Pheno's Perpetual: Ocean Grown Dark Plasma, Other Top Shelf TBD, Breeding For THC-V

Found out last night part of the number 10 "endless stretch" might have to do with the high N content in the Jack's.
The other thing is I used Jack's my last couple of feeds the last run and the Dark Plasma pheno was LOUD.
It could just be genetics, I will know with the sister.
This time the number 5, which was more subtle is very loud and pungent.
Huge win for Jacks in the terpenes over GH it seems so far but I don't like how much Nitrogen is used in flower at recommended ratio when my padawan training yells to cut the N at flower.
It's all Nitrate N so flush-able from medium without too much trouble but the plants gotta use what's there in the leaves.
* interesting most terpene/resin builders contain N.
Anyway need to work on when to cut the Cal-Nit if I even should some people run Jack's throughout.
I'm on a kick for SMOOTH smoke and no more trapped chlorophyll.
I plan to tweak my system also for next round:
  1. keep the table
  2. keep it on the floor (4-5" high really with a catch pan)
  3. Floraflex eventually. Yard stuff for now but top feed done with my pump to a T then to 2-8 site drip manifolds.
  4. Stick with 16 plants.
  5. Less to lose if herm/sick. Can harvest early a plant in case. Automatic empty with shallow float switch in a catch pan and small pump to pump waste water out.
  6. Still get hydro growth but keep my height and hopefully they will stop stretching soon and I can gauge what's what.
With the Malawi project coming and my current OG progeny obsession best to stay with as much height as I can.

Otherwise things are turning around.
Plants look great and are forming the signiture "spire" calyx structures that are typical of the number 5 plasma.
Someone on YouTube wanted to see me grow something else but I don't have the money right now for beans. When I do I plan to get some Jawa Pie.
I was gifted some seeds from a friend, a Purple Punch 1.0 cross. Could be something really nice.
I am so broke and having burned through my stash with family, -it was my way to help when I wasn't able to otherwise, I'm nearly outta meds with a couple of weeks to go.
This round looks stellar though. I should get at least a 1.5er out of it.
Like I said this will determine how much I can get of this type of strain under a 4x4 tray 1KW light.
I blew through my last harvest with my nephew, sister and friends. I'm glad I was able to be there at least in the fashion that i was able to but now I gotta find a bit of medicine to tide me over these next 2-3 weeks.

Much love everyone, Pics later this weekend,
Got some good news in the post, Ya'll won't have to listen to me drone on about my Dark Plasma. While it was such as diverse cross of such quality, it produced many good phenos but many were also finicky, some too tall, some susceptible to PM (I think my temps and humidity too high all the time for PM, it's never a problem [knock on wood] for me, I learned early the VPD key points such as my personal rule that hasn't failed me:
"Once girls are over 70RH, never allow below 68F on the leaf or 70 Ambient etc. Otherwise the mold spores you got at the high RH can pop".
Science is sound anyway and it hasn't failed me yet.
The Plasma alas has yet to take off among the public.

I have some yet super secret unreleased but not too secret because I can talk about them a little;) SquareOne genetics.

A little history, Titan has been growing and breeding dank for years. Works with the ones I like. Top Shelf, clone only genetics crossed with an exceptional male.
In this case the males where of the Peanut Butter Breath and progeny variety so here we have the OG Purple Punch crossed with a Pb & Jealous male.
What i'm hoping for is a child like mom, PP pheno.
I'm hearing the punch flavor is coming through on the first testers - perfect.
If I get an interesting Peanut Butter pheno I will likely keep it and see if it's tasty.
Popping 5 tonight, have them ready to clone before next run.
I also popped 4 auto flowers, 2 bubba kush and 2 Critical OGer

The Bubba Kush is an expiriment
1 plant 1 light with an HLG65w QB.
The others are just for fun under the veg lights
My Square one Purple Punch x Peanut Butter and Jealous cross gifted to me by THC Titan from Square One Genetics.
We're going to watch these close.
And some good nug shots, The number 5 shows the dark plasma proper. Purple with neon orange (plasma) hairs.

My Square one Purple Punch x Peanut Butter and Jealous cross gifted to me by THC Titan from Square One Genetics.
We're going to watch these close.
And some good nug shots, The number 5 shows the dark plasma proper. Purple with neon orange (plasma) hairs.

Damn man those dp 5 nugs look dank as hell! I can wait to see them finished. Also that new cross should be fire. Ill definatly keep an eye on that,.. Really interesting cross. I wish i knew more about the origin of the og im running but the early prognosis is good.
Keep em green!! :peace::peace:
So update and harvest at day 63.
I ran the number 5 a week long and chopped the 10 at the same time however I will make a few observations.

They seemed to finish about 5 days sooner on the 10 and a whole week sooner on the 5 making it a 7 weeker if chopped at the first sight of amber.

Based on the plants response to the 3x flood cycle I would attribute this to the flood and drain for the first 30 days and me faking it for them for the remainder of the month by hand...whew that's over...I think this is why.

My other though is that they are more mature in general and the first run with either was slower.

By doing the 63 days I got some really nice and amber number 5 purple buds (photos to come after drying) for the nighttime and pain and the number 10 is just going south so it's a great daytime fuelly terp-monster.

Wake up, make some coffee and hit that 10 boy, let the terps loosen all the crap and all of a sudden you can breath fresh and feel great.

Great News!!
Number yep Dark Plasma folks!!! hahaha love the shit... showed female! please be a black beauty.
Have 2 clones going into flower next along with the square ones.

I still have 2 unsexed that I pulled from the flower tent for poor airflow sitting in my now quickly overgrown veg area.
I have 2 now giant moms, 2 now giant undifferentiated Dark Plasma (I had a total of 13 seeds had a 100% success and so far 4 females, 1 confused and some males)

Ok so I f-ed up, forget I said what the Square One parent are. :eek:

While Titan did say I could talk about them, he's keeping them under wraps on his YouTube channel so I'm respecting that as well on mine and will here from now on. I will just call them the Square One Project girls etc.
Sorry Titan!

So I tossed 2 of 5 Square One girls today for being slow/mutant/runt-ish. Could have even been overfed as one was very dark green. I'll make a note to start with a lighter E.C.

So far it's been my experience that out of 5-10 seeds I get 1 or 2 either runts or mutants and right now after playing cowboy with that number 10 dark plasma that when topped, with only 6 days of veg time grew to 6'2" in a #1 pot, I don't mind finding some new loves:) I love it to smoke and will always run at least one in a #1...It has these sativa foxtails on tops of the meristems (Durban influence?) they make visual appeal shit but the smell is absolutely incredible, the smoke is very aggressive and long lasting after a cure. It's a true hybrid IMHO as in it grows like a sativa but is potent and copious in resin like an indica. Broad leaves and a low leaf level on the buds. It wouldn't survive outside I think.

Keven Jodrey made some really good points on selection and how we have been selecting under HPS indoors for so long that we cannot assume another light will perform better for every cut. Very interesting thoughts...digress...

On to the next round, so what i'll do after drying is post my run, how I feel about it etc. and we will decide how to best fill a tent while sexing new genetics and adding some clones.

Cheers and much growers love folks!
Overall things are looking up, the wife got a job and i'm on a kick to get the cash to make the cup this weekend.
Hope I will see some folks there!
About to take off for work. What are you running next?
Will be the Square ones and my Dark Plasma again with an added new one. If I make the cup in time might try to grab a cut of something we'll see. Maybe some beans too who knows but for this one run likely just those two while I build out a 5x10 area in the garage for the winter run. I hope to have this plasma hunt sorted by then and a good mom from then Square One plus a third and fourth yet undecided strains.
About to take off for work. What are you running next?[/QUOT
Also... :)
My wife looked in the tent and usually has some good ideas, made a comment that while is sort of common sense early on, becomes less of a thing when quality is king and that was this observation :

"See how this cola under the lamp stacks all the way to the top from like 10 inches down? how come you can't grow them so they all fill in like that to the bottom?"

... I love my wife:)

I know most of the time the reasons are light penetration, genetics, quality etc. but it does not have to be.
Imagine I did a large sift and pulled some that stack 5' of 100% filled/stacked top shelf quality.
Would be nice right?
Pennywise's SOG and some Kevin Jodrey vids have me stoked to backcross my genetics or otherwise get a large bunch of beans to do a large sift, specific to the environment.
Ok so here's the thoughts for next round.
I'm reading Marijuana Botany again and it talks about running large sifts.
Now I was thinking I can fit comfortably only about 20 clones in a 4x4 tray from the cloner to flower and that wouldn't be too bad...

However, Kevin Jodrey talks of predicative testing, apparently our little seedlings have very minute amounts of THC and CBD etc. like to the order of hundredth or thousandth of a percent.
So his idea was to have them tested in large populations for outliers.
He found that the ratios stayed pretty true throughout the life of the plant, meaning if it was a 20:1 THC to CBD at seedling it stayed that way as potency increased.

*The only problem I see is cost. I've reached out to PSI labs here in MI but haven't heard back yet. Will post when I do. I want to test my cuts and get a quote for predicative testing if they do it and here is where the fun begins :)
I'm not commercial so my order is different, I don't skimp on quality for ease of grow etc.
  • I can send off a few hundred cuts of leaf to a lab and chose 10 outliers that show elevated THC for it's age and a good ratio to CBD.
  • I run those 10 and chose based on quality of smoke.
    • Obviously if it's too difficult for me I will not keep it but if it takes extra effort to grow I will do it.
    • The effect and appeal to me and the fam is paramount. It needs to be the best of the best then we move on...
  • Next its survive-ability, resistances, ease to grow etc.
I get to save a whole year in my sift for one reason. I have 2 very genetically dissimilar crosses in the Dark Plasma and the Square One. So what I plan to do is sex my last 2 plasma and if one is Male and looks usable I may use it, or find a male in the Square One set that I like based on some perimeters I've found. (Early flower, pungent smell, tight inter-nodes, bushy, shorter, extended side branching, trichomes etc). Hopefully we find a good male to do our cross.

Then we cross our best females from Dark Plasma and Square One. We now have a couple of vigerous F1 populations to choose the very best from that we will use to backcross against one of the parents. This will recombine the genes and show us what's hidden recessive. (I'm using an example of having a female Plasma and Square One. I don't know yet if that's the plan. I will likely use a male from the Dark Plasma side though.)

If I misspoke or do not understand the above process enough please help by elaborating. I'm pretty sure I understand genetics and breeding enough to know this is the best way to see what you got but I always love information.

THEN I get the best of the best of that cross and it's on to the Malawi Project.
I will do the same there. an F1 Malawi Cross (Golden Tiger save some time?) bred with my new champion and backcrossed against the Malawi parent to see what's what and then another sift etc.

I think this is the best route to create some really interesting medicine correctly while having a good time doing it.
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