Pennywise Does SOG Pheno Hunts Fall 2018

Fancy complexed sounding words lol

I am trying to pronounce pleonasm

Think we will use safe code word =pollen so other fine folks like myself don’t give themselves a hernia trying to pronounce it like I did this morning . Google helps too I guess but so hey do they have an audio file on that ? so we /I can actually know if I am saying it correctly lol?

Anyways good day to you I managed to stay away from the Media last night fairly well, pats self on back lol

Anyways real reason why I came here this morning is to just wish ya a merely great day today and to say good morning brotha. :passitleft:

Let’s go clones
Morning Joe, how was the party last night?
I survived lol we sat around most of night playing cards against humanity have you heard of it ?

I didn’t drink that much but my wife recorded me and then played it back last night and I heard me slurs m8. Like I was a drunk Johnny dep from pirates of the Caribbean :rofl:

That sober me up quick :bravo:

Just planted the purple monkey balls what you think of taps ? :passitleft:
I had to turn down one of the QB, I don't want to super crop this late if I don't have to.

When is the best time to do super cropping? Also pw when u ran the dyna gro nutes u jus used the pro-tekt and foilage pro right? And if so when it came to flower how much did u up the nutes to and shud i be using more of the foilage pro since it has more potassium in it? Im just wondering cause im running an auto right now in a 5 gal cloth pot. And im doing the dyna gro nutes an so far the buds are starting to fatten up some i notice with this pheno its leaning more towards the sativa side. So maybe its cause of tht an the frost will pop up more as it gets older. But so far the buds seem to be swelling alil more this last feeding but the frost stays the same. So do u have any helpful pointers. Im at about 2.5 to 3 tsp each foilage pro and pro-tekt per gal of water. Ive tried jumping bigger amounts but she starts to burn tips and when i tried to jus ignore it and move on she got burned up the sides of some leaves and really blotchy in a few others thankfully it was almost super big fan leaves tht i jus took off to open the smaller branches to the light an backed a bit off the nutes an so far so gud but i dnt wana up both nutes again an have such a drastic change happen specially since its a bad change lol. Any and all help wud greatly be appreciated brotha.
When is the best time to do super cropping? Also pw when u ran the dyna gro nutes u jus used the pro-tekt and foilage pro right? And if so when it came to flower how much did u up the nutes to and shud i be using more of the foilage pro since it has more potassium in it? Im just wondering cause im running an auto right now in a 5 gal cloth pot. And im doing the dyna gro nutes an so far the buds are starting to fatten up some i notice with this pheno its leaning more towards the sativa side. So maybe its cause of tht an the frost will pop up more as it gets older. But so far the buds seem to be swelling alil more this last feeding but the frost stays the same. So do u have any helpful pointers. Im at about 2.5 to 3 tsp each foilage pro and pro-tekt per gal of water. Ive tried jumping bigger amounts but she starts to burn tips and when i tried to jus ignore it and move on she got burned up the sides of some leaves and really blotchy in a few others thankfully it was almost super big fan leaves tht i jus took off to open the smaller branches to the light an backed a bit off the nutes an so far so gud but i dnt wana up both nutes again an have such a drastic change happen specially since its a bad change lol. Any and all help wud greatly be appreciated brotha.
I'm running 3 ml Foliage Pro and 3 ml Protekt, I also add 2ml calmag. Remember the Protekt is Potassium Silicate so it adds extra potassium. The calmag doesn't seem to be needed in veg but makes a difference in Flower.
You can supercrop anytime but I would rather do it before I flip them. That way they have time to recover and resume vertical growth.
Yup I’ve learned some of plants hated me trying to bend them over flower snap crackle pop just lost a half ounce lol
Ok time for an update 11-8-18 Day 26 Flower
These are the Chems

Here is the #7 Chem reversed showing pollen sacs
DJ Shorts Blueberry
'79 Xmas Bud

Dam brotha garden is looking stellar bro. Very nice on those chems they sure look to be coming along nicely. An congrats on the sacs hopefully they arent blanks an u get a nice stash of pollen. I noticed just the other day the devils carnival (from nis and canna) i am doing half of the plant for pollen an i noticed she is starting to revert now. Im using the sts u turned me on 2 awhile back. Well she/he was making a ton of lil bumpy beads on what i thought would be buds. But 2day i noticed they turned out 2 be little pollen sacs just starting out. So hopefully they arent blanks then ill be in for a real treat. A bunch of devil's carnival beans man whats not to love about that lol. It has such a potent high and medicinal value that i choose to make those seeds b4 i did master kush lol. But i might have lost my master kush strain when i uppoted my mother clone an forgot to feed her lol then got hit with a massive heat blast 98 degrees. An since i jus cant go out an buy more D.C. beans when i want an im out now i figured id better start tryn to make some beans again with this strain. I was super lucky and fortunate enough that sweetsue gifted me 2 beans on my bday an exact year ago the 3rd of this past September. Ive been cloning ever since. An since idk how long u can keep cloning clones b4 u lose any qualitys it has it was great the sts finally got her to revert for me. So since its a photo that has auto traits in it if i do like im doing will the seeds be female since the one the pollen came from is a female? Or will it be a mix of half photo an half auto or will it be photos but i gotta lock it in for them to stay fem photos idk how this all works lol sry for newbie questions but all the stuff i got wrote dwn in my breeding journal is for autos it seems lmao. So jus wondering what these devil's carn beans will be once they pop out?
If you're reversing using STS they will be all female, if you cross a photo with an auto the first generation will be all photo (F1) breed a female with a male sibling (F2) and you should get 50% Photo/25% Auto/ 25% fast. If you select a male and female from the (F2) they should produce 100% autos in the (F3) next generation.
Hey I got two out of three only a day in towel and taps already looking promising buddy . Great start to these genetics buddy purple monkey balls for the win.

Nice job bro congrats. Hey where did u get the purple monkey balls seeds i remember awhile lookn one time to get them but i cudnt find them or sumthn idk i cant remember what it was exactly but yea just wondering where u got em so i cud try an get some lol. The name isnt only jus great an funny but ive seen some other people run it b4 an it looked amazing. Well everything this guy does with organic is amazing he is the one who tought me how to do organic growing bobrown14 kills with the organic garden.
I don't get it?
Once you start breeding you have to select parents based on traits they possess and what traits you want to see in the offspring. Traits for photo or auto are pretty much straight forward.
Nice job bro congrats. Hey where did u get the purple monkey balls seeds i remember awhile lookn one time to get them but i cudnt find them or sumthn idk i cant remember what it was exactly but yea just wondering where u got em so i cud try an get some lol. The name isnt only jus great an funny but ive seen some other people run it b4 an it looked amazing. Well everything this guy does with organic is amazing he is the one who tought me how to do organic growing bobrown14 kills with the organic garden.
Bobrown was kind of enough to bless me with this chance man still have s few of them left like three I think ✊
I'm running 3 ml Foliage Pro and 3 ml Protekt, I also add 2ml calmag. Remember the Protekt is Potassium Silicate so it adds extra potassium. The calmag doesn't seem to be needed in veg but makes a difference in Flower.

Ok so ill try adding in some calmag. What will that help in flower will it make fatter or frostier buds? Wait a min i jus realized ur only doing 3 ml as in milliliters per gal im assuming cause ive been doing 2 ana half tsp of each so wud i maybe not need the calmag cause ive been doing such heavey feedings compared to u.
Just wondering since my plant dont have any issues to really speak of i mean she looks super healthy shit this is prolly my first one in awhile tht didnt have atleast sumthn wrong with her lol
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