Pheno's Perpetual: Ocean Grown Dark Plasma, Other Top Shelf TBD, Breeding For THC-V

Best luck with that man. The miracle herb kicking more ass!

With the patient arrangement, I'd stick to a percentage. Harder for anyone to feel like they didn't get what was agreed upon. Less stress, it is what is at that point.
And it's essentially all extra, you'll have the most into it so if you only met quota you'd be "losing" on the deal. With a percentage you both get something no matter what. My ¢2
Thanks Turbo!
I have a feeling that I might find the herb has reset my metabolism to its norm for me. it was unusual and medicine related that I weighed so much to start. Fingers crossed a clean bill will be a huge win to my goals with cannabis. Both for me amd those I plan to help.

I appreciate you sharing those valuable 2 cents. You are absolutely right. It could become too stressful and in a situation where someone you know and care about needs the help, its best to be in a dynamic or variable agreement.

Thanks Again!
Pics! but first...
I thought day 14,my bad is actually day 11.
doing a pump and dump today.
A 28 gallon resevoir works on a budget to flood a 4x4 not recommended as I have to keep it full almost daily.
*I Misread Jacks and originally used 3-2-1 by volume for week 1.
no big deal they are on point now as follows:
Jacks Hydroponic 5-12-26 1/2 tsp gallon.
Jack Calcium Nitrate 12-0-0 1/2 tsp gallon.

*Epsom salt 1/4tsp gallon was planned however decided only if interveinal chlorosis/ red petioles, and even though that cookie leaner progeny is mag hungry, Jacks has almost enough epsom already so I didn't need but 1/8 tsp and my petioles and stemshave NEVER been this green without red. I alway thought it was genetic not a deficiency.

finally, got some budlets starting on number 5. normally shes 54 days Im going 60. the sister number 10 looks to like 70 days and ill oblige this round.

Woohoo. Looking good in here. Like a jungle!
I've battled a little with root rot but have it under control now.
I'll post about it below...
*The root rot

So i removed 2 with signs of pythium early on in week 1 after clone and have since used z-7 directly in the pots of those that look a little rough.

I'm not using an airstone just gravity from the drain into the res.

Because of this I think is why I had to do the following:
the overwatering is not overwatering it is under-oxygenated or overrun with anaerobic microbes.

**The solution turned out to be giving them MORE water as flood times (3 x a day, lights on, 4hrs later, 4hrs later nothing in the dark) with Flying Skull z-7 treated solution added directly to then plants DTW during pump and dump.

When I flooded 2x a day it was bad... Too much water for the youngins to dry out and too long between runs to build oxygen.

I switched to 1x a day to no avail, the damage was done. **There is a fine line when automating with coco it seems.

My res being too small and the pump slightly fasteer than drain can run 10minutes before sucking air so I run it 10 minutes now 3 x a day instead and they hit hyper-beast mode.
Just make sure you get a good long soak each time, when the coco drains it will pull oxygen into the coco.

Yep, that's what it needed!

Got a couple of questions Penny if you got the time,

I get a salt buildup on the top of the coco and have been flushing it down each res change.
2x so far.
I wonder if that would be ok to let sit there? I think it could possibly prevent bugs or disease being almost like a preservative in a salt form?

And what is your experience/opinion on...

Microbes: I have considered using a tea next time I top flush but my experience with microbes other than Z7 so far has not been good. I lost some good plants to root rot trying to add bennies that may have gone bad, been inappropriate for coco or not liked the GH nute base.
I love the Jacks vs Gen Hydro but it seems like people don't see much of a change using bennies with Jacks.
I will have to search here for some threads but meanwhile what do you think about adding something to my resevior in the form of Mammoth P or Photo+?

My res stays at 68-72f which is awesome, the z-7 keeps it clean so far but I worry about adding something and losing the whole tray but I want to get the most out of the girls. Thoughts?
I tried using bennies in coco but didn't see any difference in the plant so I don't spend money on them now. My fabric pots would get a heavy salt buildup on the sides and it didn't seem to hurt anything. I'd just water to a little runoff each time and you'll be good to go.
Update day 21:
I tried using bennies in coco but didn't see any difference in the plant so I don't spend money on them now. My fabric pots would get a heavy salt buildup on the sides and it didn't seem to hurt anything. I'd just water to a little runoff each time and you'll be good to go.
Excellent, thanks for the knowledge!
I may try some bennies later, but at least I can feel rest assured they are getting what they need to express their full potential.

They are the healthiest hydro plants I've grown.
Ok so a follow up question. Short of table salt and chlorine in very small amounts, Silica is the only thing the plant can use that I don't give it. I like the malleability of the plants through the flower stretch but since I cannot spray for pests, would adding a silica this late in the cycle be a good idea?
I want an extra bit of insurance against pests and am willing to monitor Ph closely if it will help them in the long run
So I had to drop the table hahaha and back to hand watering.
I had a brief respite but they awere overgrown already and after a defoliation they stretched a bit and burned two tops.
Pics below,
Any help with this is welcome, not sure if I should prune the tops back to the healthy?
Man this is shaping up to be awesome, albiet a lot of work for the next 5+ weeks but I got this.
Will help me to become active again after all of the chaos here.


Ya it's been rough here these last few weeks, I've written this post out about a dozen times and I hate to bring sadness but I need to share and consider this forum my friends.

After reading this it will sound my family 'dysfunctional' but I've been lucky to have been saved from all the drama most of my life. I can see it as a disease as sure is diabetes is genetic.

My mother's twin Kasi (my favorite aunt "Ama")
Her son Brian,
Daughter Debbie,
Daughter Joel,
All died from pharmaceuticals/drugs over the last decade.
My aunt Katy, Dads side over the holiday OD on pills.

I moved here partially to try and help folks and the one we were all afraid for was my niece Christine.
She had been running around the downriver area drinking and using pills as well other stuff.

She had been in jail for a few months and was clean as far as we knew when we moved. Part of the condition for the move was for her to be gone as to keep drama out of my life while I get setup. I take recovery seriously and have to protect it. We had an argument when we first got here. I caught her sneaking upstairs and laid into her for being here and she told me "Uncle Matt -how can I show you that i'm doing better if I can't see you?" It was really hard and luckily we had a good follow up conversation with plans to take her to some meetings.

She OD'd last week on some combination of depressants and died.
It's tragic and normally I'm the rock that is everyone's support but i've been checked out.
The xanax withdrawal has sapped my energy but cannabis is keeping me sane.
I just haven't been one to be able to vocalize let alone socialize.
I have all the more reason to never touch that crap again.
My whole adult life I took those things or similar for my anxiety and bipolar-ness.
I was hoping the plants would help and they do now finally but for a minute I just shut down.

I got so much love for the wife however for stepping up and helping us all cope. Being there for my poor sister upstairs. It hit so close to her all time but not our side. Now even though we have been bracing for this for years it's still surreal.

Well anyhoo, I appreciate everyone's heres support and love and especially for fighting the good fight!

I plan to use this as yet more motivation to get the cannabis wellness center figured out.
Gotta rest a bit and then go for a bike ride after the sun drops.
Keep your head up bro. Man, I'm sorry for your loss. It seems everyone around here had suffered a loss to the hard drugs. I have freinds downriver struggling as we speak. That area seems to be riddled with herion addiction and other hard drugs. But it's everywhere. Not just around the D. It's out here in BFE too. Stay on the right track and try to think positive. I really believe there's power in positivity. :peace:
Yea it's taking a toll everywhere, even up in our neck of the woods. Sorry to here it's hit you especially close to home. We're here when you need us.

The more people we can introduce to this plant the better. A wellness center could do wonders for people in that situation. One of my patients has been able to reduce his usage of opiods for disolving discs in his back by over 75% with adding tincture to his smoking.
Yea it's taking a toll everywhere, even up in our neck of the woods. Sorry to here it's hit you especially close to home. We're here when you need us.

The more people we can introduce to this plant the better. A wellness center could do wonders for people in that situation. One of my patients has been able to reduce his usage of opiods for disolving discs in his back by over 75% with adding tincture to his smoking.


Thanks guys for the support, I feel better just discussing it a bit.

That's great to hear about the reduction too!

What sort of tincture did you add if you don't mind?
I did a pretty basic ever clear tincture. I'm a cheater though. It's almost the instructions included with the mb2e to a T. I decarbed the 2oz of sugar trim and small nugs in the oven for 45 mins at 240. Stuck it in the freezer for 5. Dropped it in the mb2e covered it with the 151 proof everclear and pushed the 8hr tincture button. (See cheating) . Once it's done strain all the plant material out let cool and enjoy your green dragon. I put droppers of it in everything, coffee, juice, soda, it's really good in teas, you can use it to cook with like it's rum extract or even take shots.

The patient that used it with his pain replaced the first pill at the recurrence of pain with 2.5ml tincture. If pain persisted in one hour or wosened before then he'd take another dose sometimes managing to push the pill back for 6 hours. Usually 2-3 hours though. There are much more medically approved ways to do it I'm sure but for an old stoner and a punk kid we were happy with his results.
Obviously being alcohol based it's kind of a no no for some. I need to make a coconut oil batch out of this coming harvest for one of my patients thats had his chip for a couple years now. Grandpa Tokin makes some capsules he's pretty fond of.

There's is an abundance of info in sweetsues stuff
I did a pretty basic ever clear tincture. I'm a cheater though. It's almost the instructions included with the mb2e to a T. I decarbed the 2oz of sugar trim and small nugs in the oven for 45 mins at 240. Stuck it in the freezer for 5. Dropped it in the mb2e covered it with the 151 proof everclear and pushed the 8hr tincture button. (See cheating) . Once it's done strain all the plant material out let cool and enjoy your green dragon. I put droppers of it in everything, coffee, juice, soda, it's really good in teas, you can use it to cook with like it's rum extract or even take shots.

The patient that used it with his pain replaced the first pill at the recurrence of pain with 2.5ml tincture. If pain persisted in one hour or wosened before then he'd take another dose sometimes managing to push the pill back for 6 hours. Usually 2-3 hours though. There are much more medically approved ways to do it I'm sure but for an old stoner and a punk kid we were happy with his results.
Obviously being alcohol based it's kind of a no no for some. I need to make a coconut oil batch out of this coming harvest for one of my patients thats had his chip for a couple years now. Grandpa Tokin makes some capsules he's pretty fond of.

There's is an abundance of info in sweetsues stuff
AH, You are the man!
what a great framework to start with

I will use this and make some tinctures for pain and anxiety.

I love SweetSue.
She's one of my heros.

Thanks for reminding me to do some reading on her thread.

she participates in a lot to due with recovery as well...True hero.
Keep your head up bro. Man, I'm sorry for your loss. It seems everyone around here had suffered a loss to the hard drugs. I have freinds downriver struggling as we speak. That area seems to be riddled with herion addiction and other hard drugs. But it's everywhere. Not just around the D. It's out here in BFE too. Stay on the right track and try to think positive. I really believe there's power in positivity. :peace:

Thanks my friend.

I will keep your friends in my thoughts and prayers.

It's hard and for me, a 3 time loser and 10 year prison vet I have to look at my life now and think I must have been in someone else's prayers.

This stuff is everywhere. We have family in Tennessee, Texas, Kentucky Missouri, Louisiana and all talk about the opiate/narcotic epidemic.

I hate to say it as it insinuates that I'm with senseless death, which couldn't be further from the truth, but the epidemic is a perfect storm for the push for cannabis as an alternative medication.

Folks have seen firsthand from the medical cannabis that is all over the country now that the states are going legal that it works as medicine for what it's advertised for most of the time and if it doesn't work a good provision/dispensary will throw you a little of something that may work instead.

Power in funneling energy into something good.

Have a great evening!
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