Pennywise Does SOG Pheno Hunts Fall 2018

Thanks for the quick reply! it's not a true hydro grow it's a coco / perlite grow. if that matters.
Coco/perlite is a form of hydro! That would be like saying rockwool isn't true hydro

Anyways, good afternoon PW! I'm catching up at the moment

I've seen this debated before and it's somewhat of a fine line and matter of perspective. Some people only consider it to be hydro only if there are pumps and reservoirs involved. I would argue that it's "passive hydro" vs. "active hydro" and others would simply consider it a "soil-less mix". Are all soil-less mixes hydro? I don't know, I guess it's a matter of perspective! :laugh:
I've always looked at coco as passive hydro but I approach it much the same as dwc really. I'm keeping the coco moist/wet and feeding continuously with a reduced level of nutes.
I've seen this debated before and it's somewhat of a fine line and matter of perspective. Some people only consider it to be hydro only if there are pumps and reservoirs involved. I would argue that it's "passive hydro" vs. "active hydro" and others would simply consider it a "soil-less mix". Are all soil-less mixes hydro? I don't know, I guess it's a matter of perspective! :laugh:

I agree with the active vs passive take on things. The way I look at hydro is that when you are using an chemically inert medium (coco, perlite, rockwool) and the plants only get the nutrients that you supply it's hydro.
There are commercial products available (PM me if you want a link!) and, if you have any computer experience, you should look into Arduino which allows you to design your own. :Namaste:
Sounds like another slippery slope w/arduino! I’ll pm you though!
Mendel was brilliant but I guess there was only so much he could do given there technology available.

True he was spot on... was reading about his work and someone found some of his papers that he wrote and where he described a-sexual reproduction in his work on genetics with peas. I guess he didn't want to throw it all out and start over. At least he didn't burn the findings.

His findings are pretty close and hey, close enough. But then we have the mutations. No one seems to be able to figure out why mutations happen yet.
Should sorted out now tho with DNA research.

So, I would feel better about using hydro nutes in soil than using soil nutes in hydro!

I would also be concerned about the soil nutes

Great observations. :cool:

I'd be concerned in general that my worms are unhappy.

I ended up with 2 gnarly looking ladies. so many single leaves and lots of branches. really wondering what they'll look like in a few more weeks.

Single leaf plants?? Here's what mine look like after 100+ days (in flower) #neveragain but no hermies. Gonna be straight up fire tho. Interested to see what the dry weight is gonna be. I could grow a bunch of these, they are only 24" tall and nothing but big fatty cola.

Me to, I'll run them in the spring. 20+ weeks in flower is gonna be a long project.

Start popping now. Times a wast'in! :D

any advise on how deep to repot? should i keep the top level the same or bury deeper? i feel like if i bury the tall ones deeper they'll make more roots.

Cover the roots works. Can go as high up as you want. Trim off the 2 btm sets of true leaves while yer there. Will encourage some tallness and better air flow.

Lets see a pic of that plant with 3 leaf sets. Take a pic from directly on top of the plant, please. I wanna see the mutation. That's weed porn to some of us. Asking for a friend. :cool:

There are sensors that take RH and temps and even Co2, Bluetooth & programmable too. Was just looking at then on A-zon. Forget what they are called. from $15 to $100 bucks. I was interested for a few minutes. Bought a pair of pants instead!
Mendel was brilliant but I guess there was only so much he could do given there technology available. Mendel or Linnaeus? Wasn't Mendel a nazi ? hahahaha
I just got 10 Punta Rojo from Cannabiogen, that was super fast!
Oh No ! lmao
Me to, I'll run them in the spring. 20+ weeks in flower is gonna be a long project.
That is great news! :ganjamon:old school Rojo:ganjamon:
Sweet Keltics back !
Yup. the help from you all will speed up my learning and save so many lives in the process. THANKS!!!
Thank all you all too. You guy's are really the best here.
I love to help out here when I can, I learned everything I know from 420 so if I can help someone else out I’m all for it.✌️
The best folk's ever ? #420mag
GH Floral line up is the same price as the base AN MGB 3 part. It's the additives that drive the costs up.

I use their base and then their bud ignitor, big bud and overdrive. Ignitor and overdrive are only a couple of weeks and the beginning and end of flower so a bottle lasts for several grows. GH you still add the additives is a similar deal but it's easier to remove the nitrogen late in flower. The way their feed schedule is by varying the NPK's throughout the grow seems better suited to the full growth cycle on paper. I am trying them now in DWC.

I know it's the same price, but Flora trio is requires frequent ph'ing to maintain stability, no?
True he was spot on... was reading about his work and someone found some of his papers that he wrote and where he described a-sexual reproduction in his work on genetics with peas. I guess he didn't want to throw it all out and start over. At least he didn't burn the findings.

His findings are pretty close and hey, close enough. But then we have the mutations. No one seems to be able to figure out why mutations happen yet.
Should sorted out now tho with DNA research.

Great observations. :cool:

I'd be concerned in general that my worms are unhappy.

Single leaf plants?? Here's what mine look like after 100+ days (in flower) #neveragain but no hermies. Gonna be straight up fire tho. Interested to see what the dry weight is gonna be. I could grow a bunch of these, they are only 24" tall and nothing but big fatty cola.

Start popping now. Times a wast'in! :D

Cover the roots works. Can go as high up as you want. Trim off the 2 btm sets of true leaves while yer there. Will encourage some tallness and better air flow.

Lets see a pic of that plant with 3 leaf sets. Take a pic from directly on top of the plant, please. I wanna see the mutation. That's weed porn to some of us. Asking for a friend. :cool:

There are sensors that take RH and temps and even Co2, Bluetooth & programmable too. Was just looking at then on A-zon. Forget what they are called. from $15 to $100 bucks. I was interested for a few minutes. Bought a pair of pants instead!

I'll get a better one from the top at lights on.
True he was spot on... was reading about his work and someone found some of his papers that he wrote and where he described a-sexual reproduction in his work on genetics with peas. I guess he didn't want to throw it all out and start over. At least he didn't burn the findings.

His findings are pretty close and hey, close enough. But then we have the mutations. No one seems to be able to figure out why mutations happen yet.
Should sorted out now tho with DNA research.

Great observations. :cool:

I'd be concerned in general that my worms are unhappy.

Single leaf plants?? Here's what mine look like after 100+ days (in flower) #neveragain but no hermies. Gonna be straight up fire tho. Interested to see what the dry weight is gonna be. I could grow a bunch of these, they are only 24" tall and nothing but big fatty cola.

Start popping now. Times a wast'in! :D

Cover the roots works. Can go as high up as you want. Trim off the 2 btm sets of true leaves while yer there. Will encourage some tallness and better air flow.

Lets see a pic of that plant with 3 leaf sets. Take a pic from directly on top of the plant, please. I wanna see the mutation. That's weed porn to some of us. Asking for a friend. :cool:

There are sensors that take RH and temps and even Co2, Bluetooth & programmable too. Was just looking at then on A-zon. Forget what they are called. from $15 to $100 bucks. I was interested for a few minutes. Bought a pair of pants instead!

100 Days? omg. i'm ditching them asap LMAO. they're too ugly to look at for that long hahahaha.
Alright see Mendel and Mengele are different folks lol

"Infamous, Butcher, ANGEL OF DEATH!!!!"

sorry. SLAYER fan here lmao.
I'll get a better one from the top at lights on.

Here she is from the top. supposed to be Blueberry something or other. It looks god awful when it was smaller. I couldn't tell what the hell was going on with it til after a few more sets of leaves.
Sorry to ask so many questions on your journal thread.
But can anyone point me to a GH Flora Trio feeding schedule for coco? I dare not follow the directions on the bottle if i'm watering at least once a day. also using calmag plus.

would love to find a place to fit in the fox farm trio that i have left over. lots of it.
the reason i switched was because i ordered the regular instead of the hydro, so the grow big isn't safe to use in coco i guess?

the ec tester should be here in a few days : )

Late to the party but...

If you have access to Microsoft Excel, look at the top link in my signature for my Nute Calculation Spreadsheet. There is a tab Nitrogen Loading Calculator. Input the product name and N values of the products you are using and the quantity used. It will give you the Nitrogen Load of the mix. For everyday, Coco watering, you should be between 90 - 120 ppm of Nitrogen in your mix. 120 is the higher end and when your plant is feeding most, like the transition from grow to bloom. 90 is safer and what looks appropriate for your plants current size. Rather than just guessing at 1/4 strength or 1/2 stength of manufacturer suggestions, since all manufacturers differ, calculate it out. It should work regardless of who's nute lineup you are using.
I know it's the same price, but Flora trio is requires frequent ph'ing to maintain stability, no?

They all take a little adjusting to get them where you want the numbers to be. Even AN only corrects fully if you use the nutes full strength.

I use graduated cylinders to measure stuff so it's the same or real close every time. Once you dial it in as long as your source water doesn't change it's not that big of a deal.
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