Pennywise Strikes Again

We used to hang out and get high in town. The deputy basically told us find a township road and pull off and no one would mess with us. We had fields where passers by couldn’t see us. We’d have a vehicle with a stereo cranked up and a frisbee or football. Good times.
Penny...circa 75 to 78...always had a frisbee in the car...tray for sifting seeds from the Columbian Gold and the real Red. Now play frisbee with my kids since they were old enough to toss. Our party spots were close to the high school...we went there most school lunch times to take a few bong hits...made 2nd half easy. Those state land special spots were The Clinch and The Buzzard Tree...dirt tracks in Michigan sand and pine trees...endless firewood and mosquitos.
ya i watch that movie Hills have eyes when i was a kid it took a long time not to be scared of the dark
Those are some of my favorite horror shows Along with wrong turn and Texas chainsaw massacre. Great flicks
Oh you mean LIKE the movie.... IT(original) SIR.... :rofl:

I was to young to read the book, but I was used to horror films by
1990 being 13.

My early memories(7-8 years old) are Gremlins, Aliens(Original is good, but I thought Aliens was the best), and I didn't mind those films. Poltergeist
really sticks out in my head or the Jason and Freddy films always. Heck, even watching Piranha, or Jaws at an early age, and that DAMN Candyman original in the early 90's sticks out for some reason(Mirrors :eek:). Pinhead Hellraiser always did it for me though, my style of horror.
I like the horror movies, they just don’t make them like used to though.
Try “The Devils Candy” my kind of twisted horror right there, and love the Rob Zombie movies as well but for a different reason.
Back before special effects became the norm a writers imagination was the truly scary part. Stephen Kings mind was a twisted place to be hanging out for 3 hours.
Nope, nothing better than finally watching The Shining when I got up the courage to as a young kid.
I went to a slumber party as a wee lad and saw this movie, stuck it out with my chums, but 5 decades later still refuse to put myself through that again.
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