Pinktiger's Next Adventure: Can She Double Her Yield With Two Tents?

I have too many bottles. LOL. But I like this batch I'm growing - and I just started using those extra nutrients, so after a couple of grows I'll know if it makes a difference.
OK, guys. Here's a whole slough of pictures. I've got buds, I've got trichs. I'm thinking some of this will be ready to harvest next weekend. ???????

BTW, the clones are growing well. I'm proud of them. In the last two days, growth has become sudden and fast. So I'll be glad when this batch is done so I can put the clones in the tent.
Most of the trichomes are cloudy on the three oldest plants. I harvested one cola this afternoon to check for potency before Amber trichs predominate. I plan to take some more next weekend.
I agree! But I'm still stoked to try the sample now drying on my deck.
LOL. (I'm running low, to be honest, and decided to put some in the production line.)
Ok - here we go - more pictures. Everything is the same, a little more growth.
Please observe and let me know any problems you see. Or if you don't see problems, also comment!!! LOL

I chopped yesterday, and trimmed. Took me a total of 4 1/2 hours, including transferring clones to big tent and cleaning everything. My hands were tired from trimming! I had 1/2 a five gallon bucket full of trim. I think I should get at least six ounces of bud. Trim includes popcorn.
I'm going to smoke the popcorn but not include it in the total dry weight of the harvest.
I placed the trim outside on my porch, in a bud dryer net stack.
The buds are in the small tent, now cleared of DWC and plants.
The plants are in the big tent now, and I lowered the scrog screen four inches, so I can do a low scrog. Seven plants need that or I'll be tossed out of the closet everytime I open in tent in a few days! They received 24 hours of DWC and then a transition to every three hours on flood for 30 minutes. They transitioned perfectly! This time, no wilting.
I'm going to continue this grow in this journal, because it is all connected.

I will need some advice on the low scrog and other things as you all see fit. So please give it.
PH is 5.8 - 675 on PPM.

Here's some photos to illustrate:

On the drying: I put a few on hangers. The rest are laying on my trim bin. It has a screen on the top layer, letting any crystals go below.
No lights on during the dry - I just turned on lights so I could take a photo. These really smell. I love it, but nobody else does - ! Too bad for them and more for me! So the tent helps protect the air in the house, as it has a carbon filter on the exhaust fan.
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