Pennywise Strikes Again

Not everyone wants that 6-8 hours of trip packed into 4 minutes, but it’s perfect for an old stoner like me:hookah:
Salvia is another good one for that, straight up pulled into a different world. I used to buy some really good stuff at Hippie Gypsy in Tempe a decade ago. You definitely do not want to do it without a sitter to watch over you. I ended up walking outside my friends house once while in the trip. I thought I was headed to Narnia through a wardrobe, pushing through coats that turned into spruce trees (just like in the book). Hung out with the folks there for "years" before I could hear a voice calling my name (like someone screaming it but a mile away). It grew louder until I was floating and being pulled backwards through the trees and out the closet. I snapped to standing in my buddies doorway about to walk outside with him yelling at me to come back in.
Easier to make than shrooms (for me at least). A talk for another forum!
I would Love to learn how to make it. Maybe some day
If I was growing them I would microdose like 3-4 days out of the month.
I was thinking more often then that . Maybe 2 days a week or so
Salvia is another good one for that, straight up pulled into a different world. I used to buy some really good stuff at Hippie Gypsy in Tempe a decade ago. You definitely do not want to do it without a sitter to watch over you. I ended up walking outside my friends house once while in the trip. I thought I was headed to Narnia through a wardrobe, pushing through coats that turned into spruce trees (just like in the book). Hung out with the folks there for "years" before I could hear a voice calling my name (like someone screaming it but a mile away). It grew louder until I was floating and being pulled backwards through the trees and out the closet. I snapped to standing in my buddies doorway about to walk outside with him yelling at me to come back in.
Salvia is crazy stuff I have some 20x somewhere from years ago. I actually hope I don't find the stuff. It really does take you to another dimension.
Salvia is crazy stuff I have some 20x somewhere from years ago. I actually hope I don't find the stuff. It really does take you to another dimension.
That's what I had 20x and it was actually 20x. I had some friends buy some 40x stuff at a porn shop and it didn't do anything. They would sit and smoke bowls of it and not get nothing more than a little stoned feeling from it. With the real stuff you'd be lucky to get a second hit from a pinner before you were transported away unable to do anything but laugh. A butane torch/high heat is key for smoking it.
Salvia is another good one for that, straight up pulled into a different world. I used to buy some really good stuff at Hippie Gypsy in Tempe a decade ago. You definitely do not want to do it without a sitter to watch over you. I ended up walking outside my friends house once while in the trip. I thought I was headed to Narnia through a wardrobe, pushing through coats that turned into spruce trees (just like in the book). Hung out with the folks there for "years" before I could hear a voice calling my name (like someone screaming it but a mile away). It grew louder until I was floating and being pulled backwards through the trees and out the closet. I snapped to standing in my buddies doorway about to walk outside with him yelling at me to come back in.
I like to trip without a sitter which is a bit risky sounding - until I did it. It sounds really scary to some people until they do it. Luckily on DMT, if you do it right you CAN’T walk. I have started putting it into vape cartridges with PG rather than in my yocan, and I can stay in space for longer that way, not having to come all the way back to earth to reload the chamber. One of the best things besides the trip itself is how fast it’s metabolized, and you can literally go about your normal life about 20-30 min after.
I did saliva once without a sitter. Just got home from a night of drinking and said "why not" while laying in bed. As soon as I hit that one hitter my bed and legs stretched about a mile away and then I was gone, transported to a different dimension as Smokey put it. I was glad when I came back I was still laying in bed holding on to the one hitter and torch.

only ever did it with a sitter - well a couple lol.
don't know what we had, but it was a super acid hallucination and pixelated experience for everyone. just tried enough for short trips. wasn't anything anyone was interested in after.
Read up on it, tolerance builds really fast if you eat them frequently.

shroom tolerance builds by the second trip. good news is it leaves the system pretty quick. usually only a couple to 4 wks to get back to zero. i use to start ramping down by day 3 or so. which isn't real bad. pretty sure it drops off tox screens quicker than cannabis.

I’ve never done it but sounds like DMT.

DMT might be the active drug in salvia. it occurs in a bunch of plants.
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