Pinktiger's Next Adventure: Can She Double Her Yield With Two Tents?

OK! I just happened to have a brush in the bottom of the bin, that I used to sweep it up. Placed it in my stash container (looks like grandma’s snuff box, but made out of plastic) and that way it will be mixed in the bud crumbs! This is really small - it’s where I put the ground bud.
Today it is cold, and the tent is not getting above 65. So the Milkhouse is running outside the room, venting warm air into the tent. I also upped Nutes, as it was down to 620 ppm. Plants are growing fast. I’ll post pictures later, after the pm check on levels and ppm and ph.
Sorry- I’m too busy today to put pictures up. All is well.
Shed, you crack me up. OK, here's some pictures. First, let me fill you in on everything:
The clones are going wild. Even the little ones. One, which I placed in the center because it was so big already, has gone straight to town, guys. So I got me some twist ties and today I started training my scrog. Please let me know if you think I'm doing it wrong. I'm trying to get the effect of all the shoots above the screen to be bud. I'm dreaming, but you get my idea. I know it is a lot of plants!

Excellent advice! I was wondering what to do there.
Hi everyone! The plants are growing well. Lots of new shoots. I'm even thinking one has hermaphroditism. I'll check tomorrow after they wake up.
Yesterday I flipped them. Starting on 10/14 (dark), then after a week move up until they are 12/12.
They are respirating well - using about 1/2 gal a day of water. Today I added nutes to make up for the water and nutes they have used. I do this by staying within or lower than the recommended amounts. And by checking the ppm to make certain it is going down, not staying the same or going (horrors) up. We are going to change the res this weekend and add my new aquarium heater. Going to put that on a timer so that it only works at night. Depending on how it does. I don't want the water to go over 75 degrees, and this is supposed to work with my size reservoir (10 gal). If used constantly, will keep it to 78 degrees. So I figure using it only at night will allow it to stay about 75 all the time.
Does anyone have experience with this?
I think warming the water is better than warming the air. And safer.
The tent is averaging 59 degrees at night now, and that is low. It only gets to 71 or 72 with lights on.
Another thing - I think I'm going to take clones again. The largest plant in the center has many little shoots. When they get big enough, I'll take clones and root them in the small tent again.
How far from my plants should the lights be? I'm thinking I should lower them, as I'm scrogging them low. I would prefer to limit the amount of stretch these plants will do.
I think I'm going to take clones again. The largest plant in the center has many little shoots. When they get big enough, I'll take clones and root them in the small tent again.
This is beginning to sound like a perpetual grow. :thumb:

I'm sure the tent folks have better answers but I'd say put the lights as low as you can go without burning or sacrificing coverage. As the plants grow above the net you can raise them.
This is beginning to sound like a perpetual grow. :thumb:

I'm sure the tent folks have better answers but I'd say put the lights as low as you can go without burning or sacrificing coverage. As the plants grow above the net you can raise them.

Yeah. Perpetual. It saves seeds! Thanks for the advice.
Finally, I got here with some pictures. Busy few days!
Today my daughter and I changed the res, and I trained and took clones. The plants are really taking off, and I'm glad I put it in flower already. It was time.
I included a picture here of the plant I thought had hermied. Actually, these are not footballs! LOL
Next, pictures both before and after taking clones and more training. I'm trying to keep the plant in the center and also the one in the back left, from taking over the Universe.
The clones are in the second tent that I have, and the LEDs are set at 40 percent veg and 15 percent flower.
The only thing I put in the water for the clones is liquid RapidStart. I dip the clones in Clonex before putting them in a rapidstart plug, covering with a collar, and lowering into the DWC bath.
I also took a few extra, which are in the beaker, in case one or another dies on me.

I'm trying my best to train these to get the optimum amount of harvest.
I'm also sure that regardless of my hubris, I have a lot of learn about training.

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