Pinktiger's Next Adventure: Can She Double Her Yield With Two Tents?

Thanks, guys! I am very appreciative of all of your help and advice - could not have done it without you.
The buds in the tent were beginning to get too dry, so i whisked them off stems and weighed. 166 grams. A hair under 6 ounces. Photos to come.
Photos suck. LOL. But the bud alone fills a 4-liter CV. Still not ready to smoke, and I have a hygrometer in the CV and let it stay open for several hours a day. Three weeks from now I should be able to give a smoke report.
I try not to do shitty pictures, because it would ruin my reputation! LOL.
Here's a photo. I got out the good camera.
A little more about my drying routine:
Because it is always dry in the house in fall and winter, I have to be careful not to overdry the bud. I pull it off the stems as soon as possible, and try to regulate the humidity so it dries slow. Right now the buds are in the CV but it is open, and they are in the small tent with the fans on low and lights out. I'll stir them a bit, later, and then put them up in the vault with the lid on overnight. I do this until the hygrometer says it is 61-62 percent in the vault. I have Boveda packs (62 percent) to regulate the humidity, but when these are fresh the Boveda can't do it on its' own. Has to be a fine dance between open air and up in the Vault, but once it is regulated the bud always stays nice in the vault. Always the ambitious one, I bought an 8-liter, a 4-liter, and the large and small vault, which are less large. I keep my smoke in the small. The stash in the large. And the rest in the 4-liter. Haven't had to use the 8-liter yet. LOL. May be awhile.
These are very pretty buds, but I can't tell the difference between the White Widow X Big Bud and the Sour D. So they are all together. I'm not even sure which clone came from which plant. It doesn't matter. Both are similar.
The trim went into sacks today for further drying - it’s outside on the deck. Very dry here. Trim bin has a bunch of white trichomes in the bottom, under the micro screen. Can I smoke that? Or how do you use it?
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