Pennywise Strikes Again

Yeah from now on I will start in a 1 gallon and transplant into a five a gallon as it will make for an eaiser transplant when the time comes and I will only be doing it once. I don't mind transplanting as I like playing in the dirt but the less stress on the plants the better imo. I will use a lighter soil for germination and put higher nutrient dirt in the bottom 1/4 - a little less than 1/2 of the pot. I am sure I could use the soil I used from the start but I would hate tostunt or kill the seedling.

Have anyone used a light starter fertilizer in a seedling dirt?
Potters Gold in Solo cups...start feeding when you transplant. Water PH 6.5 with Superthrive the first 2 weeks...mist. Assumes you have germinated seeds to drop. My journals cover germination and a very low effort grow. Like mentioned here...pick a starting grow style, commit and adapt. Good luck.
No...I know it takes more skill. First grow was a robust hybrid. I would recommend starting With a easy to grow high yielder. Im not that patient and will find faster sativa forward strains..,might Have it growing now with my first auto.

My first grow is GG4 and CBD Mango Haze. I am not sure if it is an easy grow or not. So far the CBD MH is out growing the GG4. I had two each, one GG died and the other CBD MH is slow af but it is showing signs that it wants to live. I prefer sativa so I guess I am looking forward to some potentially difficult grows =]

I will start a journal, hopefully tomorrow.
Potters Gold in Solo cups...start feeding when you transplant. Water PH 6.5 with Superthrive the first 2 weeks...mist. Assumes you have germinated seeds to drop. My journals cover germination and a very low effort grow. Like mentioned here...pick a starting grow style, commit and adapt. Good luck.
I will def be looking into potters gold. I took a quick look, I like the ingridients so depending on price will decide when/if I buy it. I will be growing in soil or coco. Rn I am in coco but not exactly so I don't really know how to treat it lol. Baby Bu's potting soil if you want to take a look. Depending on how these grow I will probably stick with it as long as I can find it.
Bandaid Haze starting to flower

Damn pdubs the plants are looking great man its killing me not having my photos going. Its weird only having autos now well unless this mystery seed i planted outside in a 10gallon pot i found it had some left over promix in it n i cant remember how it exactly got there but i planted a seed i found in an old seed bag the bag had containers of autos in it so im guessing its an auto of some kind i jus dnt no what. But yea this is the Bluedream auto rosin i made from my BD auto leaves n alil trim i had.

Nice rosin, I need a cheap press myself

Mine has been kicking my ass. There’s some little, fine detail I’m missing somewhere. Talking with some local guys who also squish, so far we can’t figure it out. Either way, I smashed 15g of good bubble a week or two ago, and got back just over 1g. Not even 10%, and it should have been 60% or better. :(

Bottle tech, check. Temp (160), check. Pressure/time? Check.

I’ve been going by the dabpress “directions”, but returns are for shit. I get about average (10%) on cured flower, but that isn’t what I prefer to press.

Maybe the dabpress site is a bit off? Says to calculate your pressure at the plate by doing blah blah blah (math), and coming up with what you should read on the gauge. I think it may be too little pressure? Most people I see get it to the edge, just starting to press out the rosin, then start the timer and (slowly) increase to what looks like a good effort to apply more pressure.

Hell, I dunno. I’m gonna bug Grandpa in his squish thread later, maybe someone can figure out the weird quirk. If not, feck it. I’ll put it on craigslist and get a “source” extractor and a bottle of 200 proof. :rofl:

A buddy got a blasting rig recently, seems to do really well. Don’t really want to mess with butane though, makes me nervous I won’t get it fully purged.
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