PCaddict's Second Grow Featuring Budget LED, Growing Amnesia Fast & Sweet Tooth

My tent is really a mess right now. I need to do some clean up in that tent. The plants have been doing a good job at self pruning but now I have all the dead leaf's laying around in and around the pots. You see so much more in pics then you do just looking at them
at least a couple of weeks... a good number of your pistils are still white and pointed straight out.... when you can find no more straight pistils... when they all have a kink in them and a good number of them have turned colors and are pulling back, then start your 2 week clock.
Thank you Emilya I should have picked you brain a little sooner in the grow. I wouldn't have all the yellowing and dying leaf's. Next LOS grow I do I will probably be asking for your help along the way. My SS has held up pretty good but the Coots Mix didn't have the same affects. It turned yellow early on and always had a light lime color to it.
Thank you Emilya I should have picked you brain a little sooner in the grow. I wouldn't have all the yellowing and dying leaf's. Next LOS grow I do I will probably be asking for your help along the way. My SS has held up pretty good but the Coots Mix didn't have the same affects. It turned yellow early on and always had a light lime color to it.
yes, I have been watching and wondering about the die off. The buds appear to be completing out though, so you got enough in there to get it done, even if not perfect. Give a shout anytime... I am always happy to help those who want it.
Hey PC and all. I was reading about Neville and found a vid over at greenhouse seeds. It's almost 15 minutes of growing their Nevilles Haze. Which one do we have? Anyway, it's fun to watch if you haven't already. That plant crazy! I'm rethinking how I'm going to grow her now I've seen how aggressive they can be. They'll be some bending, and I'm giving her the 3 x 3 privacy suite to spread out in. @Pennywise will it be worth it to top or is it going to be out of hand anyway? It's a 6 foot tent.
Its looking like the last Panama Haze isn't cracking so she may be a dud or a slow starter . I am going to give it more time. I have thought seeds were dudes in the past and they end up cracking so I have given them all to my buddy but I am going to give this one more time. I really want to run it along with Neville's because they have similar flowering times which is what I need because I have to dry in my grow space.
Good news the Panama Haze seed cracked and had a tiny tail so now to keep my fingers crossed they sprout and get through the seedling stage, Then I can breath easier. I really don't want to lose these . A good buddy is donating my a couple Band-Aid Haze cuttings so if I can get those to root that's what I will run along side my other 2 hazes, Panama and Neville's haze.
I think your issue with the coot plant is that coot soil was never meant to be water only. It requires a ground barley top dress every week starting 1 week before flower
I think your issue with the coot plant is that coot soil was never meant to be water only. It requires a ground barley top dress every week starting 1 week before flower
Thank You Chef. I have the Malted Barley and didn't use it so that's all on me. I wasn't sure on how or when to use it and my food processor is missing a part or I cant find it. I guess I could have used my Ninja mixer. I also didn't know how much to give either and I thought they would be fine without it. Next time I use my coots soil I will make sure I know what it will need when. I think I did read something about giving it once a week or between watering's.
If I was able, you know you would be getting a few more cuttings as well. I hope these next plants behave for you, and you’re unable to walk in your room soon enough!
I appreciate that Dutch. Yeah as big as the last ones got I think these will be monster's too. Not sure what the BH is going to grow like but brother Penney says they will get really Big too. With a slightly sooner flowering period so I hope the timing works out so that they all finish at the same time. I am thinking the Neville's is a 12 to 16 week flowering strain the Panama Haze is I think a 12 to 14 week flower and I think Penny said the Band-Aid Haze is a 12 week finisher so I need to root those when my NH and PH is two or three weeks old I will try to root the cuttings. Hopefully they are all within the harvest window at the same time because I also have to dry in that area too.
I use a quarter cup per 5 gallons of soil. So your 10 gallon pots would be a half cup. Just to clarify, that’s a half cup of barley measured out before you grind it. I grind mine in my ninja and it works great. You just grind it and scratch it in, then water. You’ll notice some good fungal growth the next day
I use a quarter cup per 5 gallons of soil. So your 10 gallon pots would be a half cup. Just to clarify, that’s a half cup of barley measured out before you grind it. I grind mine in my ninja and it works great. You just grind it and scratch it in, then water. You’ll notice some good fungal growth the next day
I have enough Coots mix I can use in my next grow so I am going to use it again and give the ground barley. I need to empty the cabinet the food processor is packed into with a tone of other stuff so I can grind it up. Thanks for the info Chef
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