Pennywise Does SOG Pheno Hunts Fall 2018

...shit...musta' missed a page...missed the bank card stuff...That Sucks!...I'm ole skool and prefer cash, but missus h00k has got me into the habit of using our airline based CC...amazing how the air miles add up over the course of a year...I use the card, then come home and get on the puter and pay the day's charges...this digital age is convenient, but comes with a lot of caveat's...smokes eh!?...Ya' know we're a dying breed...;):rofl:......nobody's gonna' call me a quitter!...:oops::eek::rofl:...cheerz...h00k...:rollit::passitleft:...
PW, I quit smoking by buying a 2 boxes of Mr. Freeze freezies and it was cold enough to numb my gums, and chewy enough to bite on, and something to hold in my fingers, like a faux cigarette. Just sayin', would be nice to have you around longer. But you gotta do it when you're ready, nothing can be said to rock the boat, unless the Captain says so.

I'll be 62 this coming spring. I quit smoking cigarettes back in 2015 and I don't deny was tough. Thank goodness for sugarless hard candies. I still enjoyed smoking when I quit, but I felt it was time to put that $53.00 per carton in the bank. I've noticed a difference for the good as far as how I feel now that I quit. I smoked for so long that I cannot look negatively now at those that still smoke. But as with any drug, you have to want to quit for yourself if you want to stand a chance.
So true Beez... So true.....
Fighting with the food nibbling instead...
And have two e cigs.. Both failed on me...
Need to shake fever so I can open them up and repair...
I'll be 62 this coming spring. I quit smoking cigarettes back in 2015 and I don't deny was tough. Thank goodness for sugarless hard candies. I still enjoyed smoking when I quit, but I felt it was time to put that $53.00 per carton in the bank. I've noticed a difference for the good as far as how I feel now that I quit. I smoked for so long that I cannot look negatively now at those that still smoke. But as with any drug, you have to want to quit for yourself if you want to stand a chance.

I am 42 but and quit around 8 years ago. I did it through hypnosis therapy in concert with wanting to quit. It was still an effort but no cravings. Like you, I enjoyed smoking but didn’t like the money I was spending on It. I don’t judge. My wife smokes.
Sorry to hear about the card especially on your b day that just blows. The girls are looking great man that xmas bud girl is really knocked up! Sorry i missed your birthday hope other than the card thing it was a good one. Loved the Pennywise Farms pic it's stellar:slide:. Looking forward to your smoke reports on the chem and the xmas bud next year? :oops:,
nobody's gonna' call me a quitter!...

Are you planning on dying of old age? Let's face it, few of us dying-hard ( :rolleyes: ) cigarette smokers are going to manage that one. My paternal grandfather kind of did; technically, cancer took him, too - but I suppose if a person makes it into their 90s, Death just wanders in with a hat containing a bunch of pieces of paper and says, "Here, pick one."

Or we could hope to go out like Jimmy Bain, the former bassist for Rainbow and Dio. He was on one of Def Leppard's music cruise boat whatchmacallits when he died in his cabin the day before he was scheduled to perform. The ME determined that he died of lung cancer, but apparently the guy never knew he had it. I kind of wonder about that, though. I mean... it's one thing to be surprised by a diagnosis of lung cancer after going to the doctor to find out why you have a persistent cough and shortness of breath (although, even then...?). Still being clueless when you draw your final breath, though, that seems sort of like not realizing that you are in the midst of an attack of screaming diarrhea - if nothing else, the people standing beside you will tell you that you have it.

I might be eligible for what passes for my state's medical dole next year. If so, I'm strongly considering going to see what kind of (cancer-related) medical tests it'll cover. Although it might be, IDK, merely confirming a suspicion... kind of thing.

Hey, it's been a while since I've confused the innocents so:

Look at those soft clean hands.

Kokes, incognito? :hmmmm:
I'll have to look into different treatments because I really do want to quit.
You smoke tobacco yukky penny bad penny

You can quit it bro it’s a mind game and your the strongest man I’ve ever met mentally in my life .

I hid for two to three weeks from world nothing no social media no friends home and try to find something to fill in that space or try vaping e juice you can find the right e juice for you and unit then over time reduce the nicotine eventually stopping I quit smoking back in 11. Was at that time not on cigarettes but colts and captain black black cherry or sweets . Hard first few weeks but over about a month or two to be safe I even forgot I even smoked . It’s just power and being ready and confident penny you can do this I knwo it but again first step is be ready and wanting too.
Hiya PW,

Is there a way to muster enough self-dicipline to quit? Working on a positive frame of mind, eating healthy foods, lots of water, I quit (for 14 years) twice, and now working on the third 14 year stretch. It gets easier as you progress. I made up my mind to quit, played with the idea for awhile, then got serious. Seemed easy for me. Maybe I'm just an anomaly. Emphasis on getting serious. Hope you can find a way!!
Those resolutions are always broken, it is like... I'll start dieting on Monday...
First I need to be able to control my smoking. In the sence of.. How many a day do I smoke?
Then cut one cigarette, telling myself no to smoking one time a day...
I was down to 2 cig a day... So proud of myself.
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