Pheno's Perpetual: Ocean Grown Dark Plasma, Other Top Shelf TBD, Breeding For THC-V

Looking forward to seeing the flood and drain! I watched Vader's cannapocolips video series, really interesting system. Too bad YouTube pulled his channel. Had all information needed for that setup
I was crushed seeing this.
I hope they are still available through his site.
Yet another possible invaluable loss to the community.
Happy 420!!!!

My number 10 keeps stretching.
Looking like the Obi-Wan or GhostOG.

I love it. I clipped a top and put it in my cloner and will reveg if doesn't work.
Tall like a Thai but those seem to be the real heavy hitters...

Plus, while it looks to go long, if run directly from clone, no hardening of time it should match up with a week veg on my Amnesia OG and Plasma 5.

After table is up im switching to the 1.8gal pots. Flood 3x day. Try for ~16 pots

Some pics, healthiest season by far in coco, knock on wood no bugs found in flower.

**Running PH higher, no gauge just lighter yellow. Less PH down.
From 25drops in bloom solution down to 13.
No boost yet, just base Gen Hydro this time food every feed.
Also cut down micro from base 4ml per gallon to 3 the whole grow. Perfect.
If I stayed with them thats what I would do. Actually I would like to try the Alaska lineup as well.
Water in between didn't work well for me.

Dam, not just Vader's channel got yanked. Medgrower1 and crazy Dago's got the axe too. I'm guessing you were watching those too
Medgrower1 too!!
Shoot Mr. Tight... I will have to check.
He's one of us as a cannabist... hey! Cannabist. I like the word... likely used.
And fellow Michiganders medgrower1 and Mr Tight.

Didn't watch Dago, I appreciate his contributions by getting folks together to talk but I didn't watch his channel but for the growtube...there was a video and decision against another grower... He pissed me off we'll just leave it at that.
Good morning everybody I'm about to head out to work I'll be home this evening and get some pictures up of week 4.

Everytime I look at my Amnesia OG I can't help but think I might have mislabeled it with Jack Herer number one...

See, I had two cups with clones of Amnesia OG and one was put in the cloner the other uppotted.

I sprayed my clones and may have killed them...3 Amnesia lost so far.

anyway I need to get moving I got a plan to keep it ic case clones die without reveg but if not I'll reveg because it's very very special it has such a sweet and sour fuelly smell... Pungent like I have been looking for.
Happy Friday!
Home from first week back to work, first week of physical job in years.
Showered and cleaned and it's been tough... Can't wait for the table up and running.

Some pics wrapping up week 4.

So lets see grow entirety :

Dark Plasma 10

My current favorite, Amnesia OG freebie.
I love this straight gas monster. Got very sweet and fuelly so far hint of bubblegum but I have smelled that before on the Aurora Indica around week 5 and it turned out like Hawaiian Punch instead so we'll have to see.

Shoot thought I uploaded them all. I'll show her structure later. She's not as thick as the Jacks so I think my clones are mislabeled. No worries we aren't losing this one...
I have to say that this round I at least have a very robust set going after a defoliation and their first week and treating for pests during that time I'm sure it would have stress them out and shown anything negative.
Lets see plasma 7
Jack 2
So quick update, been working hard and let me tell you, just turned 39 and am tapering from opiates with the help of cannabis for a while now. It's slow buy working.
Anyway going from my normal 165lbs to 230 as a software developer and now back to 160 within a year of smoking cannabis.
The weight loss is a concern, we've checked for multiple myeloma and thank goodness no cancer markers.
Long story long but my Dr is leary of my personal recovery plan, and rightly so because I have an addiction past and it's a drug... However I still need to take a narcotic for pain OR cannabis.
Sry doc, but tired of being in a personal prison.
For me it's medicine and rarely ever more debilitating than say coffee or nicotine but it does help my head slow down so that I can process life proactively instead of reactionory.

Anyways, got something awesome going on in the garden, glorious find my AOG...and now of course that tall Lanky plasma that is not going to yeild well at all... Serious atrophy and maybe caused by light stress but honestly I think underfed,

posting pics tonight.

I tried doing videos, learning to edit etc. and on YouTube, but they are shutting down cannabis folks so I will refocus my attention here and soon will be able to post to my personal website to check out video.

Better that way anyway.

Anyway, gotta run lunch over... Damn 65k a year to 12 an hour. Hard to be humble sometimes.

Oh gotta cheap vape. Convection. Love it!
Dear diary lol. JK.
my writing style is obviously thought stream. I understand if you want to skip and see some pics and info.
I will be posting my new feed setup I have that dialed in really well and that's right before I switch to the flood tables and Jack's 32 1. I can let the plants dry all the way out if I wanted in the cocoa and they don't burn! But... Starving my plasma 10...

So when I say that I'll post pics tonight that actually means in the morning because I'm too tired right now, when I get home I'll be feeding them etc and boy I can't wait to get that flood table set-up. I have to work AM tomorrow for some OT.
So I will be up early doing my Saturday IPM etc.
The thing is I'm kind of pushing to get into commercial for my retirement/rest of my life.
so I'm going to be looking for some capital I know that kind of will exclude some of the things that I do from this site's rules?So what I've decided is just to keep a journal on my runs, no promotions and this could be a year or 3. And if its ok with site administrators I will post on breeding or something non larger production related.

I've decided that the people that make an impact in the world typically have, among other traits, an IQ of a certain level, which I'm sure many of us here fall in that range between 115 and 135 ish.
Research shows that people with that type of intellect typically see larger pictures, and if they have the motivation and the fearlessness they will persevere and Achieve what they set out to achieve.

... And even though I've spent time in prison and I've made mistakes I've always utilized my time to the best of my ability and used that time for a free education.

Both of my parents are very smart and went to medical school my dad is arguably a genius, however he doesn't take action because he's afraid...

I've decided that I'm not going to do that. I've decided what I want to do for the rest of my life and I know that I can make that happen.
I've done my homework and if I have a solid plan and show a solid work ethic I believe if I ask enough people somebody will back me up. I'm going to start with some local companies that might want to invest in cannabis, provide local income, etc but for fear of feds or image want to be silent. I am talking to them.

The commercial aspect is only to fund my work and a humble life, which is going to be spent working with cannabis to replace other medicines.
I really can't wait to get into Sweet Sue's threads because she's doing all of the stuff that is Paving the way for the things I want to continue.

I have had many passions and obsessions as well as hobbies in my life and I have never felt more strongly about this thing that I'm working on now.
I just keep losing people...
Anyway hope you are doing well today and I hope that you have a great night!!
Bud porn!!

and lastly here is my plasma, I want to discuss a bit and see if it's me or genetics... Never technically starved a plant that I know of but this seems that way. the rest of the plants are only half of the height and size so I imagine it takes a lot more nutrients to keep this thing going and budding... based on the profiles that I really really like I'm hoping I can get this thing to run better. and technically the cut that I have in my cloner will be a reveg too so maybe bushier??
This is one of those really cool things I get to find out by running a strain over and over.

And of course I really like to start plasma so much I'm thinking of keeping one of the males that I have in the cloner and just backcrossing to see what I have.
So far so good with the bugs it's been a few weeks since I've seen any indication.

I'm pretty sure I caught them early enough and was aggressive enough with the alcohol and water and neem/soap back and forth every two days for a week.

Veg closet looks great I got 3 gigantic moms in there just waiting to fill my cloner, Plasma 5 keeper, Jack Herer 1 and 2...unfortunately the one that I thought was an Amnesia OG turned out to be the Jack Herer so that's fine, I really like what I have so far with the Jack Herer and I will run it again... then next run I'll throw a bunch of Amnesia OG clones in.
I do have a reset clone of the Amnesia OG from another, properly labeled cup lol. Just gotta get bigger so she'll go round 2 flood and drain.

Well to see if it was you or if it was starving you'll find out when you run it again. Also your bug problem is gone, so it will have less stress on the next round. When you go to flood tables your going to have a bit of a learning curve dialing it in. Have you seen any nanners with this round?
Well to see if it was you or if it was starving you'll find out when you run it again. Also your bug problem is gone, so it will have less stress on the next round. When you go to flood tables your going to have a bit of a learning curve dialing it in. Have you seen any nanners with this round?
Haven't seen nanners this go, however last night saw what looks like pollination. We'll see tonight if I can find anything.
Lots of Dark Plasma seem to have that hermaphrodite sensativity:(
Just means less mistakes.
now that I'm more comfortable with the light most of the plants are already off the ground same.
I ordered Jacks classic and Jacks Calcium Nitrate to use in the res will be here Wed.
I'm counting on the flood and drain having a bit of a learning curve which is one of the reasons I wanted to go with the Jacks Hydro to take nutrition out of the equation at least for now.

I'm just really glad to have a better control over the nitrogen in flower.

Thanks brother off to work.
Will be on later
Week 8 wrap up. Day 58 update

So we are 100 percent moving in with family downriver in 2 weeks.

All set i stone so I will be taking on 2 patients amd starting breeding as well SOG for my meds. I will keep my small personal projects here as planned.

I fell in love with the huge grenade buds of the odd looking Jack Herer. Very distinctive pheno without leafy buds.

I took a clone of a bud just like the number 10 plasma which did root amd is revegging nicely as uggly as sin but healthy.

Ok some good lookers. I love Jack Herer 1
Its leafy but the frost came on and it has a nice piney scent compared to a sweet candy smell in the odd ball sister.

The amnesia OG I will post after pics, was harvested yesterday in a hurry with no pics.

Very distinct that one. The high is very much a haze.

now to the ugliest one in the garden but my favorite one in the garden. Dark plasma, which is forum cookie x Obi-Wan OG Kush is a very diverse genetic mix. In fact phylos shows them as far apart as can be I think. This is why the hybrid vigor.
Something in the dark plasma makes it very bisexual however but this number 10 that I have is very stable sexually but more importantly has a very pungent distinctive lime smell with the Alien OG ether funk that is just so beautiful... I wish I had more time to let her go a full 10 or 11 weeks cuz it looks like she needs it...

As I said before the plant was chronically underfed and under-watered because it just drank too much for me to keep up with my hands so in the flood and drain system should perform very well.

otherwise this so far is my winner for my head stash.

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