Pennywise Does SOG Pheno Hunts Fall 2018

Drive-by.... Last pic was great... But then I didnt read much... But I know they are good and happy.......
......... Keepem Green
If you're reversing using STS they will be all female, if you cross a photo with an auto the first generation will be all photo (F1) breed a female with a male sibling (F2) and you should get 50% Photo/25% Auto/ 25% fast. If you select a male and female from the (F2) they should produce 100% autos in the (F3) next generation.
Awesome bro tht literally answerd all my questions i had about breeding lol. Man its fukn difficult making a strain an then dialing it in. Specially wen u have limited space. Plus needing bud on hand so space needs to be saved for the normal girls, plus the ones im tryn to do for pollen. An then when the pollen is getting ready a spot to put her/him to finish up. So then it dnt hit the plants ur tryn not to breed with lol. Its a bitch sumtimes but so worth it in the long run. Even tho its tuff its still fun at the same time lmao. Growing is a love hate relationship with me i hate the work but i love to smoke it up and play with it so to me it beats getn street weed hands dwn. An idk maybe because i spoiled myself with getting any old strain i want sort of lol. Jus buy the dam bean n grow it myself plus then i no whats put into it. Now whenever i buy street weed im like good god what the shit is this. Cough cough die hack cough again lol. Its so harsh an usually dnt taste tht great lol. Ive been called a weed snob now tht ive started growing it myself lol.
Bobrown was kind of enough to bless me with this chance man still have s few of them left like three I think ✊

Dam u lucky dog well those i bet turn out nice his flower garden is always so colorful. He is the one who got me into organics and tryn to find pretty colored strains to get into my garden lol. One drive threw his journal an i was hooked getn anything i would need for a los grow lol. Well shit man gud luck hope they turn out some nice buds for ya.
Nice man

I noticed the same taco curled up kinda feeling dry crispy eh?

I moved my lights up a tad today see if it helps . We finally got shoots coming in my tent even off those smaller bomb seeds girls.
The perks of growing hey at least you got the sense buddy.
I personally like my winter runs for that reason. A bit dryer, maybe its me but it looks cool having a bit tacoed from heat frosty like snow... :) but ya keep em healthy
Pheno for root aphids try Monterary insect spray. I use it in my IPM. It covers most insect pests and can be used on the soil and sprayed (how I use it).

  • Spinosad treatments made to the soil control a number of soil-dwelling pests including root aphids. Monterey Garden Insect Spray contains spinosad and can be applied as a soil drench to all affected areas. Spinosad can be used in conjunction with Beauveria bassiana.

Spinosad is a bacteria and doesn't stick around so we have to apply every few days until the life cycle of pest in question is broken.

GL with them, I've only had them 1 time I think I dumped the soil out and started over. That was before I knew about spinosad.

Thanks buddy for the information and help.
Excellent! , so I will actually treat my veg area with that, add to ipm and start a physical barrier, a trap plant with a good cns pesticide (I will be responsible). I decided to not play around with this harvest and use a Bioadvanced systemic fruit and produce product ONLY on the current 5 in flower and none will be eaten.
After that the trap plant, nasturtiums, will be innoculated and present for the next indefinite period or until I haven't seen a bug in some months. They arent too bad in the upper pprtion but I believe I found the reason for such a laughable harvest last go...
For the next round, and mother plants etc all must be considered carefully now for treatment.
Neem, spinosad, all ok. Alcohol and water does wonders too.
We will soon be required to test and that stuff could come up a year from now on a clone for all I know. I will beat them back with a few things over these 3 weeks amd hooe for the best... Then its clean time.
Hey PW, your using 3ml each per gallon? What is your average ppm right now, since I’m on your time line:) I cut the cal mag off at flower, I wonder if I should put it back in the line up. I also just started using bud candy
Perfect!! That is lower than I thought!! Woop

I’m about to stop over feeding them a tad

My gut was already telling to lower it so thanks Pdawg! One more quick question, can you tell me what order you do your nutrients with the calmag?? TIA
Hey PW, your using 3ml each per gallon? What is your average ppm right now, since I’m on your time line:) I cut the cal mag off at flower, I wonder if I should put it back in the line up. I also just started using bud candy
Bud candy is good use for like week or two midflower I belive
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