Pennywise Does SOG Pheno Hunts Fall 2018

I want to head back to the hills too. Lisa says I want to relive my Boy Scout days. I had no argument with her whatsoever. I very much enjoyed my years as a Boy Scout.
An old friend of mine in Essex used to roll spliffs with tobacco and weed and it drove me nuts! Lol
Me too I’m all about give me green and no brown yuk but to each his own I guess lol
Mother Nature wouldn't give you an earful because you may have forgotten the bag of sweet potatoes when grocery shopping.
Lol yup Mother Nature tends to be more soothing.

Oh she can rear her nasty head when she wants to lol. Altho i do love country living more then city as 2 the privacy so i can grow my plants outdoor during the summer HAHAHA but seriously as long as i got a vehical im gud with the country. But yea penny y do u say the tiger will test my skills is she not an easy 2 grow plant? I looked her up online cause i cudnt find much discussion on growing her at ace there was alil bit but when i looked on leaffly every1 tht commented on tht strain said grew great and was excellent for cloning and running indoor so i guess i jus assumed it was a fairly easy one 2 grow or am i wrong?
Oh she can rear her nasty head when she wants to lol. Altho i do love country living more then city as 2 the privacy so i can grow my plants outdoor during the summer HAHAHA but seriously as long as i got a vehical im gud with the country. But yea penny y do u say the tiger will test my skills is she not an easy 2 grow plant? I looked her up online cause i cudnt find much discussion on growing her at ace there was alil bit but when i looked on leaffly every1 tht commented on tht strain said grew great and was excellent for cloning and running indoor so i guess i jus assumed it was a fairly easy one 2 grow or am i wrong?
She can get big fast, Flower time will be longer than most commercial strains.
Glad you found my latest, welcome Bro!
Thanks Pennywise! I was skipping around until last night saw the mod message lol.
Re: Blunts
I always thought it was a UK thing.
Do you mean rolling blunts with tobacco leaf or adding actual tobacco?
Both gross IMO.
In my hayday it was the early 90's and The Chronic album was released.
Somewhere around this time I think it became popular in the hip-hop community as rappers started rapping about rolling blunts and it hit Cali big right after medical.
While those of my generation (I'm in the last years of X) rarely did this unless termed a ...well a racially sensitive term for white people trying to be black.
People younger than I by just a year or two smoke these all the time and listen to rap and hip hop, whereas my crew were mainly gearhead rockers. I played guitar, had long hair and sold weed.
Nothing against it for you mind, but for me, I don't want to ruin that good tasting weed!!!,
I just think the two cultures go hand in hand.

Man we get discriminated against in the city bad here though.
I have to go in everyday now for my medical issue and got my life threatened yesterday by a huge black gangster dude that I called out for cutting in front of me and another white girl (it happens all the time with this guy, yesterday we were all locked out in the cold at 6AM and it was enough for me.
No weed left, body screaming fire... I called him out, told him to back the f up or I will.
last week I had enough on friday too and called him out, he flapped his gums and i'm not violent so when he did nothing, I went about my business. Not so sure now lol...I'll bring a pipe (Not that kind I wish right? make peice!) or something. Anyway,
My cousin Jason is a prominent member of a local black biker gang lol go figure, and they smoke blunts all the time. Well calling them a black gang is wrong, there are 3 white members.
Getting back to it, back then living in Arizona, where ppl like that are made fun of to no end... also where I did my 10 years and very racially political. So when we heard about the blunts we went and bought cigars, emptied them carefully and packed em with like a quarter ounce of weed. We could see this!!! Heck ya for parties!!!

Nope, we did it wrong, <facepalm> it's supposed to be sliced and used as a paper?? That's when I stepped off the blunt train forever:)

-sorry for the long story just my 10c
Country living is the best.
One time I saw a dude almost get beat up at a party. We had about five oz of killer bud broke up on a table. Fixing to roll a shit load of joints. This dude throws a whole pack of marboro red tobaco in the pile. We were pissed. Lols
You'll notice the plants color getting lighter as it uses up the nutes, shouldn't be to hard to time the added nutrients. @stoneotter
If someone rolled a J with tobacco we would have thought they were holding out on us, it was just not a thing.
Thanks I see a little something going on now. I'll watch them. With the up pot they should be ok for another week is what my thought is so I'll keep an eye out.
Who would think of mixing. Not me. I had to clean under the door engine seats in the trains in Boston to keep them from getting jammed up and catching fire from peoples trash. Empty cigar wrappers and cigar guts were always part of the crap along with needles and everything you could imagine. It's a thing for sure now but not for us.
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