PCaddict's Second Grow Featuring Budget LED, Growing Amnesia Fast & Sweet Tooth

Got really busy yesterday and the day before so I dropped my last Nevilles Haze and my last Panama Haze seed just a bit ago. I was also waiting for the holiday and all that out of the way and I want the plants to all finish at the same time and I am not sure how long it is going to take for the cuttings of BH to root so I am hoping with the starting times all close to the same they will finish together so I can use my grow area to dry in
It’s no longer limited to just “friends with weed” . Friends with plants make even better friends. :thumb:

Will you be starting a new journal for the hazes?
I had to start over , I screwed up my timer and it was on 24/7 for the better part of a week and the heat just built up to 93f and was cooking them so I have to scrap all of it and start over :(:confused::(

I just dropped my last Nevilles Haze seed and my last Panama Haze seed and I am waiting on some Bandaid Haze a buddy is sending me some cuts of , I hope I can get them to all root. If so that will be my line up and I am thinking I will start a new journal for them. Still working on the flowering girls in the mean time
I had to start over , I screwed up my timer and it was on 24/7 for the better part of a week and the heat just built up to 93f and was cooking them so I have to scrap all of it and start over :(:confused::(

I just dropped my last Nevilles Haze seed and my last Panama Haze seed and I am waiting on some Bandaid Haze a buddy is sending me some cuts of , I hope I can get them to all root. If so that will be my line up and I am thinking I will start a new journal for them. Still working on the flowering girls in the mean time
Oh wow man I am sorry to hear that dude. But you have friends that took real good care of you so your gonna be just fine man.

I’ll be on the lookout for your new journal and if you remember please do tag me. :passitleft:
Well my grow in the big 8x8 area is a wash. They got a double whammy, They got seeded from a dam auto that decided it wanted to be male and must have shoot his juice's all over. Every plant was starting to seed up. I also didn't remember how to set my timer all it has for switching to the timer function is on one side it says ON and the other side or setting isn't marked so I thought the ON position was on for the timer ............. BUT it wasn't so the lights were on 24/7 from the time I got the AC unit and it kicked the breaker I thought I had to have it switched to the On position so the plants were cut down and the main stims cut out along with the main stalk
Now I have to use bleach water and wipe the whole area down good
Plain water will kill pollen fast
So No bleach required ? That will be a Big help with my COPD. Fumes from the bleach wouldn't be good for my lungs and I already have enough problems with my breathing
I thought about that but I wouldn't have anywhere to grow her out. I just got SO aggravated about it all I took the big shares to all of them and cut them all down then I cut out the tap root from each one and pulled it out with the stock
I’m so lucky to have never had to deal with such monumental catastrophe. Those settings on your timer do sound confusing compared to how they could’ve labeled it/how mine are labeled. Mine are labeled outlet/timer
I tried a digital one. But everytime the power blinks ( a lot around here ) I lost all the settings. I stick with mechanical ones now
I use digital ones that work good and remember time after power outages, and I understand the directions to get it done. The only thing I don't like so much is it uses a 24 hour clock. Its downstairs working and i forget the brand, sorry. If you're interested I'll go look. Let me know. InTheShed put me onto it.
I use digital ones that work good and remember time after power outages, and I understand the directions to get it done. The only thing I don't like so much is it uses a 24 hour clock. Its downstairs working and i forget the brand, sorry. If you're interested I'll go look. Let me know. InTheShed put me onto it.
Thanks brother, but I'm going to stick with what I know. I do appreciate it tho :high-five:
The girls in the tent. How much longer would you say they have ?
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