so I need to do this. Not having a mold or rot problem at present should help the treatment to work better. I'll do a 6 hour sulfer burn in my GDP S1 unit tomorrow night, then I'll do the same in my Charlotte's Web unit. It's going to be a month before the Chem breeding plants need it in that unit; I just put them under 12/12 today. I might as well finish off with a 3 hour burn in my veg tent for a preventative measure. Oh and I started another jar of tincture this morning; a 50% ABV vodka soak with about 60% bud 40% trim (assorted weeds). I'll tumble more kief soon Monday. I'll get me some hash oil from these 3 GDP early chops too (even though it's premature dope). I think that 818 Headband x Grand Daddy Purple is going to yield well; I have room to clone it now. It smells good, like sour candy :) I may get one or two clones from the Pre '98 too. Gonna finish smoking this CDDBX3 blunt laced with Pre '98 Lashkar Afghan Indica/Deep Chunk shatter.....

I let the last batch harden in the dish it just breaks off like small pieces of glass when I scrape I just have to be slow so as not to shoot the little pieces everywhere. It was tasty, but the buzz from the shatter isn't that good. The GDP stuff I'll be making soon won't be very potent either (also premature). I want to do some of this Chem stuff soon :)
I could have swore I posted these :trance:

Here's some of my odds and ends plants. 818 Headband x GDP:


Not a good pic, but a Pre '98 Bubba Kush:


I took clones today (4 Bubbas in the mother's pot flowering still and one Bubba, one CDDBX3, and one 818GDP, in peat pots vegging) and did a reveg of the nice GDP x GDP and the GDP I've been cloning over and over. I sprayed them down with SNS-244; since they're short and don't have many leaves I think they'll be okay until a sulfer burn in about a week. Here's the clones:


I was just gonna deep six this Free Tibet after I got a clone, but it grew so many branches I think I'll put it back into flower:


Here's the unit that some of them are in:


I fed the ones in flower AN Iguana and all organic AN supplements yesterday also, with one last dose of GWS.

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