Pennywise Does SOG Pheno Hunts Fall 2018

I was reading that a (Cool, Dark Place) is sufficient provided it's dry and the seeds of course stay dry. And yes, I realize a fridge is a cool, dark place. :ciao:
I'll see if I can find the specific differences for you but, in general, the soil nutes rely on micro-organisms in the soil to first break down the nutrients into a form that's ingestible by the plants. Because these micro-organisms do not exist in a hydro setup, the nutrients are provided in a different format that makes them immediately available to the plants. So, I would feel better about using hydro nutes in soil than using soil nutes in hydro!

I would also be concerned about the soil nutes clogging pumps, etc.

Thanks for the quick reply! it's not a true hydro grow it's a coco / perlite grow. if that matters.
Hey all. i just realized that there's a fox farm grow big for hydro and i got the regular one.
Does anyone know what i should do? should i stop using it all together, or use less or more?
copied and pasted from another thread as it was suggested i ask here.


Unfortunately, FoxFarm doesn't list the ingredients on their website but I can see they have different guaranteed analyses. The GrowBig for soil is 6-4-4 and the GrowBig for Hydro is 3-2-2. At very minimum, I think you'd need to adjust the dosages.

That being said, I would try to stick with hydro nutes using hydro.

The soil nutes can also have bacteria that is fine in soil but can wreck havoc in hydro systems.

I hope that helps!
This guy who used to be on this site told me last year that scientists found human remains in a cave that were hundreds of years old. Along with the remains they found cannabis seeds too. According to him (not me) the seeds were still viable. Talk about a landrace!
Unfortunately, FoxFarm doesn't list the ingredients on their website but I can see they have different guaranteed analyses. The GrowBig for soil is 6-4-4 and the GrowBig for Hydro is 3-2-2. At very minimum, I think you'd need to adjust the dosages.

That being said, I would try to stick with hydro nutes using hydro.

The soil nutes can also have bacteria that is fine in soil but can wreck havoc in hydro systems.

I hope that helps!
Use half of what the directions call for at first and see how they react to it. Water/feed coco daily you never want coco to dry out.
Did you get them straight from CannaBiogen? Or did you get them from CannaBiogen through Seedsman or similar seed house?
Oh well tht kinda good to know i guess well atleast its not me messn sumthn up lol. Well i guess its jus dwn to makn seeds then. Then i wont have to take clones if i have a seed for every strain i like or wana do lol. Shit i already got like a little mini seedbank going on my top shelf in my cabinet. Well why not jus turn it into a garden cabinet and fill it with tons of strains seems like the logical move to me :rofl:

I ended up with 2 gnarly looking ladies. so many single leaves and lots of branches. really wondering what they'll look like in a few more weeks.

Unfortunately, FoxFarm doesn't list the ingredients on their website but I can see they have different guaranteed analyses. The GrowBig for soil is 6-4-4 and the GrowBig for Hydro is 3-2-2. At very minimum, I think you'd need to adjust the dosages.

That being said, I would try to stick with hydro nutes using hydro.

The soil nutes can also have bacteria that is fine in soil but can wreck havoc in hydro systems.

I hope that helps!

Thank you, very helpful : )
Keep them in your fridge or freezer for the long haul.

Oh i didnt know they wud last longer in the freezer. Well jeez now i really do need to get a small fridge for like college dorms or sumthn like tht size for my seeds and pollen an anything else i mite wana keep cold. Thanx for the heads up much appreciated brotha. So hows the garden coming alone today. Any sacs showing up yet? I got my devil's carnival starting to put out little beads and sacs starting to form so hopefully they fill up for me lol.
Looks like a reveg.

yeah i had a plant given to me so i just put it by the window, it was pretty to look at. when the summer started to end it started to flower. it took me a bit of time to get set up to take the clones. I chopped the whole little thing into 7 clones. 2 lived. they were cut on sept. 25 so i don't they they're in too bad of shape. they about 5 times bigger than when i cut them. they were all way too small lol.
I ended up with 2 gnarly looking ladies. so many single leaves and lots of branches. really wondering what they'll look like in a few more weeks.


Thts hpw my revegs always wud look like lol. Is that a clone taken during flower or did u reveg her?
I ended up with 2 gnarly looking ladies. so many single leaves and lots of branches. really wondering what they'll look like in a few more weeks.

Looks like a reveg.

The single bladed leaves are signs of a re-veg and/or signs of stress (they don't look stressed, so I'm sure it's a re-veg!). You want to get them under 18+ hours of light (I'd go with 24/0 on a re-veg!) and do NOT put them back into flower until they start throwing at least 5-bladed leaves or you risk hermies! ;)
Thts hpw my revegs always wud look like lol. Is that a clone taken during flower or did u reveg her?

cut it shortly after flowering started. had no ideas what i was doing. learning as i go : )
The single bladed leaves are signs of a re-veg and/or signs of stress (they don't look stressed, so I'm sure it's a re-veg!). You want to get them under 18+ hours of light (I'd go with 24/0 on a re-veg!) and do NOT put them back into flower until they start throwing at least 5-bladed leaves or you risk hermies! ;)

had it under 18 / 6 for about 4 weeks. it's made a few 3 fingered leaves so far. no 5's yet. i have other little seedlings that i'm gonna let them catch up so i have time to wait.
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