Pennywise Does SOG Pheno Hunts Fall 2018

Chem 91

Xmas Bud pollinated today
Blueberry pollinated today

Lookn great bro congrats. You always got such gud lookn plants i wish all of mine wud turn out looking like tht lol. Shit half or maybe alil mre then half end up all trained to different levels or if i cut them to try an even the canopy then its got branches popn out dam everywhere lol. Shit when i harvest the tree stump at the end looks like an old gnarld tree. Something you wud see in like a cartoon movie where they had the evil enchanted forest. You see all the deadish trees an tons of branches sticking out all over well thts what i end up with on alot of mine lol. But with seeds i end up doing good i dnt get why its jus my clones keep ending fukn nuts but they do. I guess it dnt really matter as long as they produce good but i wud like to get some better lookn plamts more often any ideas what i cud do differently to help this issue?
I'd try NOT to tell that to anyone outside this forum! :rofl:

Omg lmao i laughed so hard when i read ur post n i was like hmm wonder what tht reasponse was for. So i looked up an seen pws post tht u replied to. An i laughed so hard i squirted milk out my nose while eating some ceral an choked on the ceral laughn so hard. Dude to funny guys idk if its cuz of this smoke i got from a dispensary tht is called an i shit u not road goat its highwayman x. Golden goat lmao never heard of it but its pretty gud lil harsh imo but not to the point of oh man i dnt want this poo lol.
*Yikes, make sure there are breath mints and condom-ents. HAHAHAHAHA Does your dungeon feel left out? ;)

*Your plants are "rain forest" sexy, hahahahaha, this is really bud porn officially now. hahahaha
Hopefully the Xmas Bud and Chem give me lots of seed to play with.
Clones and monster crops tend to grow branchy and gnarly like that. It's not you it's the plants. Hey everyone needs a little monkey balls in their life!

All my cuttings taken were in week 3 of flower so I’ll have some monster crops coming down the line soon enough! Going to be training them pretty heavily to get the most out of them before flip again !

They are all looking great still and the ones in promix you can definitely tell are starting to root. Should be another few weeks and I’ll start to see some new growth!

Hope you are well penny !
I haven't checked EC for awhile but I'll check it for you when lights come on and I water. With Dynagro I don't use calmag in veg but I have to use it in flower. @newty
How do you like the Dynagro products? I have been using their Neem product exclusively after buying some sub par neem extract and am very happy.
Penny Chem91 looks good bro... how's the stink going?? You got the gas smell yet? I have a seedling going now and get a wiff every once in a while.

Wife was asking about the smell again.... had to show her and do and sniff and sniff test.
Not gas but smells like it.

I got some Purple monkey balls at a dispensary, loved the purple, got me HAF

Where did u get the seeds Joe, I think I still have a little nugget of it someplace

Yeah good stuff. Another strain that lasted 15 minutes. All my friends loved it. Great bag appeal too, nuggets with lots of colors. Trimmers dream too.

PMB - is SnowHigh gear.

Here's his description. Was spot on too, even finishing time was like 60 days. Was listed as a 8-9 week strain.

Purple Monkey Balls = (Sputnik 1.0 F2 x Black Russian x Acapulco Gold x C99)

A fast finishing, slightly purple to purple strain with floral clusters that form into large purple scrotal sacs, reminiscent of fecal throwing howler monkeys. Strong and potent, with good to super resin production, and a fast seller. Limited amount left and will not be reproduced in the near future. Plants are medium in height about 3 to 4 feet tall, descent branching but the colas grow into roundish floral clusters kind of like grapefruit but purple in color, easy to trim and great for growers who need a quick finishing strain which yields heavy.

If you're reversing using STS they will be all female, if you cross a photo with an auto the first generation will be all photo (F1) breed a female with a male sibling (F2) and you should get 50% Photo/25% Auto/ 25% fast. If you select a male and female from the (F2) they should produce 100% autos in the (F3) next generation.

This ^^^ is how I understand it to work. Must choose wisely AND it's a lot of work and we need a big space to grow them all out to do your selections.
It's hard work.

F1 traits are show the dominant traits, the F2 BEGIN to show some of the recessive genes. You choose from the F2 that show some of the recessive traits you are looking for. Cross them and you're getting closer. Gregor Mendel was one of the guys that figured this out.

Mendel actually found a-sexual reproduction in his work and tossed the subjects out as insignificant. How does a scientist do that?? Hasn't totally been figured out yet!
Hey all. i just realized that there's a fox farm grow big for hydro and i got the regular one.
Does anyone know what i should do? should i stop using it all together, or use less or more?
copied and pasted from another thread as it was suggested i ask here.

Hey all. i just realized that there's a fox farm grow big for hydro and i got the regular one.
Does anyone know what i should do? should i stop using it all together, or use less or more?
copied and pasted from another thread as it was suggested i ask here.


I'll see if I can find the specific differences for you but, in general, the soil nutes rely on micro-organisms in the soil to first break down the nutrients into a form that's ingestible by the plants. Because these micro-organisms do not exist in a hydro setup, the nutrients are provided in a different format that makes them immediately available to the plants. So, I would feel better about using hydro nutes in soil than using soil nutes in hydro!

I would also be concerned about the soil nutes clogging pumps, etc.
Mendel was brilliant but I guess there was only so much he could do given there technology available.
Mendel had probably just vaped when he threw it out! Don't blame the scientist.
Clones and monster crops tend to grow branchy and gnarly like that. It's not you it's the plants. Hey everyone needs a little monkey balls in their life!

Oh well tht kinda good to know i guess well atleast its not me messn sumthn up lol. Well i guess its jus dwn to makn seeds then. Then i wont have to take clones if i have a seed for every strain i like or wana do lol. Shit i already got like a little mini seedbank going on my top shelf in my cabinet. Well why not jus turn it into a garden cabinet and fill it with tons of strains seems like the logical move to me :rofl:
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