Pennywise Does SOG Pheno Hunts Fall 2018

I think you'll be just fine with the pollinations. Some strains take longer then others to develop (males) pollen sacks.
They look fantastic, how do you keep the pollen controlled? I would like to try breeding, but I think I would need it in a different building to feel confident I wouldn't screw up my production plants!
I move the males to a separate room and collect pollen when it's ready then I can selectively pollinate the females. Remember water will kill pollen so once the pollination has taken just spray with tap water to kill any stray pollen.
Ooo PW! your tent look amazing at the moment!! And I hope you don't mind if I respond to remystemple! I was a bit confused when he said he bought Advanced Nutrients grow & then went directly to GH Flora! I wish I had been here to mention the incredibly affordable, hassle-free Advanced Nutrients PH Perfect GMB! It's like $30 for the entire GMB which includes 1 liter of each (grow micro bloom) & I used it in my hydro grow AND the white widow I did in coco & got truly amazing results and never had to worry about PH!
Yup i agree with horti. I use ph perfect conniseur nutes versus the regular ph perfect. Cause it allows me more control of which nutrient i up and when i choose to. So u can better tailor a feeding schedule to the plants needs versus what the label tells u. But if ur jus starting out to get a few grows under ur belt n get used to how they work ph perfect are fine and also work wonderfully. Its so great not havn to adjust the ph lol. I do all my autos now in 5gal dwc buckets with clay pebbles as a medium. And i pull off anywhere from 1 to 3 zips off my autos. Even once i got over 4 which tht one turned out to be a super auto and went awhile but jeez she got big lol.

And penny i had a question if i use pollen from my devil's carnival which is a photo but a fast photo i believe its the devils C. from nis and canna. If i use tht on another devil's carnival clone will those seeds be turn out the same way u told me b4 with 50% photo and 25%auto and 25% fast or is it different since its a fast photo?
A supplement would be easier to control I would think.
Ok well im using the dynagro an havnt used the calmag at all. But im like almost half way threw flowering so if i started using it now wud it beef up the buds or what? Im wondering what does adding calmag actually do? Ive tried looking it up online but it jus keeps showing me how much to add or showing i got deffeciencys but nothing telling me what it actually does for the plant?
It should still have the auto gene in there somewhere, I'm sure a few autos will pop up at some point.

Ok thanx bro i was jus wondering since i collected a ton of pollen from my devil's carnival. And now thinking what i wana do with it lol. Im thinking making more devils C. Beans obviously but then maybe crossing it with a bluecheese photo an then my c4 or gorilla glue autos or maybe all 3 lol. But yea its a very exciting time around here im getting beans galore showing up on my pineapple express auto so another week maybe 2 an ill have two more auto crosses i made pineapple express x with c4 and then tangy auto x with pineapple express auto so cant wait for those. Im guna have to many strains to even run at once unless i did a complete run of autos then i mite have room 4 like 2 strains at once lol
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