Pheno's Perpetual: Ocean Grown Dark Plasma, Other Top Shelf TBD, Breeding For THC-V

I made it to last year's cup. It was a good time! Did a dab at the ocean grown booth. Met Vader and some cool people. I'd like to go tomorrow but I'll be working. Sucks
Ya it didn't happen.
I'm bummed and emailed the venue in the hopes a volunteer flaked out.
I have wanted to attend a cup for over 25 years and us moving the week of the last one messed that up.
I cannot go because my money is "tied up in water" ATM. People begging me for donations but it's not ready.
I tried last night to get the scratch together but for whatever reason we were both on a different page and by the time we were leaving his pad I was too embarrassed to ask. I hate asking for handouts.
Even if I was going to donate a half to him upon drying.
Oh Well. I will be alive and more prepared next year!
Thanks guys, ya just some wires crossed with a local guy. His dog had died and we had some miscommunication. I offered a donation of a large amount of medication, after dry or while already wet you dry yourself in return for cash for the cup. We went to their place to get the money, stood around talking a bit, helped install a couple hoods and nothing...
My Pride stopped me from asking for a handout so we left and I missed the cup.
Because of my pride.
So next year I'll be a little more humble if it comes to that:) What a stupid thing.
Say what you will of High Times i've been reading the rag since I was 14 years old. I'm almost 40 now and in my youth that is all we had.
I had dreams of going to a cup and seeing those exotic buds from all over the world (Cups were only in Amsterdam back then) then I got felonies and travel to Holland
was out of the question. Fast forward many years and here we are! Cup comes to my beautiful home state.
The actual High Times cannabis cup was here twice so close to me and I missed it for stupid reasons both times.
Not Again.
Alas some of the magic is gone, I've grown some of the stuff I used to think would never cross my pallet...The even though and I'm so competitive that I want to win as I never played football or motocross, just rode for fun so recognition for both breeding and cultivating a winner is a life goal.
Onto more serious matters...

Now I'm about to lose my harvest guys PLEASE HELP?
The situation:
When I chopped humidity declined 70-62% then spiked back to 70 and hasn't gone below 66 since.
Can this lock in Chlorophyll for good or can I let the shit sit 3 weeks lol?
The stuff just got crisp the other day, I started to jar, humidity spike and I lost 3 jars to mildew just now!
Over 3oz:(
The rest is still hanging in the tent but I need my damn tent, i'm getting overgrown in veg and behind schedule.

I have about $10.
Cannot purchase a solution except dollar store moisture removers.
The nest is set "cool to dry" but the outside humidity is just climbing over the next week. Doesn't get below 70 I think. And here I thought Austin/Houston bad? I cannot understand the difference here in MI, maybe it's our location in the basement but this stuff will not dry enough to jar without molding.

Any help greatly appreciated!

Will those Integra boost humidity packs help? I have access to those at a 1.25 each 62% type and if I trim buds, put them in a jar with a packet maybe it will work?

My other thought is to use like potpourri bags with rice in the jars? I just would rather the moisture be correct before we go into a jar period but I might need to get creative.
Thanks guys, ya just some wires crossed with a local guy. His dog had died and we had some miscommunication. I offered a donation of a large amount of medication, after dry or while already wet you dry yourself in return for cash for the cup. We went to their place to get the money, stood around talking a bit, helped install a couple hoods and nothing...
My Pride stopped me from asking for a handout so we left and I missed the cup.
Because of my pride.
So next year I'll be a little more humble if it comes to that:) What a stupid thing.
Say what you will of High Times i've been reading the rag since I was 14 years old. I'm almost 40 now and in my youth that is all we had.
I had dreams of going to a cup and seeing those exotic buds from all over the world (Cups were only in Amsterdam back then) then I got felonies and travel to Holland
was out of the question. Fast forward many years and here we are! Cup comes to my beautiful home state.
The actual High Times cannabis cup was here twice so close to me and I missed it for stupid reasons both times.
Not Again.
Alas some of the magic is gone, I've grown some of the stuff I used to think would never cross my pallet...The even though and I'm so competitive that I want to win as I never played football or motocross, just rode for fun so recognition for both breeding and cultivating a winner is a life goal.
Onto more serious matters...

Now I'm about to lose my harvest guys PLEASE HELP?
The situation:
When I chopped humidity declined 70-62% then spiked back to 70 and hasn't gone below 66 since.
Can this lock in Chlorophyll for good or can I let the shit sit 3 weeks lol?
The stuff just got crisp the other day, I started to jar, humidity spike and I lost 3 jars to mildew just now!
Over 3oz:(
The rest is still hanging in the tent but I need my damn tent, i'm getting overgrown in veg and behind schedule.

I have about $10.
Cannot purchase a solution except dollar store moisture removers.
The nest is set "cool to dry" but the outside humidity is just climbing over the next week. Doesn't get below 70 I think. And here I thought Austin/Houston bad? I cannot understand the difference here in MI, maybe it's our location in the basement but this stuff will not dry enough to jar without molding.

Any help greatly appreciated!

Will those Integra boost humidity packs help? I have access to those at a 1.25 each 62% type and if I trim buds, put them in a jar with a packet maybe it will work?

My other thought is to use like potpourri bags with rice in the jars? I just would rather the moisture be correct before we go into a jar period but I might need to get creative.

Burping jars and watching your jars for a few months is necessary with a fresh crop. I’ve run into the same issue. Once you jar, you have to make sure your moisture is under control. The mold only happened because I tried to rush. They will continue to sweat once in the jar. It’s worth every penny for peace of mind... Even with the addition of Boveda 62% packs, you must make sure your moisture is under control. If not, I’ll dump the jar and let the drying continue. Also, don’t pack the jar full. 1/2 to 3/4 full.


Boveda 62% Humidity Control Packets - 2 Way Humidity Control Packs - Size 8 - 10
Mold is my worst nightmare. Those packs definatly work, but as @BobbyZ. Said you still need to burp the jars daily at a minimum. Also reducing how much you put in each jar will help, i usually go half full. And where ever you hang them, try to keep it as spread out as possible. I here you shouldnt use a fan to dry aswell but id rather take the chance of minor over drying than loosing buds to mold. Ive used a small fan on low running under my hanging crop, but not pointing at the nugs in the past. Do you already have everything trimmed? If not you might want to pretty much finish trim it, get it of the stems and lay it out across cardboard or in a mesh laundry bin with a fan nearby. The smaller the pieces and more space between them will promote better airflow.
Sorry about rambling on. I hope this wasnt all redundant info just hate to hear anyones loosing quality bud. Good luck man!:rollit::rollit:
I feel your pain pheno. I have been dealing with the same thing. You'd think Mi. Wouldn't have this issue in September but here we are. I had to use my dehumidifier from my flower room. I always use the 2 way humidity packs. I personally perfer the 58% ones, unless I have over dried then the 62% work the best in that situation for me. Good luck bro. Keep it green
Burping jars and watching your jars for a few months is necessary with a fresh crop. I’ve run into the same issue. Once you jar, you have to make sure your moisture is under control. The mold only happened because I tried to rush. They will continue to sweat once in the jar. It’s worth every penny for peace of mind... Even with the addition of Boveda 62% packs, you must make sure your moisture is under control. If not, I’ll dump the jar and let the drying continue. Also, don’t pack the jar full. 1/2 to 3/4 full.


Boveda 62% Humidity Control Packets - 2 Way Humidity Control Packs - Size 8 - 10

Thanks for the information.
They were good and crisp and snappy then the humidity spiked while trimming. How I lost most of my harvest.
My problem now is they have rehydrated and I need them to dry.
We're on 2 weeks of drying I'm getting worried.
If they can hang indefinetly we have NO problem i'll wait.
BUT they outside humidity isn't dropping anywhere in site so I'm at a loss.
I appreciate the help...
I feel your pain pheno. I have been dealing with the same thing. You'd think Mi. Wouldn't have this issue in September but here we are. I had to use my dehumidifier from my flower room. I always use the 2 way humidity packs. I personally perfer the 58% ones, unless I have over dried then the 62% work the best in that situation for me. Good luck bro. Keep it green
Thanks very usefull! I now have a plan, buying the packs this morning I'll do 58.
The leaves go crisp 2 hours in afternoon I trim my ass off and get them into jars with 58 and closed before sundown and the spike.
I'm stalled again at 70% the trimmers won't even cut just starts folding leaves at this point.
I can only explain it as made perfect but now it's 'stale' because of the humidity, never to regain that crispness.
Never to be put into a package at this rate.
I just know it did some bad stuff drying out then rewetting... whole tent reeks of hay and nothing is trimmed or dry.
I think PW misunderstood me. Yes 'spongy' would be good but in the opposite way than he meant lol try wet/wilted.
Mold is my worst nightmare. Those packs definatly work, but as @BobbyZ. Said you still need to burp the jars daily at a minimum. Also reducing how much you put in each jar will help, i usually go half full. And where ever you hang them, try to keep it as spread out as possible. I here you shouldnt use a fan to dry aswell but id rather take the chance of minor over drying than loosing buds to mold. Ive used a small fan on low running under my hanging crop, but not pointing at the nugs in the past. Do you already have everything trimmed? If not you might want to pretty much finish trim it, get it of the stems and lay it out across cardboard or in a mesh laundry bin with a fan nearby. The smaller the pieces and more space between them will promote better airflow.
Sorry about rambling on. I hope this wasnt all redundant info just hate to hear anyones loosing quality bud. Good luck man!:rollit::rollit:
I left jar tops off and the mildew happened. I never even got them closed. I quit trimming when I noticed my leaves folding and my Humidity was 70% all of a sudden (morning fog) I left lids off, shook buds loose before bed, woke and went right to the jars, dumped out the first to a nice wiff of mildew.
I can only think i need better air filtration, more room, a new bulb, coco, shit I think I'm gonna hang it up a while guys.
Just fighting too much. I went into this with a we do with what we have attitude and it just too tight down here in this basement. 4 dogs, 6 cats, a squirrel, 2 adults, my workstation and 16 plants in a tent...What am I thinking?? it's all dank down here. We need a place but my background and our pets prevent normal renting situations...If I could find someone with a cheap home that I can move around in at least.
Hey Pheno things happen, for 2 years I only grew 4 plants at a time and I still have an excess. You could try drying in your fridge. Humidity should be lower in the fridge.
Hey Pheno things happen, for 2 years I only grew 4 plants at a time and I still have an excess. You could try drying in your fridge. Humidity should be lower in the fridge.

Thanks Pennywise, Hadn't actually considered that and might throw some of my personal head-stash stuff so's it don't ruin, but otherwise i'm going to do a few things.

Let me know what you think if you got time.

1) try not to be discouraged.

2) We are heading to Ann Arbor today to a grow store. Our local one closed last week. * Side Note, Positive - I was able to meet the owner and some employees and made some friends so that's cool. I might be getting some elite cuts 818 Headband, Dark Helmet (cousin to Plasma), Forum Cookies, Cotton Candy and Sour D. We'll see i'm trading my plasma cuts and likely trading some meds (hopefully) for the rest). The only thing is ppl are saying that some cuts around here are suspect. I don't like that at all it's why I buy seeds and pay extra for sealed breeder packs etc. but man...I would like to have some of those cuts...

3) Buying 58% humidity packs and starting my trim as soon as humidity is <62% and shortly before sundown when it is about to rise to 70 again, throw the lids on the jars for the night, burp after the morning fog and a couple times a day during dry times and ONLY upstairs if the Nest shows indoor humidity in range. I don't want to Re-Re-Re wet the buds:)

Let's not rule out what I DO have though!
1 - more shot at a 'Black Beauty' Dark Plasma in my 13th seed. It's female and I have 2 cuts ready for the next pot size and tomato cages. (It seems the Phenotype ratio for an all black Dark Plasma is 50% or more in my inquiry to those who grow her. I'm surprised I don't have it yet but this round, lucky 13 baby it could well be THE one.
the Square One project which I will crossing like a champion pollen chucker ;) using a Plasma male....I digress.

Sorry for the book but thanks again I value you and everyone's opinion very much here.
Need good air filtration for intake air next run OR clean the front cellar up and seal it with Co2. This may seem off topic but it's not really because one concern is the mildew smell came after only 6 hours of being in a lid-less jar and the buds just resting on each other. I would think this indicates a higher than average amount of airborne mildew spores. While I type solutions form. The garage is cleaner but can get hot....I would lose morphology and likely some of the effect would change to a sedative type high. Eventually, and soon. I will put a new tent upstairs, a 2x4 with a new carbon scrubber so it doesn't bother anyone and do it right, then I won't lose 3 weeks of flower while my tent is being used for drying.

I plan to use a 70-100 pint unit in a sealed room.
I cannot afford a Quest yet but i'm seeing good ratings on things like a Dehuy from the Zon.
I plan to eventually run 4 flower lights so the plan has to be for that.
In flower on average I use 1.5-2 Gallons or 33 liters (69.7 Pints) a day of water, some is drain to waste so figure 20% of that doesn't stay in the tent at 33x.2=13.32 off that.
20 liters a day of transpiration and evaporation with 4 lights would need a 70 pint unit in the heaviest of loads. Does this sound correct? No, because 20 liters x 4 lights 80 liters a day. Shoot, I may need to go up to an industrial unit. I hoped the Frigidaire 70 pint with some modification to the drain pan would suffice...maybe not. Any direction to a good read here at 420mag on dehumidifiers?

*Also mentioned this before but I like the idea from 30k ft... looking into bud-washing, apparently that started here at 420Mag by Docbud? I will need to investigate and if it doesn't hurt trichomes...I may always prefer to do this. My only concern is some time ago I saw a video and it wasn't the first in which the person used Lemon Juice?, now I don't know chemistry too well but I have a basic understanding and the lemon juice should strip off trichomes no? Anyway just another rambling:) Dab time and have a wonderful day everyone!
Keep your head up bro! This has just been a weird year for weather. Between the heat and the humidity my AC and dehumidifier have been working way harder than they should have. Hopefully next year will be more of a normal summer weather. On your travels to AA today Arborside is a great dispensary. Good selection of seeds and other stuff. I'm sure you are probably going to the grow show for the equipment related stuff. Both places are full of great people. Have a great day pheno
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