Pheno's Perpetual: Ocean Grown Dark Plasma, Other Top Shelf TBD, Breeding For THC-V

Everything is going good, sorry been lazy and the wife took time off for my birthday.

Harvested the plasma at day 56!

Well it says on the package 52 to 60 days and that was actually pushing it trichome wise for me in order to get it flushed out enough.

I'll tell you with no shame I have not smoked or grown or seen fire like this.

His and Her Grow tested out at 27 and 31 percent total THC with thiers two girls.

It might sound like I'm exaggerating but taking a bong hit makes me sweat like doing a dab, but I get the medicinal effect of smoking some indica...

That's pretty crazy to say the least.

I can't wait to get these other dark plasma in flower. They will be there in about a week.
I just been waiting to make sure that their roots are okay I have two that are in treatment for root rot... the fox farm expiriment. Yup, both fox farm buckets started dying on me. Not sure why but it's just like they're not getting the oxygen they need.
Logic says it's the wrong type of microbes overgrown in the medium.

I first thought broad or russet mites but thoroughly inspected, no shiny look etc.

Anyway I know that it's correct because after I've been treating with Z 7 and water they've been bouncing back and I thought for sure they were going to die. So yeah I have two plants that will be a little bit late to flower.

I'll get some pictures up tomorrow the wife goes back to work I go back to the job hunt and I'm itching to show some Plasma shots:)
Sorry guys I've been totally dropping the ball on this, looking for work or just being depressed, seems to happen when my girls are sick.
I Need to get moving so..

I have to come back today to the site and request a little bit of assistance if possible in diagnosing or identifying a pest.

So my main question is is it possible under the right conditions to see broad or russet mites with your eyes?
We have many pets, I do have a minimal IPM of 1x week neem in veg.
Didn't work this time, I missed a week, we went camping and I may have brought back the devil...

I've been looking at my scope for a quite a while and I couldn't figure out what's going on!!
Slow growth.
Thought root rot, and there was some hopeful we beat it, I confirmed the roots on number 7 and number 9 and then I killed the adults due to the weak roots. and then found the bug problem...

So actually it was bugs and I've been chasing pH swings, and what I thought might be Calcium deficiencies and finally I saw spherical eggs with my 60 x scope but they seem rather large for russet or broad. They are opaque or white.

I've seen two mites so far, spotted them by peripheral movement. One was on my black glove and the only reason I saw it was due to movement it was about the size of a pinhead but I could make out that it was a Mite in the way that it moved if that makes sense...
I saw another on my scope with the naked eye that was crawling and small enough to crawl into the LED light hole nook and cranny quickly and I lost It...
So, Before I start over completely from seed, need to identify.
So the problem is pictures okay... I'll get all the pictures I need together and get on the computer and get them uploaded ugh. We gotta fix that, it really takes a lot more motivation to go the PC route lol then to be able to upload while working in the garden...

I do have all as rooted clones in cups an isolated area that I have disenfected and I have treated the Clones with neem. None of them have ever showed any indication of an invitation or pests, always kept seperate and taken asap from seedlings... which is a good thing I just want to make sure I keep it that way.
oh nice I actually do have pictures of the a pictures of the mite and I wasn't sure if you could zoom in well enough but you can sort of so I'm going to upload the full file size and you'll be able to see what it is hopefully one of you guys can help me identify it?
so yeah just consider the picture as your naked eye.
I'll get it uploaded here in just a second let me get some coffee and some Dark Plasma.
Man those shots are horrible. I cannot seem to get a picture to do these justice...Apologies also for the pet hair I swear it's everywhere...

So if someone, anyone can assure me that this mite picture below is NOT a russet or broad mite due to it's size I would be grateful

I have disinfected clones in an area that should be ok proximity wise but am doing a whole sterilization.

I have 6 plants one week into 12/12 without any pistils or balls yet so I can safely's my hail mary for the flower tent...negative pressure...leaf strip/heavy defoiliation...spray 2 things if I'm quick enough before they start to bud.

If not...and it COULD be a russet mite, I will start over. Thank so much everyone for the assistance so far!\
I'm going to go ahead and record my perpetual update for this week 4/4/18, if you are reading this please read above about my pests and see if you could help? I'm locked in depression and confusion and running out of time before I cannot save my flower tent.

In Flower I have Dark Plasma Number 6, 8 and 10. Still not showing sex though number 8 is looking female possible pistils and number 10 is very male or hemp like and undesirable in structure. However I cannot think the current is a good indicator due to the environmental stresses.

7 and 9 I killed due to root rot/pests.

Some leaf damage on number 6 from the bugs...

All things considered, I am hoping the mites are kill-able and if not in flower that I can save my precious genetics...Jack Herer, Dark Plasma 5 (in cloner in office), 6,7,8,9,10. Both Jack Herer seeds and Amnesia OG are freebies but the Amnesia OG is special. Very vigorous and I want to keep her bad. That and the Jack Herer as I have been told it might be good medicine for my depression/biploar issues.
That’s spider mites, Broad/russet mites are almost microscopic. Broad mites will cause new growth to become twisted and extremely shiny like a plastic leaf. When I had broad mites there were no spots on any of the leaves.
That’s spider mites, Broad/russet mites are almost microscopic. Broad mites will cause new growth to become twisted and extremely shiny like a plastic leaf. When I had broad mites there were no spots on any of the leaves.
OMG thank you:) Even if by some fate I have a dual infestation for today you have helped. I am getting suited up and going to war in about 15 minutes lol.
Thanks so much PW. been reading SweetSue's Opiate page (the source of my depression and bipolar problems), She's given me hope and i'm glad to be back. Considering it's after 6PM and i'm not totally paralyzed by depression is awesome. expect long uncomfortable posts from here on out ;)
Sorry bro I have no experience ( thank God ) with mites. I've been lucky enough to avoid them.... that nug looks tasty
Thanks my friend! I've heard the saying 'there are those that have had and those that will' regarding pests so i was on the look out especially with the dogs but I just got too comfortable. I need to be better on the IPM and also go back to sealing that room up and biting the bullet and installing ventilation in the room.
Found a cool vacuum attachment for the dogs for our future camping trips as well, I'm considering using it on myself before I enter the grow, and put on a labcoat or other covering...I really don't know what is the proper level of paranoia for an indoor grower, I can be very messy or clean depending...

Also wondering though about Green Lacewings indoors as an added line of defense but will look into them more. It's really fascinating stuff. Its the larvae that are the predators! The adults eat flower nectar I think so I'm wondering if I can provide a flower for food if I can keep a live colony always on the hunt...
My worry is getting them off of the buds.
What do you got going on over there?
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