Pheno's Perpetual: Ocean Grown Dark Plasma, Other Top Shelf TBD, Breeding For THC-V

KickFlip number 1 week 3 12/12 but im counting day 15 flower this time to allign my nutes, cutting out a little of the calcium nitrate in a xouole weeks, bloom boost et. Will likely match the decrease in calcium nitrate with an equal ratio decrease in epsom salt to maintain the magnesium / calcium balance.
Will go really light on the bloom boost but thats a but away yet.. Big vascular system on this girl
Just go easy on the pk boosters, girls are looking great!
4DD= (Chem D x (Chem 4 x Chem ibl)
Hey thanks again Pennywise, your stamp of approval holds much weight with me.
... to revisit this again, just another thought for your opinion before I go reshoot the bud shots from yesterday. I love this phase they look completely different day to day for now...
I know many guys use a boost for a week only. Maybe week 4 or 5? What are some good visual ques to start the boost week as my girls will be in different phases and I have never run any of these specific plants before. Like, from when the girl's are transitioning to the bulking phase for example? I hate saying x days from 12/12 until I know the plant better.
I really don’t give a pk boost, the Dyna-Gro has what the plant needs already.
That's good to know, I have seen 2 distinct side by sides that showed really not much gain if at all with boosters and Jacks 321 base...
As you mention the Dyna-Gro likely has everything the plants needs to express its genome,Peter's have a very complete system and I question whether boost is even needed...
I ran just the base nutes with the Jacks last time and was disappointed in yeild. It could have been any one or a combination many factors. Light stress, small pots, genetics, expectations and even my bulb is old. 4 runs now. Ordering a new one today finally. Just in time. Anyway brother, have a great rest of the weekend... My baby nephew woke amd im caring for the tike today
From what I've seen cannabis uses a lot of nitrogen, potassium and calcium but surprisingly Phosphorus is used almost equal to calcium so not a lot really. And the amount and ratios of the big 3 doesn't change much from veg to flower. I think a lot of growers hurt their plants by reducing or eliminating nitrogen in flower. Nitrogen is important throughout the plants life cycle. Magnesium, iron and sulphur demand will increase slightly during flower especial from the mid point on. I look at a lot of commercial products and have to scratch my head. They seem to be designed to increase our cost with little benefit to the plant.
From what I've seen cannabis uses a lot of nitrogen, potassium and calcium but surprisingly Phosphorus is used almost equal to calcium so not a lot really. And the amount and ratios of the big 3 doesn't change much from veg to flower. I think a lot of growers hurt their plants by reducing or eliminating nitrogen in flower. Nitrogen is important throughout the plants life cycle. Magnesium, iron and sulphur demand will increase slightly during flower especial from the mid point on. I look at a lot of commercial products and have to scratch my head. They seem to be designed to increase our cost with little benefit to the plant.

Very well said Pennywise. I will say since switching to Jacks and using it through flower the ONLY negative that might be nitrogen related and I only say this because I have heard other growers say it is too much N in flower sometimes stretches more?
My plants do soooooo much better overall though...
They stretch for longer.
Like 4 weeks until completely done but I needed it this time lol.
Now, have we considered that is what the genome is "supposed" to produce? I say this because supposed to is a relative term using plant PGRs lol. But you get my point right? Do my girls want to stretch and by using a different ratio in bud stunt that?

And they are not toxic!
At all, even a little bit.
Healthiest garden to date and the leaves are perfect but for wind wear.
No cupping this time just straight up and out. I am adding 6g of calcium nitrate per 4.5 gallons at 12-0-0 many growers might think im nuts but quality...lets discuss what truly matters.
While my yeild was low last time, it was the first time I filled the tent with low yeilding cuts, old bulb, flood drain issues, light burn, heat burn etc. Quality is stellar:) smoothest amd now cured delicious bud... Reminds me Need to smoke report.

I got run everyone have a great day I'll try to get some more pics in again this week they're growing like crazy
Arg just realized my earlier photos didn't take.. Tried a new upload method. I'll attach some week 3 photos of all new plants for me
num 12 and 13 plasma very much like Forum cut.
The Kickflip is covered in smaller trichomes giving it a very distinct look.
I've seen many photos of plants that look like this and now I understand why. The Trich are more abundant but smaller which I'm very curious about cannabanoid wise. The Dark Plasma as well the Autos all have large calyx and the plasma has a very large trichome head. Easily visible naked eye, it's something ppl comment on usually first when they see the nugs.

Here they are...

So here's a convo starter. On Trich size, what has folks experience been with the different size trichs? The last year's genetics almost made me forget about the smaller trichomes as they are very large and easily seen with the naken eye. The Kickflip however has some smaller trichomes but what appear to be more of them to make up for the lack of size. I would think a hash maker would prefer one over the other and a flower smoker might like something else?

What are some ppl opinion on trich size and effect, flavor, potency etc.?
Nice observations on the trich size. I haven't grown strains that I noticed a difference between. I have seen bud loaded with the smaller trichs and it was one of my favorites. Was referred to as "Crystal Queen" but I'm not sure what it really was/where it came from it was only in the rotation for a year or so.
Nice observations on the trich size. I haven't grown strains that I noticed a difference between. I have seen bud loaded with the smaller trichs and it was one of my favorites. Was referred to as "Crystal Queen" but I'm not sure what it really was/where it came from it was only in the rotation for a year or so.
Thanks buddy, ya you're right,
See its that 'Crystal Queen' moniker that has me excited about these for change. Most of the cannabis I grew up on had that and we called them crystals.
Some buds just look covered in diamonds and I'll bet it's smaller trichs...I like that look myself. Not as much when they grown but the "jar appeal".
Plants looking good there Pheno... repeatable results is a good goal.

Then improve on your results. It's a process. I'd rather hit 20 doubles than 2 HRs. I've found the HR's don't stick around long are sadly just memories in very short order.

Get your process down to where you are 100% sure you got it right and then try small changes that you know are going to help.

I've found less is more.. specially in yield department.

soil (grow medium)

The 1 thing that has the most influence is genetics. Specially given the other 3 are down pat.

I'm a soil grower and found that my own home made compost was a game changer.... its sometimes the little things that you don't really think much about that can make the difference.
Plants looking good there Pheno... repeatable results is a good goal.

Then improve on your results. It's a process. I'd rather hit 20 doubles than 2 HRs. I've found the HR's don't stick around long are sadly just memories in very short order.

Get your process down to where you are 100% sure you got it right and then try small changes that you know are going to help.

I've found less is more.. specially in yield department.

soil (grow medium)

The 1 thing that has the most influence is genetics. (Agreed 100%) Specially given the other 3 are down pat.

I'm a soil grower and found that my own home made compost was a game changer.... its sometimes the little things that you don't really think much about that can make the difference.
Very true, I'm a man of science so operating in a space with so many perams is a little nerve wracking but I have a process.

First run, always top genetics from now on, I don't mean seedsman freebies, while they can surprize I haven't enjoyed the smoke in the end. Anyway getting back to the medium change.

I ran 5 gallon soil before and liked it. I do like the ability to wait to water.
Every day and sometimes more is become near full time job lol... but, I liked the speed and science behind hydro though and like coco. Seems every day you just watch them take off as soon as you feed them in coco. it's nuts.
Here's where it get's interesting to me. Outdoor, and Brix.
I want high Brix for protection and health but does the term "Nutrient Dense Fruit" sound appealing to cannabis?
Not to smoke of course not!
But, it may be said those minerals help terpenes or cannabanoids express...

So bottom line is this: - but I have a question too...
I will do a tent again with soil for sure, likely try building my own. Right now I'm on this hybrid hydroponic/organic coco kick. Starting with the agricultural nutes I set a baseline last run, no boosts. Only 1 microbe and not a PGR.
The change this time is boosting PK...although we don't have time to test and retest 100x a day like I do with code so it's difficult to do only a single change...
I've decided the do my tweaks in logical batches with a theme. Right now it's PK, next is Brix, where I'm sure you may be able to help?
The question is on flush, dawned on me after a 3 week flush and still needed months to cure for some, what the heck is the problem. I wonder if ppl aren't PH locking out the plant first but running 30 gallons of tap/well water through first then feeding un PHd water? just a rant:)
My dumbass has been PHing the water. well not entirely true this time filtered water is 6 here rather than typical 7-9
Great ideas and I thank you so much for the perspective! I will come over and see what you got!
This is one that I had tested. It came in at 19% and the other with way less frost seemed stonger. I wish I would have had it tested too
Man, I'm not really sure how much we even need to be looking at this vs ratios...
30% 1 hit and dying to breath, or 19% x 2 hits of smoothness is a no brainer also:) Not sure if it's THC that does the lung expansion thing but ya this proves it, thanks for sending that. I haven't gotten enough money together to test but PSI does both Potency($30) or terps(30) or both(60) cheap if you plan to keep the cut to spend 60 on a full profile.
Also, rumor out of the pacific northwest there was a bunch of number inflation unfortunately so many of the 30% record breakers I would like a few opinions as well independent testing using different methods if possible.
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