Pennywise Does SOG Pheno Hunts Fall 2018

Dude, you're nowhere near in the same place! I remember helping you out with your first hydro grow. You tortured those plants! :rofl: You've come a LONG way since then! :welldone:
Lmao oh boy i remember those in my homade flood an drain :rofl::rofl: man those wimpy little plants where like a snoopy christmas special lol. But yea thanx man for the kind words.
Me to, I'll run them in the spring. 20+ weeks in flower is gonna be a long project.

Dam bro thts a long time like tht Malawi u ran awhile back lol. But shit she does look like a pretty one if u got the time n space. Or outdoors she would be a beast. Tht would be a fun run in an organic soil outdoor lol i wud dread the trim job tho haha. But still ive been lookn for a rare landrace like the Panama red tht i can add to the garden an this would cover the red an its from Colombia so is it a pheno of the panama red?
Ace Seeds has my curiosity tingling with their Oldtimer's Haze & Golden Tiger sativas and their Cherry Queen pure indica.
I just got 10 Punta Rojo from Cannabiogen, that was super fast!

That is great news! :ganjamon:old school Rojo:ganjamon:

do NOT put them back into flower until they start throwing at least 5-bladed leaves or you risk hermies! ;)

That is a good tip, I am doing a re veg now. I got no problem waiting for it to settle down nuthing but time.:surf:
I think they will be different chemovars, check out @ACE Seeds for Panama or Cannabiogen for Punta Rojo. Ace has tons of landrace strains.

Oh yea i forgot about ace they got a nice selection. Alil pricey but for some good landrace or rare beans i feel pricy can be worth it sometimes lol.

An whatever chemovar they end up im sure u will take them an do some wonderful things gud luck bro.
I can't order the advanced nutrients without paying $100 for shipping lol. I'm in northern canada some products don't like to ship here. but i was able to order general hydroponics trio. I'm sure it'll be a good enough sub for my first grow.
You can get it on amazon for 65$ 75$ to door with prime
Sorry to ask so many questions on your journal thread.
But can anyone point me to a GH Flora Trio feeding schedule for coco? I dare not follow the directions on the bottle if i'm watering at least once a day. also using calmag plus.

would love to find a place to fit in the fox farm trio that i have left over. lots of it.
the reason i switched was because i ordered the regular instead of the hydro, so the grow big isn't safe to use in coco i guess?

the ec tester should be here in a few days : )
Sorry to ask so many questions on your journal thread.
But can anyone point me to a GH Flora Trio feeding schedule for coco? I dare not follow the directions on the bottle if i'm watering at least once a day. also using calmag plus.

would love to find a place to fit in the fox farm trio that i have left over. lots of it.
the reason i switched was because i ordered the regular instead of the hydro, so the grow big isn't safe to use in coco i guess?

the ec tester should be here in a few days : )
I’d start at 1/4 dose the recommended and increase slowly as needed
Should be schedules online for GH Flora Trio, I agree with Joe that 1/4 strength of what the bottles state would be a safe place to start. Always remember that less is more in coco. Feeding to heavily will cause more issues than feeding to little. I typically start at 1/4 strength and seldom go over 1/2 strength. Manufacturers schedules are designed to use the maximum amount of nutrients that won't kill your plants over night. They're designed to maximize the manfucturers profits plain and simple.
Should be schedules online for GH Flora Trio, I agree with Joe that 1/4 strength of what the bottles state would be a safe place to start. Always remember that less is more in coco. Feeding to heavily will cause more issues than feeding to little. I typically start at 1/4 strength and seldom go over 1/2 strength. Manufacturers schedules are designed to use the maximum amount of nutrients that won't kill your plants over night. They're designed to maximize the manfucturers profits plain and simple.

Thanks a bunch. I think i've been reading too many "pro grower" blogs and really getting bogged down with info. This will allow me to just start with simplicity and work my way up to more complex strategies.
huge help to me : )
If you're watering that frequently, your likely keeping the medium too moist or need to up-pot!

I think it's a bit of both. I was trying to correct the pH of the medium over the last few days so was watering 2 times a day with lots of run off. just cut back to once per day.
seems like everything i pour in comes out. roots are screaming out the bottoms of the pots. just trying to decide if i should go to 1 gallon pots or skip to 3 gallon bags.
Always keep it simple, their shouldn't be too many complicated tasks at all. Give the plant what it needs, nothing more nothing less. Learn to read your plants and they will tell you what they need.
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