PCaddict's Second Grow Featuring Budget LED, Growing Amnesia Fast & Sweet Tooth

Picture of my still air box and fan and controller
My Neville's Haze broke through and is now a baby seedling. I germinated the Panama Haze and put it in a 1 gallon pot so it should be breaking through, To the other side Lol. Then I will be receiving some Bandaid Haze cuttings to run along side the NH and the PH. Its going to be a Haze grow. I think I will use my 8x8 for the Satives I like so much and keep my tent for Hybrids and Indica's I have more head room in the 8x8. At least a foot higher so that will work better then my tent for Big tall growing Sativas
We’ll get those cuts out Monday
No hurry Penny. Its better that I am getting them after these are seedlings and have broken the surface of the soil. Like I say I need to harvest ALL at the same time and I think NH and PH flower longer so better that I start those later.
It is a room we put together. Made it out of foam backer board and foam board on the floor covered with plyboard and covered with panda film. I also put plywood on the bottom of the floor joist which is the celling of the basement so I can put I hooks anywhere I need them so I can hang things anywhere. I also gives me exactly 7 foot from the floor to the bottom of the lights. I have a little under 6 foot in my tent
Once the Bandaid Haze roots it’ll be ready to go under 11/13. The seed plants will have 6 weeks or more.
I am just going to put them under 11/13 all the way from the time they are seedlings on
We have a new addition to the family Panama Haze so now I have 1 Panama haze and 1 Neville's Haze that are little seedlings. I will be getting some cuttings from a fellow grower either this week or next
Looking on point PC
I really messed up with my coots Mix soil I am using. I was supposed to give it ground malt barley and never gave any. If I use it again I will make sure to do grind up and give some ground malt barley. The Leaf's on it is all burnt up and the buds are looking smaller on that one
A Fellow grower sent me a care package and hooked me up good on the special strain that I Love. I grew out the same strain (Gold Leaf) but I must not have gotten the same Pheno type because what I grew was a totally different buzz and I Love the buzz I get from his so much better then mine.
:circle-of-love::high-five: :yahoo: :high-five: :circle-of-love:
Looking great pcaddict! Penny is right, get em to the finish is what matters. What you learn from the experience is quite valuable. Ha ha, it helps having so many growers on 420 that know what they are doing.
Looking great pcaddict! Penny is right, get em to the finish is what matters. What you learn from the experience is quite valuable. Ha ha, it helps having so many growers on 420 that know what they are doing.
Man I would still be lost if I hadn't found this forum and gotten all the help I have gotten from members
That would be my way to go also.
I set my timer 1 notch short of 12/12. Idk if it’s a half hr or 15mins but it works and helps relieve my anxiety over inaccuracies. Would they flower the other way say 11hrs 45mins of dark?
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