Pennywise Does SOG Pheno Hunts Fall 2018

Never tried it. I'm mostly a flower guy
it's a dab style. it isn't as liquid tho. kind of looks like non liquid honey. the food not the dab lol.
if it gets cold enough and i have product i'll whip some up for interest sake and post a pic or two. global warming has kinda fracked it all up. need to leave it at -40 c or colder for a few days. my ex's outside farm cat got into it once somehow and slept for days. we didn't even know the thing was outside. thought it had frozen to death when we found it by the pan.
I purchased a cheap $50 convection style (metal) vape to see if it would satisfy before investing in the better ones.
It does what I needed it for, which was get me through work, but it left something to be desired.
Same with Dabs so I think it's a temperature thing.
Something in the temp...I hope to one day hit a vapor hit that makes me feel as if I did a real J-hit or bong hit and that's the one I will buy. Been looking at the desktops more though (gotta save them lungs) and while the Volcano gets mad reviews I hate the price and the idea of a bag.
The Vape Cloud Evo (edit VapeXhale or something VapeXhale Cloud EVO Vaporizer Review ⋆ Vaporizer Wizard ) would be my choice on the table and in my pocket that Solo II or a Divinci with all glass or even ceramic convection chambers would be perfect.
What are some others folks used?

For a desktop, I picked up an Arizer Extreme Q a few months back. Similar to a Volcano but you can do bags or a whip. I like it a lot and it's a hell of a lot cheaper than a Volcano.
For a desktop, I picked up an Arizer Extreme Q a few months back. Similar to a Volcano but you can do bags or a whip. I like it a lot and it's a hell of a lot cheaper than a Volcano.

I thought about getting the volcano but I thought the bags might be a hassle at times which is why I bought the Mighty. It's not something you are going to drag along with you with it's size and battery life but for a portable house vape it works well.

I went the route of cheaper units at first and I could not get them to work very well unless the flower was extremely dry. I hate to reccoomend people spend that much on a unit that they are not sure that they would even like but you kinda have to spend a little to get something with adjustable temperature and enough power. I was glad to hear Penny make that statement. Sounds like the Arizer's are a reasonably priced unit that performs well.
I thought about getting the volcano but I thought the bags might be a hassle at times which is why I bought the Mighty. It's not something you are going to drag along with you with it's size and battery life but for a portable house vape it works well.

I went the route of cheaper units at first and I could not get them to work very well unless the flower was extremely dry. I hate to reccoomend people spend that much on a unit that they are not sure that they would even like but you kinda have to spend a little to get something with adjustable temperature and enough power. I was glad to hear Penny make that statement. Sounds like the Arizer's are a reasonably priced unit that performs well.

The wife isn't a smoker so when she started using cannabis to wean off the opioids I got her a G Pen. Plastic tops would get brittle and crack from heat. The amount of vapor was minimal. Eventually replaced it with an original model DaVinci which she still primarily uses. More vapor than the G Pen and it's held up. Probably been 2 years since we got it. I wanted to try something that did bags (Arizer) which is now my preferred method. Denser, cooler vapor. It is a bit more work than her DaVinci which is why she still uses her portable. If she's gonna use the Arizer, she prefers the whip because she's less likely to consume a whole bag herself. It is nice that it has the flexibility to do both methods. I guess there is a battery pack you can get for the Arizer if you want to make it more portable, like for camping, but it's hardly something you're gonna slip in a pocket or use discreetly. Since we have another option for portable use, I didn't explore that route further.
Say what? lol
No tobacco /brown lol yuk I like my cannabis flower just the way it is . I heard they do it use tobacco to make it smoother for them but I think if it’s good weed and slow and cured right it should be plenty smooth .

But everyone has their own thing I get it .
I've used vapor brothers for my quick on the go vape, I have a volcano but haven't used it in ages.

Volcano was the original.. Lots of portables out there now that are great.

I'm finding ease of cleaning to be a main issue.

Right now I'm puffing on Xmax Starry gets me a real big hit like a joint when I have the temp set to 420F. Its pretty small too so can fit anywhere.

I like the vapes that have replaceable batteries. So I can swap out when needed.

I know myself though and would be too tempted to finish each sesh with a little bong hit as I do when I dab lol.

"Breakfast of Champions" MP :bong:

Never had any black hash but had some black tar opium. And bricks and bricks of blonde. Love that stuff. Man are we showing some age in this thread. Lol

We used to call that black tar opium "Opiated black hash" .. maybe it was black hash infused with opium. Good stuff.

Vapes are good, my go to any more. We used to haul a volcano around in a little red wagon when we were camping with friends. Made balloons and passed the whip. Couldn't get enough.
Hey Pennywise! How grows it? LMAO.
I figured I needed to get out and see what others are doing. I really need to step back and see how other grows are going sometimes.
It is real easy to get wrapped up in your own stuff and forget that there are great grows out there to watch.
This is true but sometimes it is okay to do you ya know .

Loupe that TTB by the way curing went opened her up the other day and bang kiwi a lemon background or something. Very interesting smell. Thanks again buddy .
The black tar opium is pretty much heroin
No thansk flower and shatter is plenty enough for me I would love to get my hands on shrooms though again lol. Once in awhile let it all go lol
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