Pennywise Does SOG Pheno Hunts Fall 2018

I quit drinking back in 2005, that was hard but tobacco is the hardest I think.

It’s the nicotine and habbit /routine bro in am sure a man with such a brilliant mind can surely find ways to occupy your thoughts .

Seriously man quit New Years I want to see you get those extra few years of life be nice to have you around is what I am saying .
Thanks Joe, I'm thinking of all the seeds I could have with the money I save! Lol
Exactly that too but your health should be number one brotha
Hey penny!

I’ve been missing the last few days so just catching up! Sorry to hear about the bank card what a PITA! Those nugs are looking gorgeous lovely and fat! Sure is a beautiful garden over here:circle-of-love:

I quit smoking in ‘08. I quit cold turkey because I refused to keep paying for the cigarettes after prices kept increasing. 13$/pack was getting crazy! If your in the mind state that you want to quit you will be successful at quitting ! It is hard for sure but being in the right mind state helps to motivate and push you through to success!

Best wishes in your journey to conquer smoking ! You can do it!

Hope your well pal and keep em green!
Im fight the same fight. Started as a kid.
But for the longevity of life. My dad died at 51 smoked his whole life Gramps died at 52 never touched a cigg. Shit im almost 40. What to do.
Yea same here really, I've lost family to smoking it's a hard decision for sure.
I remember for me, the strength came from the fact that I would die prematurely if I didn't quit! I love smoking cannabis and didn't want to cut my enjoyment short by dying. It was the will to live more than the draw of nicotine that made it for me. Hope that helps.
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