Pennywise Does SOG Pheno Hunts Fall 2018

I agree. I use rain and wondered why certain things were happening. This run's going to be different.
I have to use RO water, my well water here on the northern prairies is sitting at 800 ppm, mostly cal, so using it with any added nutrients is just not going to work. I have been using advanced's nutrients products in peat#4 and haven't had any cal/mag issue's yet, but should I add some well water once in a while to prevent them?
I have to use RO water, my well water here on the northern prairies is sitting at 800 ppm, mostly cal, so using it with any added nutrients is just not going to work. I have been using advanced's nutrients products in peat#4 and haven't had any cal/mag issue's yet, but should I add some well water once in a while to prevent them?
YES! If using R/O you need to add Calcium and Magnesium back in since the R/O process strips them out. Cal-Mag would probably be better, but using your well water will likely be fine, just tougher to dose exact amounts. You can dilute with the R/O and check PPM's but how much of that is calcium, for example?
Thanks guys, so far I have had noticed no issue's with a cal/mag deficiency using AN products, and this is my 2nd run with them. When would a deficiency show up in the grow cycle? AN says their products are designed specifically for use with RO water, so I assume they have it addressed it somewhat in their nutes formula. I will add a bit of my very hard well water just to be sure once in a while. I found a lab report and it says that the well has 1868 tds by calc which is hugely different than the actual reading I get from my pen at 800.
Lab says (calcium 222mg/L, Mag 112 mg/L, bicarb 617mg/L, sodium 121 mg/L), and tests out at 1016 total hardness CaCO 3 (calc). I know our softener goes through 20 pounds of salt a week for our domestic wash water! When I used to grow with this kind of water and Vigaro! years ago, the dirt would turn white and eventually the plant would have to be flushed as it would kinda stop growing !
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