PotChimp's Side Projects

Man, those are some scrumtious looking girls!

I gotta grow me a GDP one of these days - yours is gorgeous! - and your Free Tibets always look great.


Thanks for the compliment Graytail, but the FT just lost something along the way. Previous plants and clones burst into growth so bad that I though it was heat stress (the calyxes grew out spaced and sporatically), but now it looks weak. I've messed up the last 2 clones and that may be why, though.
That second GDP I just started into flower may be the one I CS. If I can get this Lashkar Afghan Indica grow into the other unit soon enough I'll use it. The smell is just like they say; grape musk. Well, I'm going to get some dirt to start (1) Bubba Kush Katsu cut - fem, (3) GDP x GDP reg, (3) 818 Headband x GDP reg, and (3) SLH x DJ Short's Blueberry reg seeds. I'll be tossing this grow in soon. And some odor control. Mr. Nice (G13 x Hash Plant) isn't so nice to my nostrils :(
GDP clone:


Other GDP clone:


Close-up of same GDP clone (I'm thinking of starting CS on this one when my small unit opens up soon):


The Free Tibet clone (flushed a week or so ago to help FF overdose):


I'll pic my jar of extract I made when I get a chance :) It came out golden color; light, so I know it's not super strong. I didn't expect it to be; I used the bottom wispy buds and the trim from my Tangerine Dream plant. I did a second quart jar too, but it is a bit brown in color because the second jar come up short and I added some Chocolope trim I tumbled once but left on a tray (it was way too dry). It has a sandy looking residue at the bottom of the jar, but the golden colored one doesn't. I've been hitting on the brownish one every night and it gets me high :)

Well I won't be able to pic the one brownish jar I drank it up :thumb: I'll get one up of the golden colored one tomorrow. The GDP is getting purple so I wanted to get a few pics of it too. I think I'm going to chop the Free Tibet out; it's not getting any better, in the past it went out at 11 weeks of 12/12, and that would make only 2 weeks left. I'm not going to do any feedings at this point because growth and hairs have stopped. I've got another CDDBX3 clone in there now and I need to make room for my possibly last Free Tibet clone. I'm going to make another tincture in a few days with the rest of my wispy OTH buds and my Chem D mother reject trim. Damn I want to make a jar of this GDP tincture; the purple would look cool as Hell :)
That's a really impressive GDP! It looks white with trichs. :circle-of-love:

Gotta toss you a rep for that - she's a winner!
Notes: I made me 2 more quart jars of tincture last night. It's from the mother reject trim and the rest of that OTH, one being all OTH.
I fed both GDP clones AN Iguana Bloom and the organic additives I use this morning. I'm keeping an eye on the older one; the hairs are browning up, but they have that jagged look I get when grey mold starts. I hope it's nothing.
I'll post pics soon.

Notes: I'm gonna strain those tinctures today. The golden one I did was a little weak, so I may add it to these; they should be a little stronger. If they're not, I'll put these in a rice cooker and take some of the water and alcohol out to strengthen it. Here's the GDPs again (on the left and in the back of the right side in the full pic):


Here's the last Free Tibet I chopped a few days ago. I may make BHO out of it since it grew so poorly:


I'll post more pics soon, busy as Hell these days..... :tokin:

I'll do side by side pics of the results, but these 2 tinctures I did are about 2 to 3 times as dark; I think I did better this time. I just got done straining them and I'm gonna try a big gulp and see :) I went and got one of my Scotch glasses so I might exceed the one gulp just a tad. *Gulp,gulp,gulp,gulp,gulpiddyglug,glug,glug,glug,gulp!!!!!* :)
Here's a good description of the color: the golden color one I did about a week ago is the color of a light beer (vegetable oil?), and these 2 quarts I just strained are the color of cognac (medium color honey?). I can taste it a bit. I think when I get enough weed to last me, I feel comfortable doing this with good buds after a few practice runs. I feel okay with tube extractions too; I've done well there too.
My odds and ends plants aren't too many right now. Both my Bubba revegs died. All I have are clones of the Free Tibet and GDP in different phases of growth. The last FT is hitting it right now; I should feed it instead of putting it in the who cares category in my mind; it may not have gone feral. Yeah, it deserves a last fighting chance as many times as it's got me high and pulled me through in times of no weed. :)
Oh and following the advice of b.real, I put a fan running 24/0 in this unit hitting the tops of the plants. I am putting one in my other unit to help prevent mold (as he suggested and I thought about before) so I'll do one here too. I'll try to find one for my last unit also. Beats spraying lemon juice everywhere :(

What type of programming error could have caused that? I typed it in by hand twice to be sure the code was correct, and still couldn't eliminate the space in between the g and the u in the last word gulp. Something about characters being in between the commas and the asterisks I'm thinking, but it's been a while and I know code has changed a lot.

Type in the symbol ":", then the letters of the word "peace" (small letters), and the symbol ":" again (without using spaces), for example. You'll get the peace sign. You wrote it in code instead of taking the shortcut of clicking the smiley icon above then clicking the peace sign you want. That's what I meant when I said I wrote it to be sure. Too weird..... :straightface: (I wrote that last smiley in code too).
Hey Chimp, I'm curious ...

I was looking ahead to another year and planning the strains to run, and was pleased to see that I'll have grown about 30 different strains by the end of my second year. I was going to ask your advice on some of them and it occurred to me that you've probably run more strains than people realize.

About how many do you suppose you've grown?
Hey Chimp, I'm curious ...

I was looking ahead to another year and planning the strains to run, and was pleased to see that I'll have grown about 30 different strains by the end of my second year. I was going to ask your advice on some of them and it occurred to me that you've probably run more strains than people realize.

About how many do you suppose you've grown?

I'm guessing in the 3 years plus I've been doing this between 40 and 50, but I'd have to look back at all my journals plus remember what I did in the year I was off of here. I've probably grown about 200 plants and clones so far too. At the rate I'm going, by the time I'm croaked I'll have grown a plant for every week of my life :)
I'm guessing in the 3 years plus I've been doing this between 40 and 50, but I'd have to look back at all my journals plus remember what I did in the year I was off of here. I've probably grown about 200 plants and clones so far too. At the rate I'm going, by the time I'm croaked I'll have grown a plant for every week of my life :)

I thought so. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Maybe by the time I croak I'll catch up with you. ;)
I thought so. :cheesygrinsmiley:

Maybe by the time I croak I'll catch up with you. ;)

Figure out which nursing home you're going to before you croak and bury sealed jars of kind bud by the hundreds on their property so you got steady smoke when you get there bury a gun disguised as a cane too you'll be set don't worry about smoking apparatus you can use their oxygen tubing, nebulizer, and defibrillator to make a homemade vaporizer :)
Man my luck sux the top cola of my GDP has a bud rot spot and grey mold. :( I sprayed the doodoo out of it with SNS, so it might make it. I'll cut it off before I let it mess up the rest of the plant, which I sprayed too. It's getting nice and purple too what a drag. I'll get me some purple hash oil after all, it looks like..... :)

How much tops would a bud rot stop if a bud rot could stop tops?
It would stop more tops than a whole cop shop if a bud rot could stop tops!

I fed both GDP clones and the last Free Tibet a normal AN Iguana Bloom feeding yesterday. I'll keep my eye on them at this point, because it's 7 weeks of 12/12 for that GDP today. The clones show hairs in 7-8 days, so it should only have 2-3 weeks left.

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