PCaddict's Second Grow Featuring Budget LED, Growing Amnesia Fast & Sweet Tooth

Thanks for the kind thoughts and replies
Something did go right. My method of rooting clones is I put the cuttings in a water bottle and in 3 to 4 weeks I have a shit tone of roots. This has been in the bottle for 3 or 4 weeks now
You'll have to cut that cap off. I'd use old pair of trimmers if you have any.

Are you sure the other plants can't be revitalized?
Thanks Jim. I will cut the lid off with a pair of trimmers.
I think its cool as hell I can just stick a cutting in a water bottle sit it in my kitchen window and a few weeks later they have a $h^t load of roots.

I will start the clones a buddy is hooking me up with how ever Sticky and Penny tell me to . I really don't want to wait almost a month to get roots so I may use my Rapid Rooter plugs. If I get an extra cutting or two I will do those in the window
Shit sorry to hear, PC. What strain have you cloned there?
Its either Sweet Tooth or Amnesia Fast I don't remember which. Another buddy is sending me some Nevilles Haze cuttings and I hope he also sends me some Bandaid Haze. 4 Big plants and maybe a couple Autos in 5 gallon pots is all the I will have room for any more because I am going to train the out in place of up for a bit then I let them fill in so its like a bush and not a tree. With all those stakes to train them out takes up A Lot of room and makes it hard to work around the cause the stakes and mains from the plants. The 4 I have in there and the autos I don't have room for any more in 10 gallon pots
Oh man, I'm so sorry! The silver lining is you have wonderful friends and support. :love:
Thanks Hutch , I am really heart broken over it but like you said I have friends to help me out so I will start some clones. only good thing from this Fudge up is now I know how to set my timer and I have an AC unit, Gotta run another line down there for the AC
your going to bounce rite back youll see your still going to have a nice grow just delayed a little no problem you and i will be close together brother :)
Thanks Sticky. I know you were able to root those clones a buddy gave you so I am hoping they root for me. That's the only thing I am concerned about Then like you said I will just be a little delayed
no problem theyll root start a couple autos just in case you can fit them in somewhere if you end up with everything there usually small.
I have 3 autos going in there now I don't think the lights being on like that will hurt them. They seem to be doing fine
Hi PC, man I feel you. I don't run enough lights in my small tent to cook em but I've been treating my greenhouse plants with care as 110°F plus has been the norm for a bit and has cooked some a bit.
Nice to have more on the way though! Hang in there my friend. Stay stoned and stay stoned.
So a Buddy who is growing some Banaid Haze is sending 3 cuttings I am hoping to get two of the three to root. They all may root then I will grow those three and 1 Nevilles Haze because I only have 1 NH seed left. If I get them all three to root I will grow 3 of those if not I will grow either a K A5 Haze or my last Panama Haze. What ever I do they need to all finish at the same time because I will have to dry in my room I grow in. That's next on my list is to make a drying room. But that's going to take a bit to make room etc. so for now I am stuck with growing and drying in the same area
So a Buddy who is growing some Banaid Haze is sending 3 cuttings I am hoping to get two of the three to root. They all may root then I will grow those three and 1 Nevilles Haze because I only have 1 NH seed left. If I get them all three to root I will grow 3 of those if not I will grow either a K A5 Haze or my last Panama Haze. What ever I do they need to all finish at the same time because I will have to dry in my room I grow in. That's next on my list is to make a drying room. But that's going to take a bit to make room etc. so for now I am stuck with growing and drying in the same area
It’s no longer limited to just “friends with weed” . Friends with plants make even better friends. :thumb:

Will you be starting a new journal for the hazes?
Too bad about the mishap, PC. Clonastic cloning, though! :Rasta:
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