Pheno's Perpetual: Ocean Grown Dark Plasma, Other Top Shelf TBD, Breeding For THC-V

Hang in there buddy, and this too shall pass.
Thanks Pennywise, Bipolar and it's become more cyclical seems I start balling about 2:30 feeling sorry for myself by 3:30 and by 5:30 I'm through it all and back to positive. Making progress.
I will wash today, just not sure what to use as the best thing?
Lemon Juice seems like acids==eats oils?
IDK, should I trim first?
Any ideas are greatly appreciated. now just need to get charcoal and dust off of buds, re-re-re-re-wet them and try again to dry them correctly:)
As this is last chance i have (or have energy for) at under 70% humidity outside for over a week, i'll put in garage wet and blast with air and heat as it will be over 100f in there today with it 80+ outside. I won't get it down far enough out there but if I can get it down to 70 I can finish it inside.
$1000/month ouch. Both Jeeps don't cost us that much up here, must be a zip code thing.
I hear ya on needing some 420 friends, even being a legal state for so long we still don't have much of a social scene to go with it like Cali or even DC do. Hopefully the ballot will change that this year.

I used cold h202/ hotlemon juice/ cool baking soda/ cold rinse.
$1000/month ouch. Both Jeeps don't cost us that much up here, must be a zip code thing.
I hear ya on needing some 420 friends, even being a legal state for so long we still don't have much of a social scene to go with it like Cali or even DC do. Hopefully the ballot will change that this year.

I used cold h202/ hotlemon juice/ cool baking soda/ cold rinse.


That makes much more sense. I plan to use an H202 solution on a couple of branches to test.

good news though....
Good News Everyone! What I mistook for "Mildew" was just hay.

My wife and y mother both confirmed and I've gotten 2/3 of the harvest into jars with Boveda 62% (it's what they had at the Taylor store and ambient was now 59 so perfect.

Overnight they smell cured already lol. No hay smell, just delicous lemon Spice and Lime OG funk.

Thanks again Pennywise, we'll need to start me a tab lol.

Cheers everyone, have a wonderful day!
I'm loving the Boveda packs, so far.

Everything is smelling delicious and on it's way to a good cure.

For this first week, should I be burping the jars by removing the lid and shaking it around maybe?

Or Should I removed the buds from the jar altogether?

What I have been doing is once a day I do the former and once a day the latter for the first week and after that it's just open when I go fishin around in there for a nug which is at least every couple of days or so.

This next season is going to be a good one ladies and fellas.

The square one project is off to a great start with the 3 surviving of 5 seedlings.

Number 1 is so vigorous it nearly killed itself! Right before I up-potted them, it drank the solo dry and turned into a "melted candle" of ruined plant:( ...
Then I gave it water and it bounced back 70% in an hour, 90% in 1 day with the final observable damage being a single leaf tip necrotic!

I really hope it's a female, and that I didn't hurt her epigenome too bad permanentantly.

Got some cool mutations that I want to show off. It looks like the Square 1 #5 tied it's taproot into a knot and also the leaves and shoots grow together for a time like webbing on toes or duck-leaved cannabis only this is on the stem.

Check it out:

Here's some of the fruits of my labor:) Cheers!

Got some weird stuff going on, but the mutants can turn out to be very special.
My thoughts exactly!...provided the mutations do not keep the plant from finishing, testing is 60 bucks total for terps and potency. Worth seeing what's what just in case we stumble across another Doug's Verin or something...
Wished I could have testing done but to risky where I am.
I have to apologize to everyone for that very reason. I was in a similar spot and before I got to know everyone it was imperative that I use my MI address even though my mother and sister occupied that residence and I was in another place that wasn't as friendly. So apologies for a little while of "false representation" some of the time as I traveled much between the two but still had to get that amends done. Being here finally and having our cards etc is nice however for now we are still severely financially restricted.

I do have a great blessing this weekend.
My friend from the grow store was gifted a bunch of elite cuts by the store owner, Sour Diesel (doubt original), Cotton Candy, Bruce Banner, Forum cookies, Sunshine Sherbet and he's never taken cuts before and is rightly so a bit nervous.

He's vegging out these plants in prep for flower and I asked about cuts and he wasn't planning to take any!! Only one grow under his belt, hand held by a master and not the obsessive like some of us lol. Anyway, I told him he needs copies.
So I got good roots from the cloner on my reset mothers and Square 1's so I'm lending him the cloner for 10 days. showing him how to set it up, Once his root, i'll pick up my cloner with a copy of each of his genetics, thus saving me lots of time and effort. I hope they are the real deal.

* I found with light in a DWC cloner less is more. I use a 9w Dollar General LED light 3000k single bulb over a 20 site Oxyclone. Nearly no heat and just enough to keep them alive so the clones come out green and healthy.
I've used my other lights and set the cloner to the side or under a grow lamp and I get yellowing and deficiencies as I try driving photosynthesis without a root mass.
That's it, easy peasy 9W LED or a CFL that is 60W equivelent. An incandecent will likely work but I worry the heat. They say cooler temps 4000-6000k are needed, but I just did my best clone run with 3000k. 7 days to full root systems on multiple strains and sexes and what a uniform run!!

Quick Question friends coco/perlite vs pure coco? M
y rootballs in coco seem to be 100% solid after flower like they take up the whole damn bucket but I worry with perlite am I losing some pot size to the volume displaced by the perlite? It would seem logical that it would be no more so displacement than with coco, however there is this compact melding of root and coco that seems more compact/.
I'm trying to extend the feed times to once every other day in 3 gallon pots if I need to.

So...extending this a bit as I will be adding some other cuts later i'll get off and running with some Dark Plasma and Square Ones before I see which of the others I want to run this round. I need a couple of more lights, 4 preferably and I can harvest a light a week.
I use pure coco, just didn't see an advantage to using perlite. I water everyday with coco, skipping days may lead to deficiencies.
Lol, Ya I talked myself out of the perlite
I use pure coco, just didn't see an advantage to using perlite. I water everyday with coco, skipping days may lead to deficiencies.
Ya Penny, the wife and I talked and I was like with perlite wouldn't you lose root mass?
And she agreed.
After I put i an order for the perlite mix. local Grow Store closed but I have access to products at cost right now...Adam might be bringing me 2 bags of the perlite...hopefully we can get word before he heads out to give me the pure.

I love the Rootz compared to Cocotek blocks. No bugs, no diseases clean from the start.
These guys all use the perlite stuff, big pots, lots of veg time and bamboo.

Like a complete 180 from the Ferrari type system that I like. 8 weeks of veg time??? could you imagine?
poor kid has a lot of lessons and I'm trying to help but he wants to do it like he was taught the first run...

To each his own, i've been looking into a good hydro system with the proper additives and boosts.

I read a Malawi article and ACE's top cultivator recommends SOG from the cloner or seed into 12/12 light indoors.
My num 10 plasma would do well in that system so it looks like logical matches are lining up.
I cannot wait to see the Square one's They are SOOOOO mag and calcium hungry!

Holy cow I can't give em enough it seems. These would do better, 6 plants 3 gallon pots tomato cage with a 2-4 week veg.

One thing is, it seems you can shoehorn most strains into most systems with training but certain logical systems just seem to show for each cultivar. The Dark Plasma were stretchy across the board but i've had some pheno's very highly in my little time growing.

So basically this season is a sorter to get the best of the best, grow out the new cuts when I get them, expand and winter season it's on. Let's hope to grow meds for the year.

I have to remember the old leaves don't improve so it should be ok now but dang that hybrid vigor in these cultivars.
I use pearlite, big pots, 8 week vegtimes, and bamboo (on smaller grows that im to lazy to scrog) lol. Its more of a monster truck grow approach than ferrari lol. Slow and steady finishing with wide spread chaos!!
I use the pearlite and a small amount of worm castings with my coco. i use larger pots and they take too long to dry out without the pearlite. Its also because i usually water to runoff. Ive experimented with watering more often with no runoff but i feel like it defeats the purpose of larger pots and promotes lazy roots.
New cuts sound like fire man!! I hope all goes well. Also glad to here the humidity didnt get you.:thumb:
Got some weird stuff going on, but the mutants can turn out to be very special.
Turns out the number 5 is a girl, the mutant didn't make it to sexing however I have a clone of it and want to see if the odd behavior will clone out.
**Great News Everyone!!
Here's the marker for the start of Season 6, my plans and appreciations.
Sorry long post but lots of great things for Pheno's Garden!!

So only one bummer I thought ppl should know, I got a bunch of Cyco Coco flock at my local store cheap. It was on sale and came with a TON of fungus gnat larvae. I don't normally do that folks and you know i'll own my shit but in this case I know because they are not anywhere in the house, and my normal BTI treatment only seems to beat them back but not kill them outright which is crazy! I hope continued treatment with the Mosquito Bits will do the trick as it usually does interrupt the larvae. It was likely this causing the "mutation" in the Kickflip (PPx PB&J) seedling. I Might need to try a blocker but for the bottoms it's too late. I think it was a root problem and hoping my clones will grow normally. Num 5 of the Square One (Now Named and released to the public as "KickFlip" (Purple Punch Supernova cut x PB& Jealous) is a girl, compact and not morphologically what I want for this tent but things are brewing - i'll get the that, and we might have a lot more room to come. available at

I was gifted through, now the story is more clear, are credible sources the following cuts, which have all rooted and are in cups :)

2 of each of the following, one for the guy who bought them (family money dumped tens of thousands into an OP and has never grown not once, my buddy and I are helping him the best we can and this is my way to help since I have a very high clone success rate. In return got some hot genetics).

Bruce Banner #3
Forum Cut GSC
Cotton Candy Kush
Death Star
Sour Diesel

All have rooted and i'll be giving him his cuts soon. The cool thing is that he also had another "Forum GSC that looks more legit color wise to me. It was stuck into soil as a 6"stem, no roots and these two guys are watering it, letting it dry etc. assuming roots while the seller assumed they knew what they where doing. long story long, this plant is a freaking miracle because in over a month it didn't die. I kept growing a little, never rooted.
What the fuck???
So, they called me early upon discovering this and apparently this forum cut was very costly in comparison and I was to hail mary her and I will say a few days in the Oxyclone she's back to being dark green, reaching for the light and I think she may actually live!! LMAO. Anyway with next month being the determining factor I gave in and said if it goes rec, I will get a job as a Master Grower someplace as I truly think re-gearing my degree a complete 180 to Genetic Botany or similar as well the experience and resume i'm building here and the Tube...well let's hope there shouldn't be a shortage for work. Plus with my IT degree I might be able to get into genomic sequencing, writing embedded controller software etc.

OK Update time:
My tent has 4 currently in flower on day 7 of 12/12.
I only got one of the keeper Plasma pheno's into a 3 gallon and now wished I vegged it.
I'm running MH this time through stretch and what a difference!!!
Way more sites on the plasma, way more compact.
Each strain needs it's own care.
So with that in mind once I swtich to the Super HPS bulb will be around the time I will be adding

1- Death Star,
1 Headband,
1-Cotton Candy and
1- Bruce Banner # 3.
3 gallon pots, tomato cages etc.

Here's the nutes for this go,.
Jack's 321, Got my Mammoth P!!, RAW Full-up (Humic/Fulvic Acids) and Flying Skull Z-7 which I am almost out of.

Pics soon they were just transplanted and want them looking happy:)

Anyone have advice for any of the above grow habits or things to be aware of?

Thanks everyone in advance, I hope all is well and we'll get some photos up soon.

I would like to find a moderator to change my perpetual title also, remove "Dark Plasma" and put "Elite Strain and Breeding", Remove the "for THC-V" portion altogether as that's fallen to the wayside as research has shown it to be a white wale of sorts.

For the winter we are trying to add a 4x8, 4x4 and 2x4 to the garage for production, veg and drying respectfully. Found a great deal if it's still there this afternoon I may have all of it.
The 5x5 can stay here and we will switch to adding the hot air back into the basement.
Again Pics soon and hope everyone has a great Friday!!
Good call on cleaner environment. The spores can lay dormant for a long time just takes one exposure to ruin it all as soon as conditions are right for the spores to begin growing. The budwashing is supposed to help with that depending on what you put in the buckets. Just like handling any produce there's certainly a possibility for damage. Though I did not notice any washing half my harvest this time. As everyone else has noted the buds seem to evenly hydrate and all the colors really start to show up.
I fought mold late in flower washed them and now have them in jars burping praying the mold stays out.
One thing I've noticed that I was nieve to when I started was even indoors you have to grow with an eye to the seasons or be ready to fight it. I don't want to harvest in the wet fall/spring months next year.
As far as dehumidifiers go they are not all created equal the commercial units can reach a lower dew point but a 70 pint residential unit will help a bunch without requiring a friggin bank loan. I want a water cooled dehuey real bad.
That's awesome you may get some new cuts hopefully they turn out to be legit.

This is very important and something we were discussing while planning for winter. The wife needs a warm garage to work on her old Sterling kit car. Luckily I have just the method to do that:) A Dehumidifier will be one of the first investments toward sealing things up, I didn't know they made water cooled setups. Also thanks and great to know the 70 pint residential do work.
Quick question, since many of the homes around here where built in the 30's, not sure how well the best of the best can do but would you recommend taking the time to clean, render, seal paint an area in the basement vs, building a new structure outside like a home depot shed? The pros of having the coolness of the basement is huge but if I spend a bunch of time and effort just to have it be a futile fight against these types of things may just try the garage here and a shed when we move.
Harvesting from now on will be done during better forecasts!!
Nice! Glad your cuts panned out! Sterling kit car! Call me pbnjelly haha!

It will definitely be easier to control everything in a nice new shed. It gets pricy trying to waterproof the old basements. Building out a corner in the garage would give you a really nice space. Could be easily vapor sealed and insulated with just 2*4 walls. Which makes co2 a viable option. Our ground water is a great source for water cooling and geo thermal heating at 55°. I can do a water cooled conversion if you (or anyone else) want.
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