Pheno's Perpetual: Ocean Grown Dark Plasma, Other Top Shelf TBD, Breeding For THC-V

okay so quick photo shots before I get to work.

I'll try to explain photos.
Its very slow so let me post and I'll come back and do a write up.
Basically you can see the lost 3D space.

For these strains it's good to have the room. Once I put in a flood table I will be running sog anyway should be ok.

Anyway, have a great Sunday.
I got a job! It's less than half my last salary but it will save us.
Hurray we don't have to move earlier than planned! I care much more about the current garden now.
Thanks guys, unfortunately before up potting while giving some water found 2 bugs on my gloves. Seems the best and only place they are ever visible.

Darnit. I will at least save genetics.

Any input into making sure to get them gone is welcome.

So, luckily I didn't up pot and waste brand new coco.

I hate to lose the time, they are about root bound but I can at least start treating again some cuts, I ain't losing my number 5 Plasma...that stuff is like magick.

Seems many 'chem weed' based cuts are just so rocking to me. If the story about Chemdog is true and the biker chem weed was where the seeds were from, where are the bikers now? Did they lose their cuts? Hmm... I could see some bikers snatching up a fuelly tasting cut :) but what the heck was it?

In fact the number one new boutique strain on my radar is Ocean Grown 'Fader Actual' it's Vaders culmination of 10 work on Vader OG to reproduce a supercharged Hells OG type gas monster.

... They uplift, kill depression and pain. Diesel, Chemdog,... whatever OG.

Dark Plasma lineage is exactly this:
Forum Cut GSC x
Obi-Wan OG Kush = (Ghost OG - from OrgnKid x
Alien Rift = (Alien Abduction x Alien Dawg - - ether cut x Alien OG).

My number 5 is a nice sweet fuel with a lemon hint and sooo potent. One hit. Gotta save her at least. She's done a lot for me as far as pulling me outta depression and getting me going.

Soo... Just a bit of breeding planning discussion.

If the lore holds its an F1 Durban x an OG kush that makes GSC? Not sure on the Forum Cut...

Anyway, I love it so much and love the Durban effects by itself but dislike the flavor profile...and let's be honest we have dreams and aspirations and mine is to replace that supposed F1 Durban with another from Africa, landrace outlier or similar. Maybe Golden Tiger. and mix with an excellent medical indica like PCK or even a modern hybrid.
Without the size to test a thousand samples, its better to work with hybrids at first for me mainly, at least on the mom side but I will still search landraces for outliers... I have an area planned specific for the long sativas.

I want to create the next mystery biker 'chem weed' but with a heavy THCV twist.

I had high hopes for Ace but their tests on their Killer Malawi mom aren't showing THCV at all :/ Could be it wasn't tested for...

so I thought I can go on a quest to hunt down some of the Doug's Varin from the mountans of California, or work with another high testing hybrid strain like Jack the Ripper.

Anyway that's the goal, we talk about having a goal when breeding, for now it's a bit vague but specific traits I will of course find and breed for, specifically like Malaw's mold and pest resistance as well as the high resin production.
Bud Washing is ideal if you've had bugs in your garden, or if you just like a clean product :)
I think that I will have to do this for peice of mind a couple cycles...I swear I cannot find a one on a plant.
I can see the little sucker damage when they show up. Bends a leaf 90 degrees down or curls a certain way.
I will never unnotice it now. The damage on the leaf vein.
Its hard to decide where to start, I have seen ppl use alcohol and water into flower so here goes... Worse case I burn off the early glands
I used unscented undyed dishsoap at like a tsp per gallon to defeat creepy crawlys my first grow and i havent had them since.... Fingers crossed! (Its been over a year) i added the soap during waterings as a soil drench and allowed my soil to dry out slightly more than usual between waterings. I also added it to my foliage spray at the same rate and it did the trick for me. I dont think it effected the taste of my final product at all. Not sure if it will work for you just throwing out ideas that ive tried with success. Good luck!
I used unscented undyed dishsoap at like a tsp per gallon to defeat creepy crawlys my first grow and i havent had them since.... Fingers crossed! (Its been over a year) i added the soap during waterings as a soil drench and allowed my soil to dry out slightly more than usual between waterings. I also added it to my foliage spray at the same rate and it did the trick for me. I dont think it effected the taste of my final product at all. Not sure if it will work for you just throwing out ideas that ive tried with success. Good luck!

All excellent and appreciated!
Thanks! That actually reinforces my system and gives me an idea if I get an issue in the flower tent.
Actually I've been using about 10-15ml per liter of blue dish soap with the Dynagro doused my flower tent with that back during the first offensive and so far they aren't in there that I can find. Knock on wood.
Just in the veg closet... Which could have come from the cloner. maybe a whole entire dismantle and disinfection is in order...

I like the idea of soaps. The trick is to remove the wax from the bugs but not so much that it eats all the wax from the leaves.
BTW forgot who recommended Adam Dunn.
Love it!!
Listening to the history of OG kush series.
I had some stories crisscrossed it seems but nobody knows 100 percent but man its good lore. I love that stuff.
Two thoughts on your high RH at night. If your temps are low enough I would heat it up. I'll assume that's not going to be an option. The Rh goes up bc they close off their stomata but it's typically only a spike not an elevated level. If you can dissipate the increased moisture given off shortly after lights out you could seal the room back up.
Just my ¢2
All excellent and appreciated!
Thanks! That actually reinforces my system and gives me an idea if I get an issue in the flower tent.
Actually I've been using about 10-15ml per liter of blue dish soap with the Dynagro doused my flower tent with that back during the first offensive and so far they aren't in there that I can find. Knock on wood.
Just in the veg closet... Which could have come from the cloner. maybe a whole entire dismantle and disinfection is in order...

I like the idea of soaps. The trick is to remove the wax from the bugs but not so much that it eats all the wax from the leaves.
I almost forgot! When using the soap as a foliage treatment i also added 5-10 ml of vegetable oil to it. It kinda leaves a protective coating. I have also heard of phing the water to 9.5 when doing this as it saposedly treats/prevents powdery white mildew. Although its more to prevent than kill the mildew imho. Anyway good luck!
I almost forgot! When using the soap as a foliage treatment i also added 5-10 ml of vegetable oil to it. It kinda leaves a protective coating. I have also heard of phing the water to 9.5 when doing this as it saposedly treats/prevents powdery white mildew. Although its more to prevent than kill the mildew imho. Anyway good luck!

That tracks with neem oil too without the nasty!

Expirement coming... :)
I think for the heck of it im gonna hit a leaf and purposely a lower bud with unscented soap/veg oil.

I've watched washing vids ppl seem to do more for mold but use lemon juice.! Worry is acid might eat my trichomes?!
The reason I bring it up is it will also easily rinse your recipe.
Two thoughts on your high RH at night. If your temps are low enough I would heat it up. I'll assume that's not going to be an option. The Rh goes up bc they close off their stomata but it's typically only a spike not an elevated level. If you can dissipate the increased moisture given off shortly after lights out you could seal the room back up.
Just my ¢2
I had heard this before that it was an actual Spike and not consistently High while the lights were off.
I live in a very difficult microclimate of high humidity. Warm current on the great lakes hit the river that feeds our lake causing fog daily at 5 to 8am usually.
Now that we are in spring it's not long before my lil patch of area is like Houston lol.

So based on your info, I just need to know when to vent? Maybe for the first hour light out then close door?

The solution is very simple really I just need to set up duct work from one room to the other.
The room next to my grow room is for the cats and their litter boxes, they have a whole bedroom. I want to exhaust into it and have the plan just not the parts yet.

ironically the place I'm going to work for sells all this stuff as well as has people that does ducting an AC so hopefully I can get my AC for the home fixed on as a donation, as well as the ducts and fan for the room vent.

I had thought about CO2 and completely still in the room off but adding the dehumidifier as well as more cooling for the CO2 generator and dehumidifier and it just becomes too cost-prohibitive.

Actually found out while watching the Adam Dunn show that the cost for growing indoors in my microclimate is actually very very high comparatively.

I thought everybody was dealing with the same Cooling and humidity problems...
Which some are. Other micro climates and the whole south.
But with proper AC, vents etc should be cheaper than buying by far still.

Broken record : once we move lol, it will be easier. Hopefully outbuilding or basement or both.

Cheers amd thanks for the help!! Havea wonderful day my friend
Yea as the plants go into a rest state they will close up. Usually within that first hour of lights out. I'm trying to figure out a way to deal with the crummy micro climate here, just outside ideal ranges in opposite directions. Without breaking the bank on a monthly basis to do so.
Yea as the plants go into a rest state they will close up. Usually within that first hour of lights out. I'm trying to figure out a way to deal with the crummy micro climate here, just outside ideal ranges in opposite directions. Without breaking the bank on a monthly basis to do so.
Nice, I am going to try this until I get the timing down. At least for now mitigate risk.
I'm was considering picking up some of the Alaska Fish naturals micro because it looks to not contain any nitrogen, which is my biggest complaint for the general hydroponic micro.
Just an FYI in case someone might be looking also.
I will likely just be switching to Jacks at normal strength though.

Because I got some great news from the wife...

Since I finally got hired, our mortgage co is being cool, and she did some side work feeding a friend's pets while gone I got some excellent news from my better half.
She told me yesterday that I can pick up my flood table, pump and fittings.

I will build the stand myself and find a tote for a res but I might have my flood table running sooner than expected so nice!

So I upotted only a couple and filled the cloner with Amnesia OG and am vegging up my number 5 plasma. I hope I can fit the number 10 in the corner and the others on the table. May need to keep it just off of the ground DTW into something just this cycle.

Life changing...
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