PCaddict's Second Grow Featuring Budget LED, Growing Amnesia Fast & Sweet Tooth

Those are some cool quadlines you have going on. Is the yellow one in Sub's recipe?
Thank You. I am trying to get the NH and PH to grow out in place of growing up. I know when they finish they will probably be up into my lights so I am doing everything I can for now to keep it Wide not tall. I am going to have to stake it already to have tie down points. They are Way wider then my 10 gallon pots so I am going to have to be creative with my training. I have already SCed all of them but it hasn't slowed it down one bit

My girl in the pictures of the 5x5 tent is in Coots Mix the others are in SCSS and they are doing fine. I don't think it is liking the soil so from my experience I would have to say the Super Soil is out performing the Coots Mix. So far I have given plain water , Real Growers Recharge , Boggie brew AACT , and a top dressing of EWC and Kelp mill , and I watered with TP in-between the AACT and the top dressing . I am thinking of giving some ground Malt Barley with next watering. I hope it helps She is really getting yellow
Today's pictures.
I dont know why but on one of my PHs I super cropped a little too much I guess. They are not coming back up and it is on three mains so I am hoping they continue to grow. I didn't squeeze any harder on them so I am not sure what they are not recovering. I can tell the pinched part is all brown and dead looking. I guess the tips will just fall off in time
I dont know why but on one of my PHs I super cropped a little too much I guess. They are not coming back up and it is on three mains so I am hoping they continue to grow. I didn't squeeze any harder on them so I am not sure what they are not recovering. I can tell the pinched part is all brown and dead looking. I guess the tips will just fall off in time
a closer good pic and we could see what your talking about sometimes after i do a crop it can take them days before new growth gets going good again be patient
Hi PC, Penny. They are gonna be bushes! I hope all is well in your worlds. I've been supercropping my greenhouses and I have a hard time getting in the one here. The Durban is doing well but as you see, i have a thrip problem. Will they affect the buds on the Durban? I'm gonna be spraying the others with spinosad I guess. Any info on these pests and if they will noticeably affect the flowers? Thanks guys
Stay safe and stay stoned

Hey Fred, I don’t see where anyone gave you a specific answer to your question about dealing with thrips in flower.

You can use BTi (mosquito dunks) to combat thrips and gnats anytime. Its a bacteria that with kill them and some other pests but has no effect on animals, and being in a greenhouse, you won’t be killing off any bees.

Use it as a foliar spray to kill adults and a soil drench to kill the larvae.
Smart move, keep them growing the way you want them to go.
I need to lean the stakes out more to try to keep them as wide as I can before they start growing vertical and getting too tall
They are already growing vertical and getting taller., After my visit with my mom I may replace the stakes so I have something to get the plants wider
Only thing you can do if you need to keep them short.
I have 7 foot of head room but I don't think that will be enough with these Big ass girls. Like fitting 4 fat women in a VW bug. I am sure with those and my autos they will fill that 8x8 room out
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